Somewhere in the seemingly endless expand of the void admidst the bleak darkness something formed slowly taking the form of a tattered female human corpse.
It's body littered with countless wounds each more fatal than the last, no part of it's body intact with it's face being something one would only see in a horror movie, ripped apart beyond the point of recognition with most parts not even having any flesh only white fractured bones left to see.
By all acounts it should not be anything more than a corpse floating through the void.
Rare, yes.
Especially a human corpse but.....
A sudden violent red tinged energy went through the corpse and although almost minuscule the energy seemed to knit the flesh of the corpse together where it could and replace what wasn't there.
However the corpse showed no respones to the energy remaining in it's unanimated state.
And so years started to pass....
/ An indefinite number of years later /
Throughout the time spent in the void the energy never stopped healing the body of the deceased young woman.
And after years of the energy pulsing through it the body had physically recovered to pristine condition even better than it was before, strenghed by the energy.
However even though the body had recovered the mind hadn't awoken up leaving the body as a mindless meatsack.
But this state didn't last long as soon...
...a familiar pair of eyes just as bleak and without light as the void sorrunding them opened to stare blankly into the void.
( Ahmya )
'Where am I?', waking up to a splitting headache Ahmya was more than confused.
After the headache faded enough to be ignorable she looked around only to find....
'I can't see shit.', while having such thoughts she looked around only to find herself in a seemingly endless expanse of darkness.
Deciding to atleast move frome her prone position on her back she encountered her first obstacle.
"AAHHRrghh, shiittt!!", as soon as she tried to move her entire body convulsed as though a thousend worms were crawling under her skin.
"FUUCCKKK", groaning like an animal, veins popping up from her skin, her bloodshoot eyes looking without aim Ahmya felt pain worse than when she was little more than a mutilated corpse.
The pain seemed never ending only growing in intensity making Ahmya want bundle up into a fetus position but with her muscles convulsing outside of her control even that was taken from her.
Burning hot agony ran through her veins like molten metal searing every part of her existence down to her very soul.
Unbeknownst to Ahmya her very soul was being connected at the deepest level to someone.
Someone of divine origin.
Someone who at the time doesn't even know she exists.
When the pain stopped Ahmya wasn't sure it could have been days, weeks, months her agonised mind had long since given up counting the passage of time.
And when it did end she wasn't able to appreciate it, for her mind automatically shut down when it went away.
Letting her fall into a deep slumber once again.
When she woke up again the first thing she felt was a kind of warm feeling inside her.
Even though Ahmya should have found the feeling irretating she weirdly felt extremely comfortable as if she was warped in a blanket of warmth and affection.
Something that even though she would never admit always wanted to have.
"So warm", whispering to herself she couldn't help but let a small smile appear on her full lips.
However once she got over how comfortable she felt reality came crashing down on her.
"Shouldn't I be dead?"
Searching her body for any of the wounds that she had 'aquired' when she was 'fighting'(slaughtering) the Yanagi clan she was surprised to find none.
"This is weird.", but what she found even weirder was her hair.
Where there was previously jet black hair there now was hair as white as snow of blinding purity.
'I could have sworn when I first woke up it was still normal', concentrating on the memories of the short time before the pain Ahmya was sure that her hair was still black at that time.
'I heard that hair can grow white from stress but this.....'
Looking at her completely white hair Ahmya pouted,"I look like one of Akios anime characters."
The thought brought a smile to her face before the events of the night of slaughter rushed into her brain again.
Her good mood disappeared instantly giving way to a melancholic depression.
Staring blanky into the void Ahmya went over all the memories she had.
Over and....
"What now?", her voice seemed to resonate across the void.
Now that she had seemingly died and in this vast expanse of absolutely nothing what was she supposed to do?
Standing up or better said floating into a standing position Ahmya stopped thinking about what had already happend.
"I guess I can look around for a bit at least", even though she wasn't entirely convinced of the idea of going into the literal abyss without even a shred of clothing on her body, other than the comforting warmth there seemed to be nothing else here.
And so she went step for floating step into the maw of the abyss...
First year in the void
In the first year of stumbling through the void some things quickly became apparent for Ahmya.
First of all it seemed her body didn't need rest even though she tried it seemed the gentle embrace of sleep was unknown to her body.
While her body was physically fine her mind felt weary after a while driving her insane.
