
CHAPTER 6 - "Queens don't ruin their makeup, they ruin people."


A gorgeous Ferrari with a matte black finish is parked in front of my house. Romain leans on the side watching me as I approach him.

"You look beautiful, as always."

"Thank you."

He opens the car door and I step in. The cool air hits me and I take in a sharp breath.

It goes unnoticed as he turns to the other side to get in.

"Like I said, it's a party for shareholders. There are going to be a lot of important people there. We need to be at our best."

I turn to look at his face. It holds both uncertainty and determination. What is going on in your head, Romain?

"All I have to do is be your girlfriend?" My eyes doesn't leave his face, and he nods.

"My family will be in attendance. It's important to get rid of any loophole." He says before he brings out his hand.

Palm open waiting for mine. I give him a small smile and place my hand on his. I feel a little squeeze. It's meant to be reassuring but why do I feel like he's the one feeling reassured.

The entire scenario is to die for. I've been awestrucked from the moment we drove through the gates of the hotel till we got to the entrance. 

The engine dies and my eyes fly to Romain. He takes out his seatbelt and turns to me. 

"You might want to breathe." He stares at me intently and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding then a soft chuckle. "You'll do fine."

I stare at him for a while. His bright eyes stare directly into mine and for a moment I get lost in how beautiful they are. 

He leans in and I pull away subconsciously before hearing a click. The car door was opened. I take my eyes off him and scan the empty spaces in the car. There's an almost invincible smirk on his face and I want to wipe it off. Asshole.

The hall is one of the biggest I've ever walked into. The decoration screams class!

I make sure to not gawk for too long.

"You said it was a shareholders party." I whisper to Romain.

"It is. Everyone here is related to a shareholder." 

"Makes no sense to me. I expected something small."

My eyes roam around the hall, taking in the people and most importantly, their outfit. 

Everyone, especially the females, are dressed with the finest materials. For some reason, I know my designs and can easily point them out.

"Oh my! You're Kendall!" I hear, and I turn towards the direction of the voice. Romain's grip on me tightens a bit.


"You are so beautiful. Your dress too." She says taking me in from head to toe. "I'm Darty, by the way."

"Thank you, Darty. You're beautiful as well. I love your outfit. Everything about it is just what it should be." 

"As it should. It was made by the best." 

I smile so wide and turn to look away. Best compliment of the day. Riley should get a raise.

"Hello, Romain." She goes as her eyes dart away from me.

"Hello, Darty." He says, "I see you're having a good evening."

"I am. Everything is beautiful."

"Have fun then." He says pulling me away. I give her another smile before following him.

"Looks like you two have history." I chip in.

"Yeah. Once." He answers in a dismissive manner. I nod.

Romain and I walk towards the large table with different delicacies.

"I believe I'm allowed to serve myself." I say.

"Yes, sure."

My eyes travel to his face and find him staring at me. I pause for a bit before narrowing my gaze to the point where our hands entwine. He seems to get the message and releases me.

"I'm sorry about that." He says with a smile. I press my lips together in a smile too then reach out to serve myself.

Romain steps away to talk to other people, and I, for a minute, regret wearing a body con dress. 

"For some reason, I thought my brother was the biggest liar." I turn around to meet Shantelle.

"Hi, there Miss Arsenault." I say picking up a glass of wine.

"You're his plus one?" She asks, pointing her glass in his direction.


Her smile is small and warm but she turns to walk away, "come, follow me."

My eyes meet with Romain's for a few seconds before I follow her. We both walk into another section of the supposed shareholders party. 

Now, this looks like one.

There are very few people, not more than twenty if I'm good with this number thing. 

"My brother likes to take his time. This is where the party is held." She says, and I turn just in time to see Romain walk into the room. He strides towards me and Shantelle but his attention gets caught up.

"Here you are. Thought you chickened out." Romain says to a tall looking man who has his back to me. I've always considered Romain to be a tall man, but besides this man, he doesn't seem so much.

The man seems so uninterested in whatever he has to say, so he turns to walk away but stops when his eyes meet mine. My breath hiked while I struggle to swallow the wine in my mouth. 

"He's walking towards you!" My brain screams, while I hold his gaze as he approaches. 

I'm about to say something when Shantelle beats me to it, "Hello, brother." And I'm stunned.

Everything feels so light, and watch him walk past me into Shantelle's open arms.

"I'm elated to see you." She pouts and I think I hear him chuckle.

"I'm happy to see you, little muffin." 

A hand crosses over my back, drawing me back to reality. It's Romain. And just then, the hottest man I've seen the whole evening turns to face me but picks up the details instead.

"Since you're already here, meet my girlfriend, Kendall. Kendall, this is my younger brother, Alain." He says.

Brother. He has a younger brother.

Alains' eyes run through me like the speed of light and his cold expression comes up.

"Hi, Alain. It's nice to meet you." I say with my hand out for a shake but nothing comes.

His stare is cold but softens a bit when our eyes lock. My hand hangs in the air for seconds before I pull away. First embarrassment for the night. 

"Don't mind my brother. He's the antisocial one." Shantelle says with a sweet smile on her face which I reciprocate.

Rich people sure have a cover-up for being rude.

Alain still has his eyes on me. For some reason I notice his eyes are a perfect shade of brown. His eyes leave my face and fall somewhere else and almost immediately Romain covers me up with his jacket. Awkward.

