Diary of the mentor ch24 Prelude to Bureau pt2.


Another enormous claw hand, quicker than the previous one dugged into the building opposite the alleyway as a grotesque hairy beasts, wolf like in shape and towering over fifteen feet revealed itself out of the alley way.

It's body claded in bright raven coloured fur shimmered underneath the moonlight whiles its scarlet bright pupils glowed with an intense malice.

The wolf that stood on two pair of skinny legs branches inwards gritted its monstrous animalistic teeths as drool began to drip out of its mouth.

"Were-wolf!" Lucas muttered grasping the green wooden spear in his grasp.

"A devil class!"

"Yes...so avoid getting scratched by it...no as a matter of fact didn't let it touch you."

Ren relatively composured as compared to luacs, positioned his bow sideways as two arrows manifested in its bow strings.

"I'll distract it...you hinder its movements!"


"I know..."he interjected.

"But..."He gritted his teeths as he pulled his bow strings back.

"...we can't leave that think lose in the city."

"So we stall it?" Lucas asked in confirmation as he crounch and got ready to pounce onto the Were-wolf.

"Yes!" Ren answered his gaze shraping to the limit.

The wolf perhaps fascinated by their resilience smirk exposings his sharp fangs dripping with saliva.

"3...." Ren counted taking aim.

"2...." Violet lightning began to surge around luacs.


With his aim now set, Ren whispered and unleashed his grip on the Bow strings.

Within the span of a second the arrow shot towards the were wolf, Lucas tensed his calf and lunged forward chasing the arrow with blinding speed.

The werewolf watched all of this with a bored look in its eyes as its muscles began to bulge. With its fights now pulsing with powers it sweeped its arms to intercept the two arrows and its successfully easily crashing them with a claw swipe but within the seconds it used to deal with the arrows luacs's figure turned into a violet blur as he shot underneath the humiond wolf's arm and and delivered a fatal stabbed straight into its left leg.

His wooden spear broke into wooden fragments up on impact but his piercing strike wasn't useless as the furry beats let out a pained growl before thrusting its left knee fowards but by then luacs had longed dashed passed it.

"As expected of a devil class. Their durability is no joke!"

Grieving over the lost of his weapon he mused and threw a look pass the were wolf and towards Ren, who had taken aim again.

The elven archer seem to be in trance as he shot numerous arrowhead onto the canine with masterful marksmanship.

"Insect!" The canine capability of speak, growled in annoyance and crounched on all full as his gazed looked on the archer.

"No you wouldn't!"

Picking up fragments of his wooden spear,he infused them with mana and launched them towards the wolf, who dodged them with swiftness before twisted its massive body and turning towards him.

Lucas having prepared for this kept his eye on the beast's claws as they where launched towards him.

Using the footwork,his kitsuna friend had taught him during his trip in Hosu years back,his skillfully weaved his way through the torment of claw attacks but compared to his fight with Alicia he didn't counterattack.

He knew when to be confident and not and this was one of those moments.

As he ducked underneath one of the beast's claws strike an arrow tore through the wind and stabbed it form behind, the wolf paid it little need as it continued it's s unslaught of attacks amimg to rip him apart.

"It's malice is evident but..."

Jumping over one of the beast's claws luacs began to examinig the behavior pattern's of the cpytic.

A fact is know that cpytic enjoying feasting on flesh even those of their kind but this wolf was acting a bit strange.

For staters a normal cpytic behavior upon manifesting in a populated place like this would be to wreak havoc. It didn't matter if they where awakener after its, this creature will always aim to killing and destroy as many as they could before their defeat but this wolf was different.

The moment Ren took it's prey from it, it give its attention to him and after he had stabbed it he now earned it's attention.

Instead of choosing to fight it instead opted to kill its attackers.

Wolf type cyptics like Fenrir a mythical class threat where know to follow a different behavior pattern but this cpytic shouldn't be an anomaly.

It was just an ordinary were wolf, creatures know for their huffy apprentice so why was this one only focusing on them instead of the fleeing civilian's.

As he tried connecting the dots of the wolf anonymous behavior the cpytic changed its stance opening it's maw and poucing on him.


The creature was now trying to use its enormous build to overwhelm him but within the moment the creatures foots left the ground to pounce of the young vampire.

A thick vine,shot towards its right feets and wrapping around it's feets and yanked it back.

The sudden force strained its already wounded and pulled the cpytic back.

The creature as an act of resistance plunged it's silver claws deep into the ground to avoid being dragged back but that action let him open.

Open enough for luacs to retaliate.

Infusing his whole arm in lightning he rushed towards the wolf, then swiftly brought down his elbow straight into its maw.

He head a growl and noticed the wolf try to retract his crawl from the ground but his decided to be greedy and retrieving the final fragments of his wooden spear before stabbing it deep into the wolf's right eye.

An ear piercing howl resonated within the streets and Lucas quickily jumped over the wolf head avoiding the claw strike of the furry beast.

Gracefully landing behind the beast he rushed towards Ren who was unloading a new pair of arrows into his bow strings.

The blonde haired archer quickly glanced at luacs and declared," Have you noticed!"

Lucas nobbed.

"It's feel inferior!" His violet eyes shimmered with killing intent a he calmly observed the wolf break free from the vines tighten its right leg and rose up.

It's silence was unnerving especially with its back turned to them completely keeping it's expression hided.

As the duo observed the enormous from of the cpytic which seem to be panting a singular through tanned across their mind. This situation wasn't normal.

A devil has manifested within the city.

A devil was not the highest in terms of destructive power but it had the ability to create minions.This abilities of their manifested the mindset of wanting to propagate.

A typical strategic of this cyptics was to form a legion before engaging in direct combat but this was wans't doing that.

Looking back Ren realised something else, back when the creature was trying to grab the family pair, he felt the creature would have achieve it's goal faster had it only gone for the child who was nearest to its grasp.

A werewolf especially an alpha type would have opted to only capture the child the moment it manifested and flee to build it's legion but this ine hadn't done that as it was directly trying to gain attention.

"Is this one of Frey's test!" Lucas suggested his tone cold but his eyes displaying anger.

Whiles he suggestion was a possibility Ren didn't think Frey would directly harm civilians to initiate a test but no matter how hard he tried to keep Frey out of this he also knew her being a transcendant she would have arrived the moment the cpytic manifested.

While transcendants weren't the first line of defence a city had against cpytic, this was a district seven,Frey's own home.

"For now let leave that as just a suggestion."

Passing another wooden spear to luacs, Ren remarked.

"I hope you-"

Carelessness was defeat, the duo of a vampire and elf where made to bare witness as their emotions overwhelm them and that was all it took to change the tide of the battle.

Right before the vampire could fully utter his words, the figure wolf that had been panting distances from the blur and disappeared.

"Huh?" The first thing luacs saw after the wolf disappeared where a pack of silver sharpen beast's claws sweeping fowards his neck among to rip his head of.


The blonde eyes face twisted into an expression of horror as he lunged fowards and tried pushing the vampire of the path way of the claws but...