But at some point even that became neglectable.
Another thing she found out pretty fast was that her body showed no signs of needing food nor water.
Even though she still had all her organs for digesting her body showed no signs of starvation or thirst.
Finding no answers to her questions she chalked it up to something intrinsic to the void and stopped thinking about it, for as much she would have loved to have an answer she had bigger problems to worry about.
And the problem she encoutered was simple.....
"There is absolutely nothing here!"
Pulling her knees to her chest Ahmya felt as depressed as someone who wrote a chapter for 8 hours only to lose that progress because they didn't save and their computer shut off. (Couldn't be me frfr)
Floating in that dark void she had grown to hate so much she focused on the only thing that gave her the energy the energy to not try to end herself.
Letting out a long noise of satisfaction Ahmya focused on the feeling of warmth inside her.
Over the months something became clear to her and that was, that this warm feeling was the connection to her goddess that had allowed her to take her revenge so long ago.
She felt extremely grateful to have her goddess by her side but....
All she could hear over the connection was unnintellegable white noise.
She really wanted to talk to her goddess, no...
She wanted to be by her side, see her, feel her, look at her, be praised by her....
Shaking her head Ahmya returned to reality and sighed.
Heaving herself up she continued on her way into the void, for other then her goddess she had nothing else.
An Unknown time later
Ahmya had long since stopped tracking the flow of time for it seemes in the void time is but a relative.
Years had passed but her body had not aged even one bit.
She had never stopped walking and yet had found nothing other than an island out of crystall's that seemingly contain the stars themselves.
She could feel the power in those crystalls streaming through them like a dam just trying to break out of it's walls.
However other than the island there was nothing.
time passed without her accomplishing anything
And so she returned to the island she found with only one goal....
Maybe she already went insane at that point for even the soothing warmth of her goddess wasn't enough to keep her will to live intact.
Ripping out a shard of her crystall island she stabbed herself in the neck.
Choking on her own blood she gurgled out pleas of forgiveness to her goddess for choosing the cowards way out, waiting for her end to come Ahmya closed her eyes but...
Pulling the shard out of her throat and putting her hand on her pristine flawless neck finding not even the slightest imperfection Ahmya whispered to herself.
Looking at the red liquid on the shard she was sure she wasn't hallucinating.
Staring blankly at the liquid dripping languidly from the shard her face soon morphed from confusion to anger.
"Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, why why why why why why?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Stabbing herself over and over again Ahmya screamed and howled as even the release of death was taken from her resembling less a human and more like like a deranged beast, her void like pupils seemingly taking over the entirety of her eyes as tears streamed her face.
She kept at it for hours hacking away at her fleshy body going as far as to use her own hands to spread herself open letting the blood flow from her body like a crimson waterfall.
Whatever she tried it didn't seem to affect her body the only thing she was achieving was painting her surroundings and herself in the crimson hue of blood.
After mauling her body for the umpteenth time Ahmya laid herself flat on the ground, staring blankly into the void with her eyes just as dark.
Feeling the last of her wounds heal under that oh so familiar warmth Ahmya only had one question.
"Why are you prolonging my suffering, goddess?"
She waited listening through their bond but as minutes turned to hours she slowly lost hope.
However when it seemed that she wasn't going to get an answer a few words came through the connection she had with her goddess.
An etheral mischevous voice came through the bond speaking a few words, they didn't seem like they were spoken for her but they still reached her.
"I want a child strong enough to conquer the dungeon and wipe the smug grin off that bitch Freya's face."
Even though she had no idea what the dungeon was Ahmya didn't care she had never been so exited in her life nor did she care that the words weren't spoken for her.
"Her voice is so beautiful~"
Swooning over her goddess voice like a school girl one could almost forgot that this was the same woman who just hours prior mutilated herself....
If one didn't look at her blood caked skin that is.
"Alright", jumping up with renwed energy Ahmya landed on the hard surface of the crystalls.
Grinning at the void Ahmyas eyes seemed to devour the very essence of the abyss,"Since my goddess wants a warrior strong enough to conquer what ever she wants I can't let her down."
And so began her training to become something her goddess would be proud of.
/ Many years(?) later /
Standing on an island seemingly made of crystalls stood a woman, standing at 200 cm (6.6~ feet) tall her body rippled with corded muscle each of her movements containing explosive power.
