
CHAPTER 8 - She's my brother's woman after all.


Hazel. Those hazel eyes keep appearing before me. This time, I saw it in Kendall. Right from the moment I saw her at the shareholders dinner, I've been curious. Could it be her? Every morning and night, I wake up and sleep with those eyes in mind.

How can I be so vulnerable to someone I've only met once? Someone I can barely remember aside from her eyes and tattoos.

I watched her throughout the party because somehow I wanted to be close enough to get the jacket that dumbass put round her off.

Then I stepped outside to see a part of her I never imagined. When I got closer, she pulled the jacket tighter so I held back.

All the mail applications for the R.A.S fashion house were sent to me last night. I sort through and one caught my attention. It automatically stood out to me so, I picked it and sent the name to my secretary who drafted the mail. I had specifically asked for a meeting to be scheduled for 2pm.

She walked into my office and I could not wait to be lost in those hazel eyes once again. Who'd have thought she'd get lost staring at me too? I stared at her intently as she stayed glued to reading the contract.

I couldn't help but ask if she had a tattoo. It was the last resort to finalizing what I think I was/am feeling. Her reply hit a nerve and waves of disappointment came stalling. I nodded and signed the contract. She's my brother's woman after all.

I watched her walk out of the office, and made peace with myself that I'll let this one go, for Romain.


The week has been a smooth and beautiful one. I've been all smiles and filled with happiness since the contract signing. KENDIRA'S FASHION HOUSE has taken a walk to the top of every table in Paris. Orders have tripled, and everyone has been so busy. I barely have time to go home to Amira. She comes here to see me when she's bored at home. Jayla keeps complaining of how much work she has to do which is not a new thing.

I'm on my iPad, creating a new design when a message comes in. It's from Romain. His father invites me for a family dinner. I thought a family dinner was for family. Why am I in the picture? I politely declined the invite. My company needs me at this point.

I take a quick nap, and only wake up to a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Riley with a grin on her face.


Her eyes move towards the door and me so I turn to see Romain standing by the door. I breathe out and ask her to excuse us.

Romain takes a stroll inside and sits on the rolling chair opposite me.

"Hey" he says and I give him a fake smile. "Everyone has been busy since I walked in."

"It's been a busy week."

"How are you?"

"Tired. You can see that."

He laughs, "yes, I can." He looks at the pile of work on my table and back at me. "I guess the dinner won't work after all."

"No, it won't. Not today." I say dismissively and he nods.

"I'll leave you to work then. I don't want to be the distraction that delays the result." He says and I laugh.

"You should, for real."

"Take care of yourself, princess." He says with a smile before walking out.

Riley comes in right after giving me a knowing look.

"Don't start."

"What did he come for?" She goes ahead to inquire.

"To ask me out for dinner?"


"And I said no. Come on, Riley. This workload isn't enough to get these things off your mind, is it?" I receive a glare which makes me squint my eyes.

"You didn't have to do that. We can handle things around here."

"Don't start." I roll my eyes and walk out of my office leaving her in it.

Everyone seems to scramble back to work when they see me.

"It's okay to take a nap, guys. Don't do that." I say amidst laughter and the work environment seems to liven up a bit.

I order take outs for everyone, and we all dive back into work after eating.

Two weeks after being a complete workaholic, I lay on bed, my head on Amira laps and Jayla lies on the other side. All orders had been made and sent out.

Everything was a boom and then the money!

I smile as I think about how much the fashion house has made in two weeks.

My phone rings and I pick up without checking the caller.

"Hey." Romain's voice came on and I paused for a bit. "How are you?"

"I'm all good, and you?"

"I wish I was good. Dad is persistent on having you over for dinner. I really don't know how to cover up for it now. You're all I've got."

"Can't that wait?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay. I'll be there tonight."

"No. I'll come pick you up. Thank you, Ken and have a good day." He says before hanging up.

"Got a date?" Amira asks, stroking my hair.

"Yes, baby. Romain's father wants to meet me." Her stroking stopped for a bit then she resumed without saying anything.

I'm not used to Amiras' silence. It makes me suspicious.

"Are you okay, honey?" I ask covering her hand with mine.

