Samuel's life on Earth is a daily struggle against relentless bullying. Constantly ridiculed and overshadowed by his more talented peers, he feels trapped in a cycle of despair. Despite his longing to prove himself, he is often dismissed and humiliated, leaving him with deep insecurities.
Everything changes when he is mysteriously transported to a fantastical tower, a place where individuals can harness extraordinary powers. Faced with rising tensions, betrayals, and the consequences of their newfound powers, the group must unite to confront greater threats. In this journey of self-discovery, Samuel must embrace his abilities and learn to stand tall against the adversities that have defined him for so long.
Re: Fractor explores the struggle to find one's place in a competitive world while uncovering the hidden strengths that lie within. Will Samuel overcome his fears and seize his destiny, or will he remain a prisoner of his own doubts?