Prologue: A Goddess of my own III

So first of all sorry for the delay, this chapter was actually supposed to come out on saturday last week but I forgot that I had planned the day with my grandparents so that was my fault,

Then on sunday inkstone got mad at me and I only got error pop-ups same for today but now it works so yeah.....

Anyway I talked enough.


/ 30 minutes before disaster /




Riding on the stolen bike, Ahmya and Akio arrived in front of the Yanagi residence, an old traditional japanese style manor with a big gravel garden filled with stone piles and tortured trees in front and a huge slave quarters in the back.....

...or at least that was Ahmya twisted vision of this place.

"Let us in."

Positioning herself in front of Akio, Ahmya orderd the guard to open the gate for them.

The guard however stared at them like he had seen a ghost.

Seeing that the man didn't make any moves to even reply to them Ahmya quickly grew agitated.

"Open the door or I am gonna use your face to open it", threatened Ahmya.

That woke the guard from his trance state quickly as while he normaly wouldn't be afraid Ahmyas not exactly giant but still for japanese standards impressive 180 cm towered over his 172 cm height.

Still avoiding eye contact with them the guard scurried to open the gate for them.

Meanwhile Ahmya was slowly feeling that something was amiss, a feeling that only increased in intensity as they were walking through the manor to reach the head of the family.

Feeling something tugging at the sleeves of her suit she turned to face Akio.

"Is there something you need mistress?", asked Ahmya.

Looking nervous Akio asked: "Do you also feel that something isn't right Ahmya?"

Even though she herself was on high alert Ahmya still flashed Akio a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry no matter what I'll protect you."

She had no way of knowing how much she was going to regret those words. 




Guestroom of the Yanagi residence

Sitting herself to the right side of Akio, Ahmya let her gaze wander over the luxurious furnishings of the room, from the gilded low mahagony desk that they sat at to the tatami floor and even by her unartistic vision beautiful paper walls everything was graceful but at same them inconspcious enough to be pleasing to the eye exept one thing...

Fixing her sharp slanted eyes on what she could only descripe as a smear of fecal matter in this elegant room.

Even though she loved to tease Akio from time to time with it she truthfully couldn't stand the "young master" Yanagi, in her eyes calling him a fat pig would be an insult to all pigs,

Truly he was disgusting fom his obese sweaty body that smelt like shit even after he dosed himself in the most expensive of perfumes, to his pig like face and lips that look like they were stung by a bee, always puffing out moist hot air of indescribabel odor.

However the most disgusting thing about him in Ahmyas eyes were his eyes....

....small dark eyes shining with a lecherous glint that made her want to rip them out and throw them into a high propane explosion. 

Unfortunately for her, he was still someone of high status so she had to ignore the way he looked at Akio and her.

"Young master", she internally cringed at calling the pig that,"my mistress and I were just attacked by a group of armed gangsters so we would like to stay till support from the family comes, if that would be alright with you."

Before the living blob of fat could answer a elderly figure with a hunched back walked in.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to give in to your request, young miss.", said the old man calmly turning his face to meet with hers.

Narrowing her eyes at the hunched old man Ahmya asked:"May I ask why, Master Yanagi I was under the impression that our families had a rather good relationship?"

The old man let out a hoarse laughter before a creepy smile that exposed his lack of theeth to them crept onto his face.

"Well young ladies that might have been the case a few months ago but we have since allied ourselves with the Onozuki clan,"

"But-", cutting Akio off Ahmya said calmly:"So I take it the armed thugs that blocked us were your doing then?"

Akio looked like a hammer hit her right in the face and she looked towards the old man wanting him to denie it only to see him slightly smiling.

"How could you", Akio looked taken aback,"you were like a grandfather to me."

"Times change", was all the old man said before he clapped his hands.

Immediately all hell broke lose as over 20 men in suits broke through the paper walls of the room trying to capture the 2 of them.

Even though Ahmya tried her best the overhelming numerical adventage was too much for her, as a last resort she tried to break through one of the sides with Akio only to be stopped by 2 of the men.

Letting go of Akio for a moment she lashed out a fierce kick to the side of one of the men striking him right in the rips, hearing the familiar sound of bones breaking as the man flew aside Ahmya felt that heat that she always felt when she fought rise within her.