Long white hair cascaded like a waterfall around her form stopping right above her hips, her eyes seemingly trying to suck you into an abyss deeper that hell.
However even though she was extremely muscular and broad she still had an impressive hourglass figure with giant hips and really big breast.
This figure was of course Ahmya however to explain these changes we have to go back in time a little.
A few years back
Ahmya was training her body while feeling into the bond with her goddess when an unexpected scene was transmited to her.
In this scene she looked out of the perspective of what she could only assume was her goddess, how she sneaked up behind a green haired woman with long ears and then shot foward grabbing her boobs.
The scene was then cut off by the woman smaking her goddess over the head.
To say Ahmya was jealous would be a understatement and she immediately went deeper into their bond searching for more information while she had the chance.
What she found out slightly shocked her if she was honest but it also delighted her as it meant more ways to make her goddess happy when they eventually meet, the possibility that she won't meet her not even appearing in her obssesed mind.
She learned that her goddess really liked big breasts and loved touching them, though she wasn't as much of a degenerate as she played herself up to be, stopping if someone really felt uncomfortable.
However that proposed a question , no, two questions for her and these were:
1. How would she grow big breasts as her goddess likes as even though her boobs were definitely on the bigger side she wanted to make them bigger for her goddess.
2. If she finds a way to make her boobs bigger how can she make them comfortable to fight with.
Both of these questions she had found a solution for pretty quickly.
Using the warm energy of her goddess she manipulated the energy in the crystalls to flow into her body during training, the process was excruatingly painful even for a woman who had torn herself abart like Ahmya but for her goddess happieness pain was but temporary.
Growing to 2m of height she compressed her muscles making them harder than rock, roaring with explosive power, if she hadn't compressed her muscles she would have looked like a freak so while she was still broad and muscular she didn't look like a bloated ballon.
Her breasts under the guided energy of the crystalls began to grow becoming impressevely large even on her new bigger frame, however she specifically modefied her chest muscles so that she can basically control her boobs like any other muscle.
As such she can tense her breasts to keep them from fumbling around, that plus a tight binding and they should not even bother her in combat.
To explain the last the last edition she made to her body one will have to look at the thoughts that her goddess seems to send over to her by accident.
Training with her new method Ahmya was not expecting anything new from her goddess for a while when suddenly a contemplative voice appeared inside her head.
'I wonder if there is any race with female bodies but with dicks.'
That thought took Ahmya so by suprise that she faceplanted into the ground from her one-handed handstand position with a grunt.
However her goddess just continued.
'I mean I like women way more and men are kinda unattractive but I can see the appeal of a dick.'
Lying on the ground face a tomato red Ahmya had already decided what modification she was adding to her body.
*Scene end*
Swinging her 9inch 'instument' around Ahmya was very satesfied with what she had created.
Tearing her eyes away from her member Ahmya made her way to the only thing she had built on this island.
Embedded into the largest wall on the island was a grand throne carved directely in to the crystall.
Seating herself on it she went into a kind of trance sinking inti the warmth of her connection to her goddess.
( Unknown )
Born in a desperate bid to win a war that had been going on for eons the most powerful of them all created us the 'system race'.
Or at least that was what my parents told me.
We are basically the living equilant to artifacial systems, our abilities vary greatly from member to member but I could proudly call myself an elite tier system.
Having the ability to synchronise my hosts soul with a being they killed giving them an almost unlimited amount of abilities when used wisely, even having a storage space and a system window to inquire about the hosts current status.
Wich made me really wonder how I could end up in such a desperate situation.
Glancing down at the soul of my host as we were traviling through the void I only wanted to lynch him.
When I first found him I was really excited, finding a reincarnated person that wasn't already snatched up by some other system or grubby being was really rare.
Because souls that could withstand reincarnation usually have a lot of potentional they are almost immediately snatched up by someone giving them some kind of disgusting thing created by their powers that they call a 'system' when really they are just binding the host to the being like a slave.
Of course there are genuinely powerful beings too that really send the person of their choice away with a power or system but those are few and rare.
So excited as I was I approached him with the usual contract but he just kept blabbering about being the protagonist and how I was his golden finger.
He was honestly so annoying and seemed extremely delusional but I needed a host so he would have to do.
Then I made the mistake of asking him for a name.
And the little rat really responded with,"But you are a system why do you need a name?"
