The time went by and Phantasia stayed in his workshop, continuing his research while also making and selling items.
However, enough time had passed and Diamond had came back to the Phantasia house alongside his two body guards.
"Hello. I came back." – said Diamond as he sat down.
"And, what do you plan to do?" – asked Phantasia as he also sat down.
"This." – said Diamond as he snapped his fingers, before moments later his two body guards began putting down different monster materials and ores onto the table.
"Take a look and see if anything is interesting."
Phantasia got from his chair and began checking out the different materials that were on the table.
(In terms of quality, they are quite good…... There also materials I never heard about here as well, but considering that he brought them to me means that they are quiet…. Wait.) – though Phantasia before then suddenly noticing something on the table.