However her feelings of triumph were quickly extingushed when the rest of the guards caught up to them.

Even though she could have won against each and every single one of them individually they quickly overhelmed her pushing her to the ground and slamming her face into the ground till she lost consciousness and everything faded to darkness.





Waking up with her face on a cold smooth floor Ahmya tried to stand up only to fail as she noticed than her hands and feet were bound togethere by a thick rope. Shortly after she also duly noted a painful pulsing ache on her forehead, however a more pressing concern for her was that she was blindfolded.

Just as she was trying to wriggle the damn thing of her-


-a sharp pain went through her left eyebrow and check as a guard slashed the blindfold of her with a knife.

However when she opened her eyes she wished she hadn't opened them at all, for before her eyes the fat pig was in the process of ripping Akio's clothes of her vulnerable body.

"HEY !!!". yelling at the top of her lungs Ahmya diverted the ugly bastards attention onto her.

But she didn't only attract his attention everyone in the room focused on her, as she looked at their faces she found people that she had trained with and even had somewhat friendly relations to just watch as an innocent girl was defiled in front of them.

Glaring at them from her prone position she growled at them:,"Have all of you forgotten any kind of shame!!"

A few had at least the decency to look away but most of them seemed to not feel any guilt for their actions as if they were just bystanders.

Enraged by their reactions Ahmya was about to insult them again before one of the two guards at her side hit her with a powerful kick in the stomach making her roll over.

Gasping for air she glared at the muscular man, however before she could say anything.....


Hearing the unmistakabale sound of a zipper opening she whipped her head around only to see the fat pig sliding his pants down.

"Motherfucker!", trashing in her binds Ahmya cursed her lung out.

Her constant screaming and cursing seemed to annoy the bastard because he turned to her with a displeased expression on his face.

Seeing him coming towards her Ahmya righted herself on her knees and spat in his face.

"Ahhh, you Bitch!!!", it seemed she had hit him in his beady little eye because the obese piece of shit stumbled and screeched.

Grinning like she had just done the world a great favor Ahmya taunted:"What~ not so though now piggy or what?"

Enraged the fat young master screeched in his squeaky voice:"Someone give me their sword!!!"

But nobody made a made any moves to give him theirs wich only enraged him more.

Grabbing a knife frome the nearest guards hands he rammed it straight through her hand.


Not giving him the satisfaction of seeing her screaming Ahmya grit her teeth staring him right in his wretched soul with her void like eyes but before she could taunt him again-

"STOP IT", a loud feminine scream took both their attention away.

Looking behind the disgusting pig Ahmya could see how Akio had stood up holding her torn clothes in front of her body.

Akio glanced at her offering a slight smile tinged with melanochy that sent alarm bells ringing in her mind.

"Leave her alone and i'll do comply with what you want", whispered Akio in a resigned tone.

Panik immediately set in by Ahmya causing her to open her mouth only to be shut up by the pleading gaze of Akio.

The pig seemed to have already made his decision as he went to Akio with heavy labored breathing of foul lust.

What followed could only be described as a nightmare in the flesh for Ahmya, every disgusting grunt of the pig made her want to puke, every wobble of his fat disgusting body colliding with Akio's pristine one making her want to rip her eyes out.....

..... Akio pained screams something she will never forget.


....not something she will allow herself to forget.

Even as she clenched her fists so hard that her fingernails broke through her skin and she started to bleed her eyes never left the scene in front of her.


...she didn't allow herself to look away, burning it into her memory.

Tears started streaming down her face but her expression never changed, her face a mask of emotionless emptieness.

But deep down she remembered the words of the old shrine maiden.

'If there is a goddess that is willing to entertain the idea of having someone as pathetic as me as her believer....

...please give me the strength to avenge her', pleading with her whole heart Ahmya didn't even notice the warmth rising in her chest.




After 30 minutes the pig seemed to be down leaving Akio as nothing more than a shell of the former cheerful girl that she was.

Her body bruised in several places, her eyes vacant and empty.

Looking at her current state Ahmya wanted to rip and tear the bastard apart but had to settle for a glare so cold that it felt as if every drop of blood in his body froze up.

