Born in the Kurotaki family as the second child, her fate was decided at birth.
Becoming her older sister's assistant and bodyguard her only goal or .......
atleast it should have been.
Having heard an old woman praying to the gods she asked her.
"Why do you pray to something that you have no proof of existing?"
Looking up from her kneeling position the old woman fixed her glassy gaze at the child in front of her,
"Because", taking a wheezing breath, "the hope that someone is there to listen to you, during your lowest moments regardless of what you have done is freeing, child.
At the time Ahmya didn't understand.
/10 years later/
Lying in a crimson pool of her own blood her only thought was: `I wish, I could have found a goddess of my own.`
This my first attempt at writing anything longer than a thousand words, so there will be a
lot of errors but bear with me.
ENGLISH is not my first language
Futa MC don't like don't read
Creative and critical criticism is welcome
Worlds: Danmachi, Monster Hunter World
beautiful work worth reading bad update rate tho overall it's a great work with high potential
I am rating this story early because 3 chapters in I already see many promising things. the chapters are a decent length and I haven't noticed very many grammatical errors. Story wise the author has managed to grab my interest from chapter one and I am excited to see where they go with it. To the author I say "I enjoy what you have written so far and genuinelyhope that you stick with it."
A história é muito boa e escrita e a forma como está escrita é muito fácil de se entender diferente de muitos autores por aí, que você vai ler e não consegue entender nada