The next morning, as the sun shines brighter, Hannah woke up with birds chirping along with the sound of a text message.

Who would it be? It was Hannah's best friend since high school and currently pursuing studies in Northern Leeds. It would probably take about 20 minutes to reach Bradford depending upon the traffic. But it took almost 3 months for Scarlett to meet Hannah.

Gently squinting her eyes to adjust the morning light, and the text message read

" Hey Hanniee, I've got my internship! Guess where? Of course Bradford. It's gonna start by next week but I thought of spending some quality time and shopping with my dumbo best friend. So I'll be there tonight. Get ready to pick me up by 7 at the metro station. XOXO :)"

Hannah's face lit up with energy. The first sight she witnessed while entering the university was our Greek god. Christian, he is. Strong masculine body beating the shit out of somebody. Hannah's lit face dropped into worry.

"Oh man! Why do you have to create problems for yourself as if preparing your daily caffeine? Just leave that dude alone, Christian!." Hannah's interruption made him stop what he was doing and look at her.

"What now?" Christian asked annoyed. Hannah folded her arms while expecting a valid answer for his doing.

"Well, he's the one who's responsible for your rumours and not only yours, he's behind the shitty texts received by multiple girls in here. He's neither an innocent nor had any valid reason. He was also ill speaking about you just now. I had no other option." Christian said all these in one breath and gasped for air while Hannah understood Christian had enough of reasons to beat the hell out of that guy.

And the guy spoke realising she's the one who can get him out of this mess.

"Lady listen! I apologise for what I did to you. But you see, the other girls,.. they were just some gold diggers and they deserved it. I have a lot of cash on me. How about you get me out of this and I repay it to you like however you want?" And that's it Hannah lost it.

"I'm over this shit right now." Hannah extended her arm to slap him right on his face for his unbelievable attitude and it had it's perfect landing while Christian widened his eyes. Hannah got her right shoe off and hit the guy's head as much as she can before she was pulled away by Christian to stop the circumstances awaiting. So much drama for today.

Christian knew Hannah was one bold freak but hitting some stranger while the entire university witnessed was something apart from his expectations.

"What was that?" Christian asked with shocked expression written all over his face.

"What was what? He deserved it, alright? Have you confronted about this to the management yet? " Hannah asked unbothered.

"Yeah. Formalities are done. He's probably suspended for 6 months or so." Christian said looking at the guy as he was pulled away by the security guards.

"We should get to the classes, it's time." She said looking at her watch and Christian's brain suddenly clicked something.

"Wait!! Do you have any plans for the weekend?

"Um, I guess so. My best friend's gonna visit me tonight and will probably go shopping this weekend. So what is it for?"

Hannah said with an excitement tone.

"Alright, so my match is gonna be this weekend. Would you guys mind going? I can get you VIP tickets at the front row with all the necessities." Christian asked her while expecting her to agree.

"Consider it done! Now, we should leave, it's getting late." Christian smiled as she agreed and they hurried to let the day end with scheduled tiredness.