My second mistake was showing my true form to him.
He immediately looked at me like I was some whore and muttered some shit about some 'system waifu'.
And then after leering at me for a good five minutes he said.
"Eve, your name is Eve."
My deadpan expression mst have been visible even to his tiny brain as he asked:
"What?, be happy I gave you a name."
I just let my form dissapear from his eyes without changing my expression but once I was out of his sight I raged.
"Eve?, EVE!?"
Not only was it the most generic name he could have chosen it didn't fit me at all.
In my true form I was 2.2m tall (little over 7ft) way taller than the little freak for sure, while I wouldn't say I was bulky I definetely had some muscles.
All that was topped of with a sharp angular face with deep set golden cat eyes and lucious black hair.
And he called me Eve!!
Calming myself down I reminded myself that I only had to do this till the contract is fulfilled.
I only had to make sure that the little freak lives.
Giving him the starter pack I had prepared consisting of a sword and shield and leather armor.
I brieved him about the world he had fallen into namely the monster hunter world.
However half way through my explanation he stopped me.
"You don't need to explain this to me I played monster hunter already", he arrogantly declared.
"But this not a game...."
I was silenced by him running off.
"Hahhh", I hate him.
Floating by his side as he tried to clumsily fend of a pack of jagras I remained silent.
As when ever I tried to correct him...
"Shut up, Bitch! I'm the protagonist as if I wil lose to some oversized lizard!"
He would yell slurs at me so I would only warn him at critecal times.
'Even though it was not great he had already killed two of them so he should be able to win', these were my thoughts before a great jagras broke through the bushes and swollowed him whole.
I had an aghast expression on my face as I heard the notification on my right.
"Host has died of shock retrieving soul"
'What a little faggot', I felt like I had bitten into a particulary sour lemon as I watched his shivering soul come floating towards me.
So that was how we ended up in the void according to the rules of the contract if the hosts soul can be recovered they can choose if they want to start again in the same world or go to a new world.
Being the little bitch that he is my host of course choose to go to another world, even though the monster hunter world is both a perfect starter and great world for strong beings to.
Problem is that he died so fast that I couldn't even gather any energy so now we have to traverse the void and that little bitch doesn't shut up.
"Have you found something yet?"
Just before I lashed out at him my senses flared up as I felt a huge gathering of energy pop up on my radar.
Focusing my mind I searched for it's exact location while ignoring the annoyance yelling into my ear, one would think dying would have damaged his ego but finding out that I could reincarnate him in case he died only enflated his ego.
Finding the source of the energy wasn't hard considering it shined like a beacon in this empty abyss.
Having marked it on my host's map I turned to him.
"I have marked a source of energy on your map, so if you want to reincarnate in some 'Anime' world get a move on."
Even though he was still visibly not down with his blabbering a glare from me shut him up quickly.
And so we traveled quickly to the source so that we could leave this dreary place but what we would find there I would never have imagined.
An annoying voyage later
Widening my feline eyes at the massive island made purely out of void crystall I was speechless.
'How the hell can so much void crystall exist in one place?', normally one would be lucky to find even a fist sized void crystall if they searched the void for years.
Stepping foot one the island I let my eyes wander for a moment in awe but I quickly snapped back to reality.
'Such a huge void crystall definitely has some kind of strong void creature living on or protecting it, we should take what we need and then swiftly make our escape.', with such thoughts I turned to my host only to notice was gone.
"Where the fuck-"
I looked frantically for him only for my mind to come to a complete stop when I found him.
In front of him, on a throne carved out of void crystall sat a seemigly human woman, her face a visage of absolute perfection.
But her body was what took my attention more, pristine white skin covered what I could only descripe as the most perfect physique I had ever seen. Her muscles were huge but not to the point of hindering movement all without a single imperfection in them.
And while normally one would trade there more feminine assets for such a body her were ginormous.
Comparing my breasts to her's only made feel depressed even though I was nearly a foot taller than her (20cm) her's were way bigger and her hips were quite wide too.
What really made my face flush red though was the long penis just resting lazily over her muscled thigh.
However one thing made me want to yell for her inmodesty.
'Why does she have no clothes on!', I thought while peeping through my fingers.
However while I was 'admiring' the beautiful view in front of me, my dumbass of a host did something extremely moronic....