"I hope it's not so cold." He whispers but my eyes stay glued to the man in front of me. He rolls his eyes at the act before walking away. Shantelle follows.

"You didn't have to give me your jacket."

"He was going to keep staring if I didn't." 

"I don't mind." My subconsciousness screams.

I nod instead.

"There. There's my dad. Come on." He says pulling me with force. I get pissed, and about to pull my hands away from him but we come face to face with his father.

"Hi, dad." Romain goes but his father barely spares him a glance.

Rather he turns to me. "Your pretty face is very familiar." He commends.

"Oh. I'm Kendall. Kendall Smith." I say with an outstretched hand which he takes. A light kiss is placed on my knuckles and I smile.

"I've heard of you, Miss Kendall. The fashion world is all yours here in Paris." Daddy Arsenault says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Arsenault. You're a big inspiration to many. Never really imagined this day." I say with a smile.

The sound of throat clearing draws us back to realize someone is with us. Romain.

Daddy Arsenault looks between Romain and I, as if trying to figure out why we are together.

"It's nice to know that you already know my girlfriend, father." Romain says with a hint of pride in his voice which causes me to turn to him.

Daddy Arsenault looks between Romain and I again. The next thing he does is one I'd never imagine. He laughs. 

"I'm sorry, Miss Kendall. My son is a comedian." I can't help but laugh too.

"Except he's not telling a joke this time." I say and the laughter dies down.

"He's not good for you." Daddy Arsenault says with the most serious tone I've heard from him today.

And for some reason, something in me agrees with him. 

"You don't know that, sir." I intervene, staring at the defeated face of Romain. He seems to lose esteem in the presence of his father. Now I know why he looked so desperate. "Your son is a great guy."

"He's my son, and he has never proven me wrong. Everything dies in his hands."

"I don't think we are talking about the same person." Daddy Arsenault's expression seems to change into a suspicious one. He looks rather interested in what I have to say. "Romain is the most determined person I know. He ensures he gets something once he puts his mind to it. You probably don't know this because you've never given him a chance to show that side of him to you. I hear you're a busy man, that's probably one of the reasons. In all, your son is an amazing person. He deserves accolades."

Daddy Arsenault stares at Romain for a while before his face turns back to me, and he has a smile on. "Whatever it is that he has become, I'm sure it's because of you." He says before turning his attention back to the people around him.

Romain has his hand in a fist. His body language gives off his frustration and anger. I'm about to talk him out of it when I meet his brother's eyes. Alain stood right beside his father, and he has a smirk on. 

This family must be crazy.

"You look like you're about to explode." I say to Romain, giving him a little tap on the shoulder.

"He will never regard me."

"Then you prove him wrong. Do you think I woke up one day and convinced my parents to let me move to Paris and they did?" 

The whole party seems boring except for the food, which tastes so nice.

"I need air. I'll be outside." I say as I walk away.

The cold breeze collides with my face sending chills which relaxes my nerves. My mind takes a little tour back memory lane as I try to put tiny details together.

Romain insisted on having me play this role because of my influence. I feel used but I accepted this without sitting to think about it. Since he couldn't make his dad see him as someone capable of achieving things, he decided to use me to make him see that.

I decide to take a slow walk around the premises. 

I know it is a fake relationship, but that was all I thought there was. Just it being fake. I never thought I was the one being used in a fake relationship. Somehow the feelings I've managed to suppress for weeks start to come alive.

'The sky seems to be a bit more beautiful tonight' I thought as I laugh at my silly joke while looking up, knowing fully well I'm only doing that to prevent the tears from falling.

My cheeks grow hot, and soon enough the tears fall uncontrollably. My emotions weighed on the gates till I could no longer keep it up. I feel heartbroken all over.

"Ruining a good make up seems to be your thing." I hear a deep soothing voice, and turn in the direction which it's coming from.

I come face to face with a drop dead gorgeous man. The moonlight's reflection on his face gives him an ethereal appearance. Again, I'm stunned by his presence.

His brows go up and his words echo in my head. I sniff in and dab the tears off my cheeks.

"It was that good." I say trying to put on a smile but fails miserably.

His eyes stay glued to my face and I reach out to pull the jacket that lay over my shoulder.

"Did he say something? My father." 

"No. No, he didn't. He seems nice."

"Did I do something then? I remember I'm the last person you looked at before walking off." 

He was staring at me the whole time? 

"You didn't do anything either. Besides being an ass." I say trying to lessen the tension but it seems to make it even worse 'cause his expression is still cold.

"I get that a lot."

"I'm sure you do." 

I turn around to face the sky again so we're both standing side by side to each other. 

"Your makeup was beautiful. You ruined it." 

"I guess I'm good at ruining things. And people." 

"People? Miss Kendall ruins people?" He says with a soft chuckle which sounds like music to my ears. Once more, I'm forced to stare up at the cold man beside me.

"I sure do. So I've heard." 

"I could let you ruin me then." I think I hear him say but I only turn around to see a smirk on his face. I'm unsure of how to react but somehow whatever I was feeling when I came out here is long lost. "Queens don't ruin their makeup, they ruin people." He says giving me a soft smile that is almost invisible before walking off.

What a good way to console someone if you ask me. I take out my phone from my purse and text Romain.

"I'm going home." 

My Uber driver pulled up a few minutes after I placed a ride. I took the back seat and heaved a deep sigh of relief and a bit of fulfillment.