"Yes. I've missed you a lot, and now you're running away for the night."

"Oh baby. I'll give you all my time tomorrow as compensation." I say placing a kiss on her cheeks and she smiles.

"Okay." She agrees and I smile triumphantly.

Romain pulls up exactly by 7pm and fortunately, I'm ready. We get to his family house in an hour and I'm yet to see anything about the Arsenaults that doesn't blow me off.

"Your house is beautiful." I compliment as we step out.

"My father's house." He chips in and I turn to smile at him..

"Right. The compliment should go to him."

We walk into a full table. Turns out we are late and the last to arrive.

"There you are! I thought my brother would not succeed today." Shantelle says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Lovely place you have here, Mister Arsenault." I say.

"Thank you, miss Kendall. It's a pleasure to have you here tonight. Although I've asked several times." He then sends a stern look to Romain's way.

"I've had a very busy week lately. Couldn't clear the schedules."

"It's beautiful to know that you have had work to keep you busy. Your boyfriend on the other hand has nothing to show forth."

I feel Romain's body tense, and I try to look elsewhere. My eyes fall on a fragile yet very beautiful woman at the other end of the table. She has a soft smile on her face which widens when she looks at me.

"It's nice to finally meet you darling." She says and I can't help but smile back. My eyes move to Alain who hasn't looked up from his phone since we walked in.

We both take a seat.

"I've heard that the past weeks have been mind-blowing for you. Riley specifically canceled my appointment with you." Shantelle says almost looking pissed.

"I couldn't accept any appointments. We've all been working a lot."

"I believe it's cleared now 'cause I'd like to book another appointment."

"You can book one." I say with a smile and she grins.

"This one's on you, Alain. Romain took care of it last time." She turns to look at Alain who barely spares her a glance. She reaches out for his hand and he looks up.

"Fine. Send me the bills."

"No. That's not how it works. You have to come with me." She pouts. "Dady!" she calls out.

"Just go with her, Alain." Mister Arsenault says.

Alain gives her a cold stare but she doesn't flinch. His stare grows warm and he smiles a little bit.

"Okay. I'll go." He says and she squeals causing everyone on the table to laugh including Romain.

The tension drops and we all begin to eat.

I cut open the steak and it's a medium rare. I pull a pout and look up to find a pair of bright brown eyes staring at me. I take in my lower lip.

"Are you okay?" Romain asks when he notices my uncertainty.

"I don't eat medium rare." I whisper and he tries to hold a smile.

He picks up another part of the steak and places it on my plate.

It's well cooked so I dive in.

Mister Arsenault watches us from time to time so I try as much as possible to initiate a conversation between us which keeps us smiling at each other. Shantelle has a huge grin on her face that I find so annoying, I want to wipe it off. Alains' presence is not felt at all. It's as if he were not sitting there. Mrs Arsenault keeps a soft smile and barely says anything.

"Thank you for having me, Mister Arsenault. The meals were delicious." I say after dinner.

"I'm glad you enjoyed them."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to take my leave now."

"Is there something you're hurrying off to. You can spend more time here." Shantelle chips in, and everyone waits for a reply.

"Yes. Someone, actually. My sister expects me back home early." I say and Daddy Arsenault nods.

"You should be on your way then."

"Do have a good night's rest." I say, and turn to give Mrs Arsenault the sweetest smile I can pull off which she reciprocates.

"Your mother seems easy going." I say to Romain as he gets into the car.

"Yes, she is. She's the only one who never judges me."

"And the others do?"

"You clearly saw for yourself. To my family, I'm invisible. You kind of make me feel seen."

"Your sister loves you."

"It doesn't matter to me."

"You crave your father's validation so much, it's eating you up."

"Because he's my father. Why does Alain have to get everything I worked hard for?"

"Well, did you actually work hard?" I ask and he goes silent. Exactly what I thought.

The ride home is a quiet one.

"Take care of yourself, Romain."

"Have a nice night. Thank you." He replies with a soft smile while I grin, making us laugh.

I wave before walking into my house.

Amira sits in the living room as I walk in.

"Hey, you should be asleep."

"I tried but I couldn't." She says and I pull her into a hug.

"I'm sure it's because you missed me."