Licking his disgusting lips the damn pig walked over to one of the guards and took his sword from him with a forceful snatch.

Ahmya's stomach immediately dropped and she started to trash in her binds.

Throwing look over his fat shoulders the bastard grinned at her before saying:"You know", taking a labored breath he continued to speak,"after fucking her she wasn't as fun as I thought, the prostitutes of the family are way better."

"STO-", Ahmyas hoarse shout was cut short by the sword going through Akio's neck.

Ahmyas eyes went blank as a red fountain sprayed in the air.

She felt the world move in slowmotion as the blood rained down on her drops of crimson red landing on her face.

She looked blankly at the head of Akio that rolled in front of her, her eyes still stuck in their apathetic tired state from before the blade cut her head from her body.

Mind still trying to comprehend what happend she looked at the one who cut Akio head off, only to see him peeing on her dead body with a blissful expression on his disgusting face....

And something snapped....





( POV Kazuma Yanagi

Born an orphan I was adopted by the previous head of the clan, saving me of the unenviable fate of being without family I owe him everything.

I always gave it my everything to become someone he could be proud of, in my studies I never went below excellence and in my role as assistant I shined brightly.

Serving whom I saw as an older brother figure to become the next head of the clan everything seemed perfect....

But then the man who I saw as my father got into an accident, his plane flying into a hailstorm ripping the front apart causing the plane to crash.

Deeply affected my brother became the head of the clan and I thought everything was going to get better but....

Maybe the power was too much for him, he changed into a person I would soon not be able to recognize.

But I still served him for I had a debt to pay.

Now fiftie years had passed since my brother became clan head and we were having an argument.

"You can't just kill two young girls to further your goals!!", I screamed at the old senile man my brother had become.

"They are just the bait if they coroperate they can become Souichi's mistressses.", my brother replied and I had to visible shudder to keep my disgust in.

While Souichi might be the young master of the clan I really didn't know what I had done wrong in raising him, he was such cheerful kid once but as he got older he just got more and more disgusting and obese.

He completely destroyed the noble image of the clan with his behavior.

"You can not be serious brother.", I replied aghast.

My brother looked at me with a look that one would have when they looked at the air as if I wasn't even there.

"Why not it would be their honor to be mistresses for the Yanagi clan.", replied my brother in a bored tone.

I took a step back only now truly realizing what my brother had become.

"This is the last time", I went to the door of his office,"I will help you with this one last time after this I will dissappear."

I waited for him to say something, anything but he only he replied with:"I understand."

Immensely dissapointed I walked away from his office.




I was in avery good mood when I heard that the ambush failed and that they escaped but it didn't last long when they pulled up in front of the residence.

My brother immediately instructed the guards to allign themselves outside the walls of the meeting room.

When he clapped we all broke through the paper walls and moved to capture them.

The little girl's guard fought fiercely but was quickly overhelmed by the guard squads numbers.

I knew the young girl from the guard exchange program that we did with the Kurotaki family, a talented girl definitely something she demonstrated swiftly when she flung one of the guars away with a sickening crunch.

But in the end she was quickly knocked unconcious.

Dragging the unconcious girl and the struggeling young miss down I could only lament the cruelity of the world.



/ Basement Area /

Watching the disgusting spectacle play out in front of my eyes I almost puked but i had seen worse things over the years.

When the girl woke up however she truly stuck a sore spot with her words causing some of us to avert our heads.

The following half an hour was truly the worst of my life filling me with an unfathomble amount of regret, everytime I looked at one of the girls.

When the fat pig that my young master had become finally stood up I thought it would finally be over however I was proven wrong when he ripped a katane from the hands of a guard near me.

I desperately hoped I was wrong about his intentions but my deepest fears were proven right as he stood in front of the young lady's body.

Averting my head as I heard the bound girl trying to stop him before I heard the sound of the blade cutting through the young girls neck.

When I looked at the girl gaze at the severed head of her mistress in a dazed silence I was overcome with regret.

A feeling that turned to disgust when I saw the pig like young man pissing over the headless corpse of the young woman but before I could move to stop him I heard.....



