
CHAPTER 9 - "I need a break, Riley."


I walk into the office, and Riley walks out to meet me.

"An appointment with Shantelle Arsenault today by 10am."

I turn my wrist to check the time and it's already 9am. I slept in again today.

"I need a break, Riley."

Riley is a great designer. She makes a lot of my work come to life. That's all she ever does, work on fabrics.

I create designs as well as bring them to life. I spend hours making sketches of a design, and sometimes seek for collabs with other great designers. It's the most draining part of my job, and I have to do it every day.

I walk into my office and slump on my chair. I close my eyes for a few minutes, and only open when Riley walks in.

"She's here."

"What do you mean she's here? It's just" I pause when I realize it's actually 10am. I've had my eyes closed for almost an hour. "Okay. I'll be out in a minute." I say but Riley doesn't bulge. "What is it?"

"She came with a really handsome guy, this time." Riley grins.

"It's probably her brother."

"You think? You have to see him. I bet you'll think he's gorgeous as well."

"Of course, Alain makes jaws drop." I say with an eye roll. "Let's go."

I walk into the fashion room and there she is, already checking the new collections available. She turns to see me.

"Oh my God, Kendall. These sets are fire."

"Thank you. Took a lot from me to make them. I've not recovered." I say and she laughs.

Alains' attention is completely focused on me. "Hi, Mister Arsenault." I say and he smirks.

"Hi, Miss Smith." He replies and Shantelle rolls her eyes.

"I'll take these four and try them out then we can talk." She says, then walks into the changing room with clothes in hand. A worker joins her to help.

"You trade life for your designs?" Alain says and I'm left wondering when he'll ever start a conversation with a meaningful sentence.

"I don't understand."

"You look like a ghost." He states plainly, and I face the mirror behind him. Indeed, I look so pale.

I take a seat next to him and sigh deeply.

"It takes a lot to create a design, and even more to create hundreds of designs." I say with a small smile. "So, yes. I trade life to make these."

"You look like you need a break."

"I do!" I clap before pulling myself together. He tries to hold the smile but it forces itself out anyway. "You have a beautiful smile." I say without realizing then slap my hands over my mouth right after.

This causes him to laugh out loud. "It's fine to get lost once in a while."

"I wasn't" I try to say but nothing follows.

Just then, Jayla walks into the fashion room wearing a beautiful green jacket. Her eyes meet mine.

"I have called a million times, Ken." She pouts walking towards me.

"I don't have my phone with me here. I'm sorry."

Her eyes fall on Alain and she pauses, pulling herself together. She has always wanted to meet him.

"Hello, Mister Arsenault." She says.

"Hi, there." Alain says. He can't seem to take his eyes off her either and the moment I notice that, I feel a pang of a familiar feeling. Jealousy.

Jayla gives her sweetest smile before turning to me.

"The contacts. The hazel one, I can't find it."

"You know better than to ask me, Jay. My eyes are hazel, I wouldn't wear hazel contacts."

"Oh. Amira." She says and we both laugh.

Her brush falls off her hand and she bends to pick it up. Alain eyes follow her every move.

"I'll run along now." She says as she walks out.


My eyes fall on the most significant feature I've been looking for. The tattoo. It's a crescent moon. She picks up her hair brush and hurries out. How come she doesn't recognize me?

I follow her, not minding what Kendall was saying. Then I realize she's wearing the same jacket from that day. How did that slip my mind?

She was talking about hazel contacts. Could it be it wasn't her eyes?

I have so many questions running through my mind, and I need answers.

"Hey." I call out and she turns around.

"Hey" she draws out and I'm a bit irritated by the act.

"Do you remember me?"

"Of course, I do. Are you okay?" She asks and that's all I needed to be sure she is the one.

I stare at her for a while, and although something doesn't click, I'm glad I found the woman that saved my life.

"You seem to be in a hurry, can we talk later?"

"Sure. That's fine by me."

I hand over my card before walking back into the room I stayed with Kendall. For some reason, she's at the exact spot I left her but her demeanor is the opposite of what I left.

Right when I'm about to talk to her, my sister walks out of the changing room.


"Tell me this is beautiful 'cause I'm dying to hear it." Shantelle says drawing me out of my misery of emotions.

She's stunning and full of life. I envy the part of her that doesn't seem to worry about what is coming next.

"You look so beautiful." I say in the most soothing way I could come up with. "It looks like it was made for you."

"Because it was. How about you, brother? What do you think?" She turns to Alain who smiles at her.

