/ 10 Years after the meeting / The day before the end
Looking into the mirror Ahmya gazed into the eyes of her reflection, the same abyss like black eyes devoid of life, the same waist length light absorbing black hair framing her pale sharp face accenting her high cheekbones and sharp jawline.
Pushing herself away from the mirror she went through her morning routine with a practised excellence, that betrayed the ease with wich she carried herself.
A few minutes later....
Standing before Akio's room she raised her hand and....
Hearing no groaning or shuffling she raised her hand again and....
*Bang*, *Bang*, *Bang*
*Bang*, *Bang*, *BANG*
Her knocking ratteld the door, making it's hinges let out horrible screeching sounds.
Suddenly the door was ripped open and Akio's disheveled form stood in front of Ahmya who still had her hand in the air to kock again.
Staring into Akios bloodshot eye's a shit eating grin crept up her beautiful face.
"It is time for the meeting with the Yanagi clan heir, mistress."
"Ugh", immense disgust was immediately visible on her delicate features.
"Do I really have to?"
Amused by her reaction Ahmya spoke in the sweetest tone she could muster (wich wasn't sweet at all): "What do you mean mistress ?, young master Yanagi is a handsome, strapping man?"
"Stop that !", reaching out her hand Akio tried to grip her face.
Easily dodging her hand Ahmya took a step back and replied: "What do you mean mistress~"
Not even having to think about it Akio said: "Your tone is creepy and dripping with dishonesty."
"Well that hurts to hear mistress", feinig hurt Ahmya put her gloved hand over her heart, "However you truly have to get ready now, I already let you sleep for 15 minutes longer."
"Fine", groaned Akio.
45 minutes later
Sitting beside Akio in the armored limousine of the family Ahmya looked every part the elegant butler with her tight fitting black tailcoat suit and white gloves, inside her head however...
'I am bored'
Looking out of the window she tried to spot something interesting only to be met with concrete and neon billboards.
'Is it bad, that I kind of want something dangerous to happen?', after that thought she waited for ten whole minutes in a highly tense state.
"Siiighhh.....", releasing a long sigh Ahmya sacked back into her seat.
'I should have known something like that only happens in Akios stupid animes.'
Just as she was about to completely doze off for the rest of the drive the loud screeching of the breaks and the subsequent force that almost pressed her face first into the barrier dividing them from the driver woke her up.
Opening the slider she yelled: "What is going on ?!"
Before the driver could even answer Ahmya already saw what had caused him to stop and she didn't like it one bit.
In front of their limousine a two car thick barrier of black SUV's blocked the road, turning in her seat Ahmya looked through the back only to curse.
They were already caged in.
"Drive to the side of the road", commanded Ahmya.
Confused the driver asked: "But miss, the road is more than ten meters of the ground."
"I don't care, drive!", she snarled with a sense of urgency.
Suddenly Akio who seemed to have recovered from the emergency break chimed into the converation: "Let's try talking with them."
The disbelief that she was feeling must have shown on her face because:,
"Why are you looking at me like that?", pouted Akio.
"Do you truly belive that Akio?", asked Ahmya flabbergasted.
"It's worth a try at least.....", replied Akio bashfully.
At that moment the people in the SUV's started getting out of their cars with katanas, simple knives, bats and even crowbars. However a more chilling revelation was when they started taken out rifles and handguns.
Sweeping her gaze across the horde of enemy's Ahmya estimated their number to be around 60 to 80 men.
Deciding to take decisive action she orderd the driver: "I don't care what your opinion is just drive !!"
Aknowledging that they were fucked either way the driver complied. Stepping the gas pedal down the car raced towards the edge of the road before slamming it's side into the barrier.
"What now Miss !", asked the driver fearfully turning around only to see Ahmya crawling out the window with Akio in her arms.
"Now", said Ahmya in a truly sickly sweet tone, "you will buy time for us with your screams."
The man went pale as a sheet as he watched Akio throw him one last pityful looke before Ahmya jumped down onto the road below, all in the cover of the Limousine.
As he looked back at the horde of enemy's approaching he quickly opened the door before stepping out with his hands raised.
Seeing them fixing their aim on him he quickly shouted: "I know were they are please spare me !"
After a minute a man with a large scar running down his face in a white buisness suit and 5 other importing looking men approached him.
"Where are they ?", the man with the scar gruffly demanded.
"They w-"
Before he could answer a bright flash appeared at the corner his eyes and in the next moment a massive explosion ripped him and the men in a 12 meter radius to bits with the shrapnel killing more than half of the remaining ones.
A few momets prior
Upon landing on the asphalt beneath her Ahmya rolled to lessen the impact wich almost crunched Akio.
Letting out a moan of pain Akio enfurled from Ahmyas embrace.
However Ahmya was already standing again looking down the road at a motorbiker coming their way.
Waving for him to stop she positioned herself in the middle of the road.
Stopping out of fear to ram into her just as the biker was about to ask her what her problem was.
She punched him.
Her gloved fist crashed against his helmet and she felt the satisfying crunch of his helmet cracking as he flew of the motorcycle.
"Get on Akio", grinning at her mistress with a toothy smile Ahmya said. "it's time for a tour to the Yanagi residence.
'That poor man', but even though she thought that Akio still got on without a complain.
Pulling out a device with a button on it Ahmya whispered: "Fly high, fly high my little idiots", aiming the device towards the road above and pushed the button starting a 15 second countdown.
"Hold on tight", saying this she she sped off with Akio behind her.
"What was that?", asked Akio curiosly, earning herself a grin from the girl in front of her.
"A little present", was all Ahmya could say before-
Shocked by the loud noise Akio turned around only to see the road behind them be engulfed by a massive explosion.
Turning to Ahmya she raised an eyebrow questionly.
"Like I said a little present", replied Ahmya.
"But enough of that, let's go to the Yanagi residence we should be safe there till the family comes", said Ahmya turning serious.
1 hour later
'How did this happen?'
Cradling the severed lifeless head of Akio in her bloody gloves her dead eyes seemingly judging her for her failure....