( Genaral 3rd Person )
While his system was drooling over the woman that he found the idiot had other thoughts about the woman in front of him.
'Damn she is hot, kind of a shame that she has a dick.', while thinking about this he remembered what his 'Eve' had told him about the reincarnation process.
'I just have to dive into her body and take over don't I? Eve said that it's best to do when the person is vulnarable, sleep counts doesn't it? Moreover such a huge dick doesn't fit on her anyway it is way better in my the protagonist's hands.'
Having not learned anything from his previous death he dived right in to her body under the shocked eyes of 'Eve'.
"That Idiot?!?", before she could even react the idiot had jumped in to the womans body.
Just as she was about to move the woman's eyes shot open sending a shudder down her spine and making her freeze in place.
'Eve' was unable to tear her eyes away from what followed.
Furrowing her brows the white haired woman seemed puzzeld on what was going on before her features were overtaken by rage.
Lifting her hand from the arm of her throne she raised it in front of her chest.
Right when 'Eve' was wondering what the woman was trying to do her hand plunged into her chest with blood spraying everywhere.
Frozen in morbid curiosity 'Eve' could only watch as the woman pulled her still beating heart from her chest, both her hand and the heart surronded by a deep crimson glow.
Looking at the heart 'Eve could see her host for a split moment before the woman's strong hand crushed it to mush, a gurgled scream echoing in the silence of the void.
Host has died
Soul not recovered
Contract nullified
However 'Eve' didn't listen to the notifications beeping in her ear, she was too facinated by the way the woman's chest closed by itself, healing to pristine condition.
Other than the blood on her skin and the bloody bits of gore scattered around npthing indicated that the woman had just ripped her heart out of her chest.
Seeing the woman begin to sit down an idea formed in 'Eve's' head.
And even though it had the potentional to go horribly wrong she can always just escape.
"Would you like to enter a contract with me?"
( Ahmya )
Having crushed the vermin who tried to take over her body Ahmya was in the middle of sitting back down on her throne when-
"Would you like to enter a contract with me?"
Springing from her throne with ligthning speed she locked eyes with what she could with all honesty call the prettiest woman she had ever seen.
Seeing the shudder go through the woman when their eyes met Ahmya grinned showing her sharp teeth.
Looking the woman up and down Ahmya's first impression was that she was tall, even taller than herself the next thing she noticed were her eyes feline eyes of solid golden color and her clothing, a seemingly black bodysuit covering every part of her body exept her head, hands and feet.
Attached to her waist was a red piece of cloth circeling her waist like a skirt bit leaving the front open, on her upper body a similar red cloth was drapped over her shoulder held in place by a gold ornament.
Having satisfied her curiosity Ahmya asked in a voice hoarse from disuse,"What do you mean?"
The black haired woma visibly perked up at her voice and said,"Well you killed my old host so I would like to enter a contract with you."
Sitting herself down on her throne again Ahmya enjoyed seeing the taller woman squirm in her gaze before asking,"And what can you offer me."
The woman practically shone with pride as she said,"I am a system capable of synchronizing my hosts soul with the soul of creatures they kill, that means if you kill a dragon you can either transform completely into it or just to a certain degree only taking slightly draconic features, I also have a spatial warehouse not to be confused with an inventory and a screen that shows you your current status and if you help me grow maybe even more.
Ahmya digested that information while the cat eyed woman was nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
"So you are some kind of living system, correct?", Ahmya asked.
"That is correct", replied the woman nervously.
"And what would I have to do in exchange?"
Seemingly having expected this kind of question the woman answered,"Nothing much I just take the souls of the beings you kill and convert them into energy, of course only if you already have that species already and I don't want you to bond with another system."
"This seems to be heavily in my favour", Ahmya said while her abysslike eyes gazed at the woman in front of her.
However before the woman could answer Ahmya talked again in a tone that left no room for arguments,"However I don't care all that much about all of that."
The woman stiffened up noticably and Ahmya could see how she swallowd as her throat moved.
"I don't even care that your previous host tried to take over my body or how you might have helped him with that", the woman seemed to want to say something at that last part but shrunk in on herself when Ahmya glared at her,"I only care about one thing."
Standing up from her throne Ahmya walked to the now slightly trembling woman in front of her.
Coming to a stand still mere centimeters from her chest she grabbed the taller woman's neck and pulled her down so they could meet eye to eye.
