Diary of the mentor ch23 prelude to Bureau pt1.

Vampires where creatures of the night and as Lucas walked through the serene bright corridor of the hospital he couldn't help but agree.

It was night evident by the thick darkness display through the window of the corridor.

With his piercing gaze he could see the distance urban sight beaming with life as usually.

His frequent city gazing with his master had made the sight both fansticing and nostigic.

Just staring at the cityscape outside the window filled him with so much intense emotion he wished he could stand still and observed it throughout the night but before that he had someone he needed to visit.

So averting his gaze from the corridor window he strolled foward until he arrived at his destination.

"Room 7!" He muttered bringing his unstreched palm at the door knob of the room and gently grasping it.

His body suddenly tensed as he felt his finger brushed the metallic door handle.

His mind suddenly flashed back to the image of her falling torse.

It was a pretty traumatic sight to say the least.

Shaking his head to ease that though he twisted the door knob and walked enough.

"Nice cut!"

As he walked enough he heard Alicia currently in a hospital grown with her back resting against the hospital bed muttered.

Beside her sat Ren busy slicing apple into pieces for her to chew.

"You look miserable!" He remarked and walked towards her.

Pity, miserable those where the words he would describe her as.

Multiple bandages coiled around her arms and someone on her shoulder.

Her torse and feets where covered by a cloth but he could tell they to where no excluded. Honestly only her face and the back of where right hand where a blood drip was connected was excluded from bandaging.

Her face pale from blood lost seemed indifferent to her appearance as Lucas approached her.

Talking the chair opposite to Ren he sighed.

"Want some?" The handsome elf inquired.

"Nahhhh!..I'm good!" He shook his head.

The elf nobbed and countuined skillfully cutting another apple into pieces for Alicia.

Lucas examined his movements for a bit before turning towards Alicia.

"How you feeling?" He asked in tone soft but filled with worry.

"Could have been worse!" She replied with a smile causing Lucas to sigh.

What could be worse that been splited from you torse was what he was thinking but as the prepetrator of such incident he choose not to speak out his thought.

"By the way..." Alicia turned to him a rare irritated look in her eyes,"....if you feeling guilty stop..."

"No I'm not...."

"Shhhh!...."she stopped him and placed her bandages right hand on his shoulder.

".... just so you know I wouldn't have hesitated in dicing you apart to win. So I don't need you guilt or pity."

Luacs give her a sterned look and sighed again, choosing to leave the matter alone.

"So what did you think of our final clash!"

He remarked in excitement.

"Indra was it..." Alicia replied placing her hand on her chin.

"That name sounds familiar!"

"Well...I read of it in a popular webnovel. It sounded cool so I named my variation after it!"Scratchings his hair in embrassment he replied.

The moonlight sword, practiced by seighart family and the kistune clan had two form.

The sword stance posture and the swordstyle posture.

Under this where the normal form and variation forms. In simple terms the variation forms where attacks enhanced solely by attributes like Lucas Indra attack which was solely agruement by his lightning attribute.

"Indra was also the name of the god of war,rain and thunder in Hindu mythos!" Ren interjected handling Alicia another piece of apple.


"Yes...Hindu or Hinduism,it was a religion practiced by some parts of Asia in the old civilization."

"You offerly knowledgeable!"Lucas remarked relaxing in his chair.

"Well..."Ren paused a distance look in his eyes.

For a few seconds he sat there motion with the knife in his grasp before finally continuing.

"...my sister ones was a drifter, you know awakening who venture outside the Alliance continent for expedition."

Luacs nobbed whiles Alicia who seemed bored relaxed her head on the pillow.

As she went in with her antics Ren countuined,"she would often return from her expedition with artifact from ruin cities. This artifact could range from here historical books or even the previous model of phones."

"I never knew the elven queen had such a rad past. Extremely noticed!" Lucas said with a smile.

"Yeah.." Ren smiled a bitter expression evident on his face,"..she was rad one's!"

"Sister issues!" Alicia whispered.

Luacs nobbed realizing the three of them had more in common than he thought.


