A heart divided


When I disappeared, I went to the sanctuary that I had chosen for myself. 

The moment I arrived, I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders, just for a moment. Here, in this ancient forest, the air was thick with the scent of moss and damp earth, and the trees whispered in the breeze.

But today, the whispers weren't peaceful.

I stood in the clearing, listening closely as the trees murmured about the war, their voices low and sad. 

Their branches swayed, leaves rustling like voices at a gathering, sharing stories of battles fought, of magic unleashed, of blood spilled. 

They spoke of their role in it all, how they'd witnessed the rise of power and the fall of kingdoms. The war hadn't touched this place directly, not yet, but even in this sanctuary, it seemed the shadows of what was happening beyond had found a way to creep in.