
CHAPTER 7 - "What are we? A family pleasure pack?"


Romain doesn't text back until an hour later. He was surprised to find out I left already, and asked to meet up later the next day.

A sunny Sunday morning, and Jayla decides to make it a perfect day to blow off my ear drums. I woke up with a slight headache, and right now, it's getting worse.

I walk into the living room and turn off the music. Silence is indeed golden.

"Thank God. I thought I'd go deaf in a minute." Amira walks into the kitchen.

"It wasn't that loud, you guys." Jayla defends.

Amira pours a glass of milk and hands it over to me. "How was your night?"

"It was fine, baby. I slept so well."

"I meant the party." Jayla's laugh was loud at this point.

"If I'm being honest, it was a boring one. The good part is, a lot of guests rocked my design."

"I thought parties like that are fun."

"I thought so too until yesterday. Bunch of boring people."

"You didn't meet anyone new?" Jayla chips in.

"I met Daddy Arsenault, and Romain's younger brother, Alain."

"Daddy Arsenault?" Amira laughs. "Cool name."

"A win if you ask me." Jayla says.

"Yes, a win." I say and gulp down my glass of milk.

"Why do I feel like there's more?" Jayla comes to stand next to me, giving me a nudge.

"Okay, fine. There's really nothing but Alain Arsenault is the most gorgeous man in the world. Sadly, he's a walking red flag."

"You mean you went to the party with one brother and ended up getting swept off your feet by another brother? Crazy." Jayla goes and we laugh.

Amira seems to be lost for a bit, so I snap my fingers to get her attention.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just don't like the Arsenaults." She says before walking off towards her room.

Jay and I share a confused look.

"She doesn't even know them." Jayla goes.

My alarm rings, and once again, I'm reminded that it's Monday already. It's Riley.

"You choose to cut short my beauty sleep, Riley."

"I'm sorry but not sorry, this couldn't wait."

"It better be good."

"It's more than good. R.A.S Organization just sent an email. We've officially been made their fashion house! This is huge." She squeals.

"Don't play with me, Riley. You'll lose your job."

"I know. It's hard for me to believe it too! Hurry up. Come to the office." She says and ends the call immediately.

I lay stunned for a minute or two before jumping out of bed and into the bathroom.

I'm out in a minute, and throwing my clothes on. I went for a blue and grey colour combo today.

In less than thirty minutes, I'm out of the house. "I'm out!"

I own a Cadillac Escalade. I got it delivered on my last birthday because I was obsessed. Every morning I walk into my garage and see my baby, I'm elated. She'll be my ride for the day.

"Riley!" I call out the moment I step into the office. She dashes in immediately.

"I didn't lie, I promise. Here it is."

Riley held the iPad before my face. I push her hand backwards a bit to get a better view of the mail.

R.A.S Organization really made us their official fashion house. Could it be because of Romain?

For a minute, there are second thoughts. I love to get my things done by myself. If Romain is the reason behind this, I don't want it.

I take out my phone to dial his number. Riley has a confused look on her face.

"Hello. It's odd you're contacting me today. So early."

"It's important. Did you do something I'm supposed to be thankful for?"

"Except bringing you to the biggest private party in Paris?"


"I didn't do any, Kendall. You're not even talking to me."

"Good." I say and hang up immediately.

I drop the phone and take a deep breath. A smile spread across my face. I open my eyes to a teary eyed Riley.

"We did it." I say, and she burst into laughter.

"We sure did. You worked so hard for this, Ken. I'm so proud of you."

"You made it possible. The best manager and designer in the world."

"Oh, please. Keep the second to yourself." Riley says and I grin.

She pulls me into a hug. One I didn't know I needed so badly.

"Thank you."

"Oh. It says you need to meet the CEO today."

"Go for me, Riley. I'm not in the perfect place to."

I feel a sting on my arm, and turn to realize Riley just hit me. "What is that for?"

"You don't shift an opportunity like this to me. I know you have faith in me but nobody! Nobody knows your vision like you do. You're going and that's final. Get ready." She says and walks away.

I'm stunned for a few seconds then I'm laughing. Asides being the best colleague, Riley is like my mom when she needs to be.

I reach out for all the necessary and important documents to carry and put them all together. I head out of my office to Riley's.

All the workers greet and say their hellos which I respond duly.

"Are you ready?" Riley says and I nod.

"A little boost to keep me going, is what I need right now."

She pulls me into another hug and I laugh while tapping her back to be released.

For some reason, I smile when my eyes meet my baby. She's probably my good luck charm today. I get in and drive to R.A.S Organization.

I've known R.A.S to be the biggest company in Paris but what I never imagined is how big their space and building is.

The meeting time was 2pm but here I am by 2:10pm trying to find the right side to park. I call out to a security close by and he helps to direct me to the parking lot.

My frustration must be evident on my face because the security guy laughs the moment I step out.

"I'm new here." I say even though my silly driving was enough evidence. "I have a meeting, can you show me the entrance, please?"

