Chapter 39 – Chimera test – Field.

Few in game months have passed ever since I got to this place.

I had archived my first goal of max out leveling up my first research class and now it was the turn for the second class.

The second research is [Chimera].

The chimera is about collecting bodies and using those bodies to create a monster.

I was making and creating chimeras non stop each day, improving my art of chimera craft.

But I now need 2 things after creating somewhat strong chimeras.

The first is battle data against average person.

It doesn't really need to be somebody strong or anything. Even average player will do…... BUT! That is a problem.

I may know that the chimeras are good at fighting the monster, but what about the people?

I need to do that and see how well those chimeras will do. Just one fight may be necessary.

However, what if I end up facing players? No. I need to face players if I want to see my chimeras in actions against them.

But obviously there will be problems.

For example, they will definitely talk and post shit online, making my chimeras be known.

But it's not like I have choice. I need that battle data badly.

The second thing that I'm hoping to get is some humanoid corpse. Like orcs, humans, dark elves and such.

I would really and I mean, really like to get my hands on some for my experiments.

(But the question is, how the hell do I go with this?) – though Phantasia while looking at the quest winddown inside the adventurer guild.

(I need to pick the perfect location that will be not that dangerous to me and where I can escape easily.)

(But, I also need some sort of location where the people are present.)


(Should I go with the forest?)

(I will encounter players and gain the battle data I need, but I would like some corpse as well and I don't think I will be able harvest any from players corpse.)


(Some random village then?)

(It will provide corpse I need, but…... No battle data.)

(The enemy doesn't really need to be stronger or have same level as chimeras. Even players or NPCs with level lower than 20 will do.)

(I extremely badly need to know how well chimeras can fight against player or NPCs.)

(But where I would even find a location where there are players and NPCs, both that I can hunt…...)



(Isn't this place connected with the capital city?)

(The two cities are quiet far away; however, they are doing business with each other nonstop and many of the merchants from the royal capital are often coming here.)

(From what I seen and heard in here as well as real world is that the merchant often hire adventures for the escort or some mercenaries.)

(I don't know how high level NPC mercenaries are, but they should provide me with battle data even if they do wipe out all of my chimeras.)

(Bit risky, but worth it approach, no matter if the chimeras wipe them out or they themselves get instead whipped out.)

(However, there are problems.)

(The first problem is that I need to observe the fight to see how chimeras are doing.)

(Going without disguise will be idiotic.)

(Using "Wood Mask" will be suicidal.)


(I guess "Doctor" will have to see it through.)

(But oh boy, people won't like this if they do see me. But better that then everything else.)

(If I want make sure I won't repeat the mistakes I did before when I made the plague, I need to be prepared enough, even if that means revealing existence of my chimeras to the public.)

(The reason why I need to do is because this is no longer starting area.)

(I don't know how much average player had grown in strength, so pretty much there is way too many unknowns in my plan. I need to see at all cost how my chimeras fight in battle against other people to see their power and know if they are ready or not.)

(So, I need to make some sacrifices in order to get closer to my goal…...)


(But… Where do I attack?)

(Causing chaos too close to this place will straight up murder me.)

(I need to choose location in between.)


"Excuse me." – said Phantasia to the nearby guild worker.

"Yes?" – replied the orc worker.

"Do you know where I can buy a map?"

After words, I bought the hell expensive map of the kingdom…... DAMN! Thing was really expensive like hell!

Not only that, but the map wasn't really detailed or anything and only had basic informations like roads and cities.

It didn't showed any locations of the mayor forest or mountains.

Fuck me!

I don't think even buying this thing was worth it!

Well, I can maybe add some things on my own, but still they fuking scammed me!

Still, at least I know the route that is taken between this place and the capital city.

I will be only leaving for some time and will here later, so I just paid the guy who was keeping my stuff stored in advance before leaving the city.

The distance between this place and capital city as state before is quite big.

However, finding the perfect spot is different matter.

It would have been perfect if there would some sort of forest or-

[Sometime later.]


"Okay…... That will fuking do?!"

Phantasia found himself in the forest that was located on the road between the two cities.


(There are no real monsters here.)

(They are straight up wild animals and they are scared of me.)

(I guess this place will do…. But isn't this place…. You know…. Very bandit like?)

(I mean, it straight up look like a spot for bandits to use! I won't be surprised if I run into bandits myself in this place.)

(Or maybe I would run into their hidden base or maybe ran into them when I will be setting my own ambush while they themselves were planning to ambush somebody.)

(Still, it's better if I gear up.)

Phantasia de-equipped all of his current gear and replaced it will all bran new equipment.

[Stone Red Cobra Boots] – [Rare]

[Stone Red Cobra Pants] – [Rare]

[Forest Stone Monkey Chest Armor] – [Rare]

[War Plague Doctor Mask] – [Rare]

[Monster Forest Claws] – [Rare]

Phantasia was now wearing:

-A red boots with sticking out claws.

-A red pants.

-A grey colored light chest armor.

-A pair of big gauntlet claws that made his hands became too time in size.

-A grey colored helmet mask that resembles that of a plague doctor and even had a top hat attached to it.

(Currently, this is my strongest armor.)

(I got to say, it's quite good. But honestly, I didn't had enough materials to make better chest armor and honestly, I made these pants using the remaining materials I had at hand.)

(Most of the best materials I used went for the mask helmet and those claw gloves.)

(I made these gloves bit large, but I move them just fine.)

(Not only that, but both the gloves and the mask have nice effect of increasing my poison type skills performance by a little bit.)

(These claws have also an ability to increase any poison coating effects performance if I have them covered in poison.)

 (Their attack alone is quite high.)

(And just in case, I had put some points into [Agility] and [Strength] stats, not much really nice I was focusing on those 3 stats, but its fine.)

(I have some poison in store.)

(And I also made some new plague just in case.)

(Anyway, I should get ready.)

"Come out."

Phantasia began brining out multiple monsters he had stored.

One of the chimeras that had appeared was a red cobra with many wings of the giant bats.

There was also 2 chimeras stone monkeys with four arms and legs.

The third chimeras was a weird large stone monkey that had way more beastly appearance and had very large hands.

And the fourth one was a trio of a muscular dugues chimeras.

(This chimeras are not the registered chimeras, meaning that when they will die, they will be gone for good.)

(Registered chimeras take more space, so that was one of the reason why I didn't registered them with the skill.)

(Still, it doesn't matter if I did or did not registered them, since they are expendable.)

(They only exist to die for my experiments.)

"Now. Let's see who will be my test subjects?"