"You look like the princess you are." He says and she blushes like a child would when complimented.

"I'll try the other ones then." She goes back in and a tension so thick I couldn't hold it if I dare, fills the room.

"How bipolar are you?" Alain asks, and I smile. He would never be able to start a conversation in a normal way. At least, not with me.

"Not bipolar."

"Doesn't look that way to me. You almost glowed minutes ago. Then I come back and you're pale again."

"Maybe it's because somehow you manage to relieve me." I mutter.


"Because, my life lacks a rainbow." I say picking up sample materials to the store room. An excuse to not be in the same room with him.

Shantelle bodied all four designs she chose. So much for having the perfect body.

She squealed, and laughed, and blushed like a child while I watched her with envy.

I want to believe that the stress is taking a turn on me, and I'm not really starting to hate my life.

I create three more designs for her using my iPad, and she fixes a considerable day for delivery.

All the payments are made, and I bid her farewell. Alain only nods before walking off.

"I did not believe he was her brother. That's Alain Arsenault!" Riley says and I stare at her blankly. There's nothing left in me to move my chin muscles.

I took a month off work to tour the U.S, U.K, and Italy during their fashion weeks. The experience was heavenly and therapeutic. I knew I needed a break, but getting one at the perfect time was something I didn't see coming. I met a good number of great designers who are open to collaborations, as well as agencies.

I also took out time to see my parents in the U.S. Considering I had not seen them in almost three years and never really yearned for their presence, I didn't think I needed my parents so badly. But seeing them made me realize how much I actually need them. They indeed, are my biggest support system.

Coming back home to Paris felt like returning to the place I've always run away from. Somehow, I know something is about to hit me, and I am prepared for it.

Amiras' painting skills progressed rapidly over a month.

"I've been here for a while now, where did Jayla go? I ask.

"On a date. She didn't say with whom. But I have a feeling it's Alain. Didn't you say you were attracted to him?" Amira rambles and I smile. "She's barely home these days though." She adds.

I take out my phone and dial her number.

"Hey bitch!" She screams, and I laugh.

"Where are you?! You knew I was coming home today."

"I'm almost home, babe. I'll see you in five."

"Okay. Hurry 'cause I'm dozing."

On arrival, we spent the next hours talking about my tour and what she has been up to the past weeks. I scratch on for details but find nothing on Alain, or maybe she's keeping it off our conversation. Not that it really mattered.

All three of us end up falling asleep in my room.

It feels like the first day of work. My alarm does what it does best - cut my beauty sleep short. I step into the fashion house and everything is as eye-catching as always. Riley!

I walk into her office and she screams so loud I cover my ears.

"It's good to have you back, girl." She says in a lower tone. "You are glowing. I need a glow up vacation too."

"It wasn't really a vacation, you know. I just had free time and worked alongside it.

"Doesn't matter, I need it too."

"I'll let you take one." I say and she squeals.

"Let's have lunch together, bills on you." She says and walks away.

I return back to my office to clear off the load of work on my desk. I'm halfway into it when Riley comes in to drag me off for lunch.

"Who chooses a five star hotel for lunch?"

"I do. When I realize how rich my boss is."

The bills after lunch came in and Riley gently passed it over to me. I cleared it and we stepped out to leave but something, or rather someone caught my eyes. It's Alains, and Jayla.

They're both immersed in their conversation; they only realize there's someone in front of them when they almost bump into me.

Jayla has a tensed expression, while Alain hold his cold one.

"Are you here for lunch?" Jayla asks and I nod.

Alains' eyes doesn't leave mine.

"You look beautiful today, miss Kendall." He says and somehow that doesn't sit right with me. It was odd to get a direct compliment from him.

"Thank you."

I turn to Jayla and ensure she sees the disappointed look on my face. "Have fun." I say before walking away.

"What was that tension?" Riley asks when we step into the car.

"She's seeing him."

"And?" I paused. Then I ask myself the same question. And?

"She's hiding it from me." I try to cover up.

"Is it because he's Romain's brother? She probably doesn't want it to look like she's going after the other Arsenault."

"Maybe." I say, totally uninterested in the conversation.

I took that much time away from Paris to give myself the peace I needed. I found it and held on to it so well. Now I feel like I've lost it.

I got home to an already sleeping Amira. I smile as I watch her sleep peacefully. I stroke her hair and place a kiss on her head. "I love you."

In the living room, on the couch, is Jayla whom I totally try to ignore and walk away from.