The crazy giggling sent shivers down everybody's backs and I whipped head around to the bound girl seeing her looking down giggling at the severed head.

Before I could even make sense of what was really happening the guard on the left grapped her by the hair seemingly wanting to shut her up before quickly letting go and screaming.

Looking at his hand that he held cradled to his chest I could see something that sent a shiver down my spine.....

Both his pinky and ring finger were brutally ripped off and as I and everybody looked back to her we could see her spitting out the fingers that she ripped off.

Spitting them out like they were nothing but garbage she started giggling a single insane laugh.

"YOU BITCH", fueled by adrenalin the man who got his fingers bitten off rushed towards the young woman but before his kick could connect she somehow broke the rope binding her, jumping on him she bit his throat before brutally riping out his windpipe.

The man whom I myself trained clawed futily at his throat attemting to stop the bleeding before slowly his movements slowed to crawl and after one last gurgle he stopped moving eyes glazing over.

All the while the rest of us just stared blankly at the frankly inhuman display that the young woman orchestrated in front of us.

Especially I was shocked because I knew how strong these ropes were they were stronger than chains but without the weakness of the links, seeing them now ripped apart made me question if we were even dealing with a human, something that only got more obscure when she turned her face to meet us her face bloody with an inhumanly large smile exposing her razor sharp theeth drenched in blood.

But what truly sent a shiver down my spine were her eyes.... looked like the abyss was crawling out of her eyes reaching out to grab ones soul.

I instinctively took a step back most of the others following my lead.

However that was when what I could only descripe as a monster in the skin of a woman began to speak:"You took her from me so you should be ready to pay the price with your blood and flesh, right?", she spoke with a sickenly sweet tone that was so full of malice that it made everyone in the room shudder.

Before I could even react she launched herself from the corpse that she was kneeling on to the nearest guard at astonishing speeds appearing like a blur.

When the man realised that she was going for him it was already too late, stabbing her hand in a spear like thrust towards his throat I could only witness in disbelief as her had bore it self through his neck.

That sent all my alarm bell's tingling immediately and I ordered:"Grab your weapons!"

Wich sent everyone into action, one brave guard unsheathing his sword and striking at her with an overhead strike.

Unfortunately for him she dodged to the side vanishing in a blur before reappearing right in front of him between his outstreched arms.

Swiftly stricking down on his dominant hand with tremendous strength breaking his forearm before snatching the katana from his hands and piercing his brain through his eye seemingly revelling in the carnage of it all.

But I wouldn't just let her rip through my man sneaking up behind her I thrust my treasured blade through her rips into her lungs.

But when I went to pull it out the monster grabbed a hold of the tip of my sword sticking through her chest before turning around wich ripped my blade from my hand.

Looking into her abyss like eyes I knew my had come.

I guess that was karma at work, as she severed my head from my body I could only hope that I attoned for my sins at least a little through my death.

Looking up to her pulling my sword from her chest from where my head landed my consciousness slipped away and everything went dark...




( Ahmya )

Ripping the blade out of her body Ahmya felt the fire like sensation burning through her body reduce to a shimmer before violently flaring back up.

Setting her eyes on the escaping form of the pig who murderd Akio she ran after him with speed previously unknown to her but her mind wasn't in a state where she could comprehend such complicated things, all she knew was that.....





had to die.

Cutting down all those that blocked her way she ignored any damage she took.

Like a bloodthirsty hound she chased her prey, all the while wearing an inhumanly wide grin exposing her bloody teeth.

Finally arriving in front of the objekt of her hatred she swung her stolen sword cutting of his flabby disgusting legs.

"Aaaaiieeehhh", screeching like the disgusting pig that he was the young master of the Yanagi landed with his face first on the tiled floor breaking his nose in the process.

Grabbing him by his greasy hair she pilled him to face her his already ugly face now even uglier because of his broken nose.

"Please, spare me!!", the pig screamed in a panicy high voice, big ugly tears running down his face.

Reducing her bloody smile to a beautifully innocent one Ahmya said in a sing song voice...


And shoved her sword up the pigs ass.

Screeching like he was being butcherd the fat pig felt a burning pain shoot through his being.

Wiggling the sword around inside his body Ahmya giggled like the devil possesed her.