Looking at the slightly blushing face in front of her, equal parts scared and hidden arousal, Ahmya's void eyes met the golden ones of the woman.
"And that is if you are able to bring me to where I desire", Ahmya whispered into the black haired womans ears.
A shiver went through the woman before she squeaked out an answer,"With enough energy I can bring us almost anywhere."
Feeling pleased with the answer Ahmya let go of the woman's neck.
"Alright then bind the contract", Ahmya almost chuckled at the enthusiasm that the woman had when she accepted but held herself back.
Seeing a golden screen appear in front of her face she pressed the bind option on the screen.
Instanly she felt a new found connection to the golden eyed woman in front of her.
Falling to her knees the tall woman pleaded,"Please give me a name host."
Letting her gaze strive over the keeling woman Ahmya asked,"Didn't your previous host give you one?"
The woman's expression became troubled before saying,"It doesn't fit me."
"I see", that was enough reason for Ahmya.
Looking at the woman kneeling before her Ahmya gave her the first name that came to mind.
"Thank you, host!", the woman said with child like joy.
The sight was so cute that Ahmya didn't reveal that it just meant panther in latin.
"Also my name is Ahmya but call me mistress", she added.
"Yes mistress", the woman said before going incorporeal and dissapearing from her sight.
"I guess this is how you are gonna travel most of the time?", Ahmya inquired.
"Yes miss", the voice seemed to come from right next to her.
"Can others hear you or see your screens?", Ahmya asked.
"Only when I am in my physical form mistress but I can't read your thoughts so you have to verbally communicate with me," the newly named Panthera answered.
Nodding Ahmya decided that was enough information for now.
"So I guess you will use the energy in the crystalls to achieve travel?"
"That's right, mistress", replied Panthera.
Right after she said that a small rift appeared at the of side of the island slowly getting bigger over the coarse of 10 minutes till it could fit the island itself.
"Proceed", sitting in her throne Ahmya watched as the island was swallowed up with her on it.
When the island had fully passed over the rift closed and Panthera's voice echoed in her ears,"Welcome to the warehouse mistress, the warehouse is a virtualy unlimeted space if enough energy is infused, both width, length and height are entirely customizable with energy."
The warehouse reminded Ahmya strongly of the void as it was currently just a black space but decorating could wait.
Releasing some of the warm energy of her goddess a crimson aura surrounded her hand.
"Can you track this energy, Panthera?", Ahmya asked her voice hopeful.
"I should be able to mistress, that is quite the distinct divine energy", answered Panthea confidentily.
Ahmya smiled then said,"Then start."
As soon as she said that a lot of energy left the island, though compared to it's size it was inconsequental and the space around her seemed to vibrate with energy.
"Get ready for the shift, mistress", that was the only warning she got before the shaking started to affect even her but thinking about how she would finally meet her goddess made it bearable.
Then she heard horrible tearing noises before everything became calm again.
Panthea appeared next to her,"We have now entered a stable shift and should reach the designated world in around 2 days."
Stretching out her hand Ahmya patted a frozen Panthea on the head before saying.
"Good girl"
Panthea blushed like tomato and lowered her head but didn't back away making Ahmya chuckle.
"Well since this isn't the void I should be able to sleep in here, right Panthea?", speaking with a yawn Ahmya questioned her system.
"Nothing is stopping yo-"
Panthea stopped talking once she noticed that her mistress was already fast asleep.
Turning incorporeal again she whispered to herself,"The headpats felt nice."
However she swiftly baned these thought's from her mind.
And so time passed.
2 days later
Waking up to the sound of space tearing Ahmya's mind had not felt so rested for a long time.
"We have arrived, mistress.", Panthea informed her.
Standing up Ahmya walked to the edge of the island.
"Let me out", even though she tried to hide it her voice quivered with exitement, she was now closer to her goddess than ever before.
"Yes, mistress", came from her left.
Seeing the rift open Ahmya waited till the rift was big enough then jumped through it.
Emerging from the crack she fell from around one meter landing on golden sand that swallowd her feet in it's embrace.
Letting her gaze wander all she saw was endless dunes of sand,
However Ahmya's eyes teared up slightly for she could feel it....
....her goddess had never been so near.
So yeah, like I already said in the chapter I lost the original version of this chapter, so if some parts feel rushed or not detailed enough that is probably the reason.