It was almost late afternoon after classes, Hannah took her phone for any updates from Scarlett. Only to notice a bunch of texts from random people. Among all those text, she could recognise lettie's text at first and it read

"Hannie I've packed everything and will board by 18:00 or maybe half past that. Will reach soon. Love ya!! :)"

Hannah hesitated to open other texts but had no other option and clicked to open a random text that said

"Don't think everything's over. It's just the beginning."

Who could that be? It's a private unknown number with no name or any sort of information. Sounds vague as well as creepy. With hesitation written all over her face Hannah opened another random text. Hope this doesn't spoil her day.

"Han! It's me, Christian. When would your friend arrive? Should I drop you off at the station?" Slowly a smile crept on her face looking at how Christian noticed little things she said.

"How did he get my number? Probably from the college community. Should I just check his profile? Nevermind. Nope, I'll just have a look. Okayy... nice profile and the posts. Um...well built physique..."

Swallowing the nervousness, Hannah stalked his posts for a while. And the smile never left her side like it was plastered on her face forever. And looking further, blood surged through her body as light pink tint was all over her face. Drowned in her phone, Christian's appearance went unnoticed by Hannah.

"What's so interesting?" He snatched her phone while saying that.

Thankfully Hannah turned off the phone before she could get more embarrassed.

"Unlock it!" Christian demanded.

"Nah!" She said with a proud face.

He slided his hand on her waist as her breath fastened and pulled her closer with no distance between them. His masculine scent took over and intoxicating her slowly. Hannah bit her lower lip being nervous while driving him crazy. Christian slided his other hand to her nape and then to her chin tilting her head straight to look up at him. Moving his face closer to her as his hot breath brushing her earlobes giving her tingles everywhere. And whispered,

"You sure?". All of a sudden, Hannah forgot how to breathe while heat took over her body and his presence sent shivers to her spine making her the weakest being. Though all he did was just talk, it was more than enough to manipulate her brain.

That moment was a pure serenity, as the clocks stopped and the hearts echoed with synchronised beat. Hannah clutched his shirt while staring deep into his soul. The silence screamed so loud that their bodies responded with emotions. He could see through the calmness her eyes held.

The ringing phone, interrupted their precious moment. It was Hannah's, probably Scarlett. Using this as her chance, Hannah excused herself from him before he could look into her phone.

"Heyy lett, how ya doing?"

"Hannie, want me to buy you anything from Leeds? Cuz I ain't going anywhere for a month until my internship is done." Scarlett asked to buy a lots of love for her lovely friend.

"Nahh. All I want is just to meet you. I'm missing you already. Just come back right away. I'll be waiting at the station by 7." Hannah said through her phone.

Like an innocent child waiting patiently for his mother to buy him sugars, Christian's staring at Hannah to finish her phone call faster.

Once she's done, Christian waited no more and held her wrist, led to the exit.

" I'll accompany you tonight. And I'll take care of things you need." Christian shrugged saying.

And Hannah didn't complain as she understood it was his side of being protective.

Both went to pick Scarlett, though they had enough time.