"Yes. Follow me, ma'am."

I walk behind the security guy for minutes before we got to the reception office.

"Thank you." I say as he leaves.

"How may I help you, ma'am?"

"I have a meeting with your CEO." I say, and she gives me a look. One I can't decipher.

"The CEO is on a break, ma'am. The acting CEO is up in his office. I'd like you to be specific."

I'm left confused, so I take out my phone which has the company's email synced with it. I show the mail to her.

"I got an email this morning. This is it. It states the CEO, not acting." I say, and she smiles.

"Since it came on today, it's definitely from the acting CEO. I'll ask someone to direct you to his office in a minute." She says and I nod. I tap my fingers on the table while I wait.

A slender lady walks up to me. I'm captivated by how beautiful she looks, except her dress is quite revealing. What do I know?

"Please, follow me." She says and I do.

We enter a lift which takes us to the 20th floor. I feel so dizzy, all it'll take is a little push to send me to the floor. In front of the CEO's office is another office.

"A meeting with Mister Arsenault scheduled for 2pm." The slender lady says to the lady sitting at the desk. She wears the sauciest look I've ever seen.

"It's 2:30 pm." The saucy lady says then turns to give me a stern look.

"Does that mean my meeting is canceled?"

"The CEO does not have a fancy for lateness."

"You did not answer the question."

"Most likely." She says with a smirk. She puts a call through. "A meeting with" She turns to stare at me, and it takes the self restraint and a smiley face of Riley to not slap her across the face.

"Kendall Smith."

"Kendall Smith which was scheduled for 2pm." She says stressing the time. A few seconds then she hangs up. "You can go in."

I turn to the slender lady with a smile, "Thank you."

The interior of the office exudes a cold and dark aura. Something I didn't feel when I met Daddy Arsenault. It's quite surprising he chose the decorum of his office to give an opposite vibe.

I walk further into the office towards the desk but pauses.

"You don't only ruin make ups and people, not sticking to time is another?" Alain says as he stares at me.

Acting fucking CEO. I should have thought about that. Black seems to be a second skin to him, it makes a perfect fit. Again, I'm lost staring at this gorgeous man who makes me lose my stance everytime I see him.

"Need me to come closer for a better picture?" He says and I blink out of my subconsciousness.

"Hi. I got lost. It's big here." I manage to say, avoiding his eyes, they seem to get me hooked whenever I stare at them.

"You got lost staring at me too, is that a you thing?"

I take in my lower lips, thinking of the right thing to say but nothing comes to mind. So I take a deep breath.

"Take a seat, miss Kendall." He says and I breathe out. Finally.

"Thank you. My feet hurt." I complain out of nowhere and his eyes travel to my feet before coming up to my face.

"The contract of becoming an official fashion house for R.A.S." He says pushing a folder before me.

"Wait. Quick question. This doesn't have to do with Romain, does it?." I ask.

"What are we? A family pleasure pack?"

"No, I mean. It's sudden. We applied for this months ago, and then the party and then today" I pause as I meet his eyes. They are so cold, I feel chills. Again, they soften when he holds my gaze but he looks away.

He takes a deep breath. "You got it because you deserve it. That's how it works."

Butterflies. Pride. Fulfillment.

Who would have thought it'd take just a sentence from Alain to make me feel these things. My lips curl into a smirk and I stare at him.

"I didn't think you were capable of saying nice things." For a second, I think I saw him smile.

"It is not like me to make anyone feel good about themselves. That clearly was not my intention." I nod.

I pick up the folder, and ensure to read every page before placing a pen on it. Throughout this time, I'm oblivious to my surroundings and completely focused on reading the contract. Everything is well stated so, I pick up the pen and sign on the papers. I push the contract back to him then lift up my face to see him already staring at me so he holds my gaze.

He looks away again, turning his focus to the contract.

"Is that all?" I say trying to ease the tension I feel building up.

"Yes." He says not looking up.

"Does that mean I can go?"

He looks up at me with a weird expression.

"Do you have a tattoo?" He blurts out suddenly.

Is it a requirement for finalizing the contract? Should I say yes? Or no? Oh, Riley. Help!

He doesn't take his eyes aways so I mutter the first thing that comes to my mind.

"No." He nods and turns his focus back to the paper. He signs and stamps the contract then stretches his hand for a handshake.

I take it and the feeling is out of this world. I stare at him to see if he feels the same but he still has his cold expression. I put on a smile and pull my hand back to my side.

"It's nice meeting you again, Mister Arsenault."

"Same here. Have a nice day, Miss Kendall."

I pick up my bag and head out of the office. The saucy lady throws me a dirty look, and I smirk.

I walked back into my car and heaved a loud sigh. I place my head on the wheels with closed eyes. This is going way too fast. Faster than I imagined. I ignite the engine and drive back to the office.

"How did it go, girl?" Riley calls out as I walk in.

"Smooth. Way too smooth." I say back and we both laugh.