Chapter 179 – Diamond – Part 3.

The finished minigun is…. I won't go into details since it will be WAY too long to explain everything, so I will just go over base informations.

The power output of the minigun have been enchanted, now making it an weapon that can harm something with magic defense, unlike before where if the target has even slightest mana defense, then the minigun shots would straight up become TRASH.

The second thing that got changed was the minigun barrels where before each barrel had two one mana crystal or mana gem, and now it has again each barrel having mana crystal or mana gem, but there is now also an multiple mana stones and gems inside the drum like build. This resulted in the minigun now being able to handle mana way easier and not waste too much of it when shooting, in short, the cost of mana needed to use it got reduced by 20% and that is a lot.