Diary of the mentor ch22 Rival's to the end.

In the artificial district of Avgon, luacas stared in silence as Alicia torse collapsed onto the ground before breaking apart into tiny golden particles.

Her attack, a concentration beam of flames had also disappeared along with her, leaving luacs in a lone cleaved city with pathed clouds in the skies.

"I won!" He exclaimed as a burst of steam began emitting from his body.

He wasn't in the best of shapes, with his body filled with scars of Alicia making along with burn skin from crossing a threshold of speed he couldnt achieve yet.

His left shoulder was dripping with blood from Alicia slash and his chest area too had a slight shallow cut also dripping with blood.

His top was burn, leaving only his inner shirt which wasn't in the best of conditions either.

His state could be only described as miserable but after so many years of envy he couldn't help but be proud he finally defeated Alicia.

It took pretty much everything he had but he had done it.

Truth be told if that girl had taken him seriously from the start and fought with her normal moveset he knew the outcome would have been altered but she didn't.

Alicia understimated him and only took him serious at the very end, leading to her defeat.

"I'm so tired!"

Laying on the ground in exhaustion he observed the pathed clouds above him and sighed.

That girl was a monster both in personality and strenght. The sheer scale of what she had done couldn't even been mimicked by those in the third stage of awakening.

If her attack had been faster he would have lost in a painful way but he also had to admit even if that attack was slow it held so much power that if used correctly could be the ultimate trump card.

"I guess this will be my only victory against her." He mused and looked to his right where his crimson spear,Knave was beginning to crack.

"My first true weapon!" He remarked and place the spear on his chest before chosing his eyes and falling into a deep slumber.

One he wished he wouldn't wake up for a long time.



As luacs existed the white portal and took a step back into the real world Frey clapped, a proud smile nested on her face.

The boy was in a pitiful state but the result he achieved negated his appearance.

With his crisomon spear hunched over his shoulder he sighed and looked around.

"Where Alicia?"

He asked noticing his rival wasn't here to greet him.

Frey walking towards him give him a grim smile and replied," you attack messed her up a bit...so Ren has to rush her to the hospital!"

"Ok!" Luacs nobbed a hint of worry in his eyes.

He rememberimg slashing her into two but he had though since that wasn't in the real world she would die.

It seems he might have overestimated Frey abilities a bit too much.

"I thought you had it under control?"

"What's a fight without scars or stakes!"

"You you meant you could have prevented her injury!"

"Yes!" Frey nobbed.

"Then why didn't you....she you sister for..."


Frey pinched his lips and kept it close.


As he tried removing her hand from closing his lips Frey shock her head and remarked.

"You right, I could have prevented her injuries from transferring to the real world. Heck I could have eliminated you pain receivers if I wanted but I didn't because I wanted it to feel like a real fight to the death.

The injuries of battle, the lasting effects of violence. I wanted you two to feel it and grow through it. Compared to how you dice her in two, she would just gain a simple cut around her stomach but she will remember it. She will remember how you sliced her in two and how you killed her ones and my dear...she will grown from it."

Luacs finally tearing her hands of his lips sighed.

From what's she was saying she wanted both him and Alicia to think of their fight as real combat in contrast to their usual training session. By not removing their senses in her dimension she wanted them to experience the pain of battle and using the condition of death as an exist she wanted them to experience being at deaths door.

In short their battle now would facility their growth and make them ready for real time combat but...

"I know awakening my core was the objective but why was Ren excluded!"

He wasn't being spiteful or anything but he could help but think the Elf also needed it after all the three of them where all going to be thrust into real combat every soon.

"Oh Ren, he already experienced his before he came here."

"Really?" Lucas held his head finding it hard to believe.

"Yep! In the house of iris at the age of 14 all confirmed awakener children are sent into elsyuim for a week."

"Elsyuim?" Lucas questioned confused by the unfamiliar name.

Frey nobbed and replied," it function the same as my dimension but in contrast to mine it is filled with multiple class of cyptics each separated by five zone. With zone one where the newly awakener are sent housing grade one cpytic's whiles zone five the most dangerous housing legendary class cyptics!"

"What a fucked up custom!" The white haired vampire muttered in disgust feeling pity for all children that had to go through


"Hey dont go insulting a nobles family tradition!"

Smacking Lucas's in the head Frey instructed.

"Ouch!" Rubbing his head with a pained expression,Lucas groaned and looks up towards Frey who stared down with him with a stermed look in her eyes.

The height difference wasn't that much like the old days but even now luacs couldn't help but shriek back in fear as Frey give him those eyes and looked down at him.

It was a different kind of scary from the queen but it was scary neither.

"Customs and traditions no matter how shitty it's is are there for a reasons. Just like how the wolf clan only marriage those stronger than them or the moonlight sword dance practiced by the kitsuna clan you friend is from, so too does the elf sending their younling to survive in Elysium is of significance!"

"Significance of child murder!"he retored and attempted to leave but Frey pulled him back and continued her lecture.

"Who said anything about child murder!"she demanded eying in in astonishment.

"Dominant human's against cyptics equal death!"

Frey faced palmed in disappointment realizing luacs might had misunderstood her words.

"They are rescued before death and given a chance to challenge it again!" She decided to be straightforward.


Lucas realized he might have completely missed the mark exclaimed with a stiff smile.

On that day he learnt maybe the world wasn't as bad a he made it out to be.


"Go freshen up!" Frey finally done with lecturing luacs about the important of customs and traditions remarked before taking the cracked spear of his shoulder.

Lucas nobbed and just as he was about to leave, remember something important opting him to stop.

"Sis!" He called addressing Frey with a smile.

"Huh?"she muttered.

"Can you cut my hair?"

His requested called Frey to chuckled as she watched towards the steps and calmly sat on it.

Ones sitted she gestured for Lucas to come closer.

"Ok. Now turn around and loosen you hair for me!"

Lucas now directly infornt of her turned with his back now facing her and removed the tie keeping his hair in placing causing the bundle of long flowing white hair to fall down his back.

"Where you roleplaying rapunzel by chance?" Frey inquired grasping the end of his hair and gently brushing it upwards.

"I found you long hair beautiful so I tried emulating it!" He answered his expression slightly flustered.

"My hair!"she mused looking down as her long greyish hair.

She couldn't see anything beautiful about it but since it was a compliment she decided not to think to deep about it.

"Well thank you!" She chuckled again before looking for the right part of his hair to cut.

"Do you like it shoulder length or...".

"Medium is just fine!" Luacs interjected.

Frey nobbing in affirmation wielded mana on the tip of her right index finger before bringing it around the end of his hair nearing his shoulder length.

'This should be enough!" She muttered before swiftly slicing it.

In just one swift swipe Lucas ones long hair had been cut down to only lightly reaching his shoulder.


Satisfied with her works Frey grinned, taking out her phone from her phone and setting it to camera.

Lucas also seemed satisfied as he examined his reflection in the photo app now set to self portrait or as Frey was familiar with selfie.

"Very nice."

Holding his head up high, the vampire grinned in satisfaction.

As he had suspected he looked much better with short hair and never in his life was he going for that kind of hairstyle ever again.

Placing the remiant of luacs's hair to the side Frey angled the phone right above luacs face to display both him and her at his back and took a picture.

The sudden click coming from the phone surprised Lucas a bit but one she saw the picture he laughed.

"Send that to me later...."he prepared to leave but paused one again choosing to finish his words,"...also let take another one with the others ones they returned."

Frey give him a thumps up and watched as luacs walked back into the mansion with a much causal atmosphere around him.

"Another growth is definitely appreciated!"

She muttered returning her gaze to the photo she had just taken with the vampire.