Just as luacs suspected Alicia condition was pretty bad so the doctors requested she spent the night at the hospital so ones her visiting hours where over, he and Ren where kicked out of her room.

He was hesitant and refused to leave but the doctor being a formal Awakener effortlesly throw him out.

Lucas feeling his pride had been trashed by losing to a doctor tried going for another round but he lost and hadleave the hospital with a banned letter.

"Those fuckers banned me!"

Walking down the streets with Ren, he couldn't help but remark in disbelief.

"Well you where disturbing the patient..."

'But they fucking banned me!"

"It's just a day. " Ren retorted," stop being overdramatic."

The vampire perhaps agreeing with him sighed and kept his mouth shut.

Before long the duo silently strolled the slight crowded streets of district seven.

Cyptic season was almost near, so he had least expected a bit of vigilance from the civilians but seeing them so carefreely wandering the city streets exception at this time of the night made him a bit worried.

Sure a tracsndents lives in this district but still, even if a transcendant could detect cyptic activities in the span of time it took them to arrive at the very least a life would have been lost.

From elfhiem to Agvon, no matter where he went hewas always so this sight.

Had they grown numbed to danger or was it just him being paranoid from his experience in elsyuim.

In the cpytic infested dimension know as elsyuim, carelessness meant death but this wans't Elysium,it was the real world.

A world also infested by cpytic and as long as cyptic so much as existed, one should never lose guard.

As he reinforced that mindset, he noticed or ranther felt a change in the atmosphere.

He felt killing intent, the kind of killing intent that could only be noticed by someone like him who had spent a whole week in a cyptic nest.

Someone like him who had been exposed to their malice throughout his stay in elsyuim and ones that killing intent was reveal to him, he stopped as his gaze grew sharper piercing the distance.

"What wrong?"

Ignoring luacs who seemed confused by his sudden changed he stared ahead.

His gaze first landed on a mother and her child strolling ahead on him, he ignored it and turned to the area beside them.

It was an alleyway, an alleyway the displayed an enormous claw hand they stretch towards the unsuspecting family.

His eyes widend.


As the first to notice he was as first to act as he enfused his feets with mana and shot towards the woman's and the child.

With inhumans speed he arrived before the claws hand could graps them, then quickily grabbing the mother and her daughter by the waist tucking under.

Right as he did the thick and vicious claws that could crashed and shred a human into pieces sweeped over their head digging into the wall of the building right beside them and tore through it like butter.

For a moment the seem seem to grow silent with the only sound audioable being the tearing of the cement building right beside him and the family pair.

"Keep calm..."

He instructed to the pair noticing the two where about to burst into a scream.

Tightly his grip on them dashed foward and turned his head.

"Run!" He instructed again losing his grip on them.

The mother who seem to realized the weight of the situation rapidly nobbed and took her child.

As he watched them them leave, his scanned his surroundings and screamed.


His voice amplified with mana resoanted within the vicinity prompting anyone who had just witness the sight to flee.

"Surprisely organize!" He mused and manifested a green bow in his hand.

"I'm sorry I have to use you in this state Ambrosia.." he muttered slowly carcass the ordinary green bow in his hands.

"..but as you said it better not to get greedy!"

Using his nature attribute he weaved a wooden arrow in his right palm, and place it in his bow string then raising of the ground he rushed towards luacs, the only individual that had chosen to remain.

Of course he passed the alleyway and unleashed the wooden arrowhead straight in there.

He didn't bother locking in to see if his attack had landed for not, it didn't matter not now.

"Cyptic!" He shouted reaching the vampire.

Luacs not in his right state of mind nobbed as his eyes slowly trailed towards the enormous claw hand slowly retracting back into the alleyway.

"Cyptic...." Luacs muttered as he left a loud stomp approaching from the alleyway.


His eyes diluted as he realized the scale of his situation.

"Keep calm.."Ren said trying to comfort him.

"It's been five seconds!" He added.

His word's might sound vague but he knew the vampire would it.

"Spear!" Luacs who had regained his composure demanded.

Weaving a wooden spear through his attribute he passed it to luacs and the two took a battle stance waiting for the alley dweller to reveal itself.