Chapter 38 – Chimeras experiment – Type Parts and Type Construct.

Well, I did struggle a lot to beat the boss.

But I did beat it alone, meaning I wasn't exactly weak or anything.

I didn't get new titles however.

Most of the titles I'm getting right now are either related to the alchemy or blacksmithing.

Well, there is this title.

[You have obtained title: Hunter – Tier 1]

[Rank: D (Grow)]

[+50 stat points.]

[The more of the monsters you hunt in short amount of time, the higher combo you get. Based on the combo, this title will receive EXP and level up.]

[The monsters power difference will influence this title grow.]

Well, I was hunting a lot of monsters whenever I went hunting, so I'm quite surprised I didn't got this title before. Maybe I didn't get it because I was hunting lower level monsters?

I also got this.

[You have obtained title: Monster Maker – Tier 1]

[Rank: C (Grow)]

[+50 stat points.]

[The more and powerful monsters you create, the more this title grows.]

This…. Took me by surprise.

This title doesn't really seems to be connected with my [Chimera] class, so I guess there are other classes that can make monsters?

Either way, it's quite good, but I guess I did ended up taking a lot of time.

I didn't created any powerful chimeras or anything, if anything, most of my chimeras are straight up trash.

So, I guess I got it only because I created a lot of it…. Oh, maybe also the necromancer also counted, since I do make servants and all.

But anyway, after I was done with my preparation after I hunted the boss monster, I once again starter hunting for days.

Here are some of the more important monsters I hunted, since I will be using their bodies and all.

[Tall Forest Bat]

-A giant bat monster that flies around the forest.

-Weak defense, but annoying claws and fangs.

[Red Cobra]

-A long and big cobra monster with annoying poison bite.

-Tough body and quite fast.

-Offensive power not high, but uses poison for hunting, it makes up for the lack of the offensive power with the high damage over time poison.

[Stone Monkey]

-A weird looking monkey monsters with rocks shell around their back, arms and legs.

-They are not nibble as monkeys, but they are straight up annoying with their throwing rocks. They can manifest those rocks with their own skill or something, but very limited ammunition.

-Strong offense and defense, but not fast at all.

These three monsters were all quiet annoying in their own right, but oh boy, their materials were extremely good for creating weapons and armors.

Especially the red cobra.

Its poison was extremely potent like hell.

I really and I mean really want to make plague with it…. But I don't think it will be good enough.

Oh, by the way, the meat of the red cobras are extremely valuable and I mean it.

It was selling for shit tons of money for just a meat.

Its skin was also extremely expensive.

So, yea…. I really could earn shit tons of money by hunting them, but they were bit rare and I needed their corpses for my research. I'm not really complaining, they are really strong monsters to the point you can call them mini bosses or some elite monsters. Their corpse will be extremely useful in the chimera creation and research.

By the way, the number of the players were increasing for days in this city.

But this wasn't the only thing.

I knew that game was popular and all, but wow.

It was now in the news over and over, be it on television or on the internet.

Wow…... I mean, I was expecting for stuff like that to happened in a way, considering how straight up out of the novel this thing is, but man, this is way bigger than I though.

Not only that, it may seem like not a lot of time passed after the game was released, but it's not true.

The time inside the game is 3 times that of an outside worlds.

Meaning that few months have already passed.

So, yea…. This game is way bigger deal than anybody had though and the world has the attention on this game right now.

Honestly, I'm curious if they would make another game like this in the future or something and what it would be? Maybe some sort of galaxy / cosmic related stuff? That would be an interesting game and I wonder how they would do it?

But anyway, right now let's focus at the task at hand.

I have been staddle leveling up each day and not only that, I was also collecting a lot of corpse.

By the way, when I was research my alchemy and improving it, I did ended up having a lot of potions.

I did consider selling them, but I decided not to.

I know that I may earn some small fortune by doing that, but I need them for myself.

Right now, I'm fully focused on hunting monsters and collecting their bodies parts for my chimera research. So having those potions in reserve will be crucial.

Moving on to the next thing: Chimera research.

It was going…... Good in some ways and bad in some other ways. 50/50?

I won't go into all the details, but only talk about the most important stuff.

First thing first, I had divided chimeras into different categories.

The parts chimera.

This chimera is simple construct of combining different body parts together. It's quite simple.

For example, swap the monster legs with other monster or add some other monsters body parts together. Or just straight up put all the body parts together, forming some abomination.

The second category of chimeras I made is construct chimera.

This chimera type is bit…. More complicated.

Simply put, I rip apart the body parts into smaller fragments and use them to put the chimera together.

It may look like it makes no sense, but it does.

By cutting, ripping and tearing the parts of the body into smaller and smaller bits, it allows me to have even more room for creativity.

And it's not all.

By cutting the monster in parts like that, I can more easily fuse together specific parts of the body together.

For example, two torsos together or two arms together, creating 1 stronger body parts.

And oh boy it worked.

The dugu chimera I made using two dugues corpse was quite good at ripping apart wild dugus, it did sustained a lot of damage, but the fight was almost one sided. Well, not really one sided if I look at the injuries that the dugus chimeras I made, but it was definitely way stronger than other failure chimeras I made.

However, it did took a lot of trial and errors, making a lot of trash chimeras that were easily defeated by the wild dugues, so it's not like I didn't did that test only once. I did it multiple times and this is the first time I see this result, even though the monster that defeated dugus was failure and not the finished product.

But this one was quite good, but it's not what I was looking for.

I can see and proven that this thing can work and as well it proven some of my other theories.

I can make extremely powerful chimera using this method.

However, there is a catch.

First thing first, those chimeras use more MP and time to make as well as the fact that designing them alone takes some time.

In short, it takes time to make those chimeras, meaning that my research regarding them is bit slowed down.


These chimeras are the track I was hoping for and the failure that I made was that strong? What would happened if I made a proper chimera using this method?

The few next chimeras were showing better results one after another, each new one was killing the dugues way faster and sustaining less damage. It was working. This method was working, but it's not finished, however once its finished and learn how master this method, the chimeras

But as stated before, it takes time and MP to create them.

The skill level did increased since I was experiencing with chimeras nonstop and I can produce more chimeras at the same time, but MP cost is still annoying.

But oh well, it really doesn't bother me to raise my [Mana] stat since I'm mage.

However, [Necro Mastery] and [Taming Mastery] are different things.

To fully utilize those stats, I need to make new monsters and using chimeras publicly will harm me.

And besides, all of my current chimeras are weak.

So, I went around and tamed some of the monsters and raise some more as undeads and stored them.

These beast will be later sacrificed for my research, but for now they will work for me and make my hunting go much easier.

And like that, I spend even more days hunting, leveling up and collecting bodies for my research.

The research itself was progressing smoothly for past these days and the chimera type construct I have been research had showed a lot of progression.

The chimera type parts was also showing a bit of progress thanks to the construct type research.

But constructing is not enough.

I need more "Specific" materials.

And I need some battle data against more…. Complicated enemies.

Well, I hid for long enough and I won't be doing anything too big…. For now…. So, I guess I can go bit "Out of control" to get what I want.

It's time to let "Doctor" have some fun.