Turning to the stunned audience she created she left the pig to die a slow agonising death.

Coming out of their stunned states they circled her weaponless self.

Making a displeased face Amya whispered coyly:"Well it isn't nice to harass a lady like that."

"What kinda bulls-", before the guard could finish his words Ahmya sprang into action, punching through chest and taking the knife from his falling body.

However as she did that she failed to register one of the guards throwing his knife causing it to land squarly in her left shoulder making her let out a grunt.

Throwing the knife she had just taken from the now dead man she hit the one who threw the knife at her right in his left eye.

Seeing her vulnerable the remaining guards advanced against her like hounds that smelled blood .

But Ahmya only grinned, for the flame inside her seemed to burn ever brighter.




*Knock, Knock*

Sitting at his large marhagony desk the clan head went through some papers trying to pass time till he got a message from his men and Kazuma about the current states of the capitives, not knowing that his entire clan had been slaughterd down to the very last dog.

Ahmya in her rampage not differentiating between woman and child as long as it had a pulse.

However he in his soundproof room could not hear any of this.

"Come in", he ordered in his creaky hoarse voice.

The door opened but what came in wasn't what he expected.

Before his door stood a figure drenched in blood and other body fluids, their features or any clothes they might have worn unrecognizable through all the wounds and weapons sticking out of them.

In all honesty he didn't know how this person was alive not to mention standing in front of him.

But after looking at them for a while he noticed a severed head tucked under their arm, a head he very much recognized and that filled him with fear.

However before he could speak the figure he now recognized as the female bodyguard of the kurotaki heiress spat a thick glob of blood and gore on his expensive carpet.

A scene made all the more erie by how he could see her vocal cords moving through a wound on her neck.

Snapping her once beautiful face up at him she asked in a raspy broken tone:"Are you ready to pay the price?"

Feeling a shiver run down his back he asked with a slight tremble to his voice that he could not hide:"What have you done?"

At that the wretched creature seemed to smile but it was hard to tell with how little of her face was left.

"I slaughterd them all."

She could have just ment the guards and Souichi in the basement but he had a feeling it was much worse.

So he asked the question he would regret most in this life:"What do you mean?"

At that even he could tell that she had a giant smile on her face by how the exposed muscles twitched in her face and that only worried him more making him reach for his gun in the secret compartment under his desk.

A raspy chuckle came from the monster in front of him as she whispered:"All of them."

A sinking feeling settelt in his stomach.

"All 98 women, 186 men and 37 children I slaughterd them all"

"YOU DEMON!!", at that he enraged took out his gun and shoot her, the first three roundes landed in her chest, the next 2 in her neck and the last one in her forehead making her fall down like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

Anxious for what he will find he stormed out of his office or..... least he tried.

Just as he went by what he thought to be a corpse his leg was grabbed and he fell down with a scream.

Looking down on what grabbed his foot he almost screamed as what he could only describe as a demon straight out of hell crawled up his body.

"Stay away!!", trashing against the creature he screamed his old lungs out.

However all proved futile as the creature slowly crawled up his body before what had once been it's face was above his own.

Releasing a rattling noise hauntingly similiar to laugther the creature stared at him with it's abyss like eyes seemingly sucking his soul in to them before opening it's mouth around his face and.....






Dragging her destroyed body out into the open Ahmya or what was left of her looked at the stars in the night sky.

Averting her eyes from the stars she looked over to the head of the one so hauntingly like herself.

"I am sorry....."

Staring into the glazed over eyes of the one she swore to protect Ahmya would have cried if her body had allowed her.

"..... I wasn't able to help you in the end."

Looking back into the night sky, her mind already ready to go to sleep for the last time Ahmya said:"And I am also sorry that you had such a pathetic follower such as me my goddess even if only for a short time."

The burning energy in her chest seemed to surge in protest but got weaker with every breath.

Lying in a crimson pool of her own and others blood Ahmyas thoughts were only about the goddess that had given her the power to take revenge.

'I wish I could have met you earlier my goddess'

Slowly her consciousness grew darker and darker her breathing growing more labored with each intake till...

...she also succumbed to the deep embrace of death.

Never to wake in this form again.