
CHAPTER 13 - "Now you seem to know my best friend more than me."


The drive back to the office was crazy, I zoned out for the greater part of it. Flashes of Jayla and Alain kept popping up.

"How was lunch, missy?" Riley says immediately she sights me.

I remember I was supposed to go cool off and get relieved of my stress. Right now, I think I'm back with a high blood pressure.

" I don't want to talk about it."

"Who was it?" She drags me towards her office and shuts the door right after we get in. "You know thos job of mine is so mentally exhausting, of course, you know that. So I need story time to keep me sane, to make me feel like I still have my sanity intact."

Laughter escapes me before I could hold it back in.

"Just Jayla. I may have taken the bigger person pep talk a bit serious and asked her out for lunch."

"Sounds like a good first step to me but why are you looking worse than when you stepped out?" She touches my face, keeping my hair in place.

"She brought him with her." 

"Stupid girl." 

I get taken aback my Riley's comment. She's never been one to call names.

"She wanted us to meet, officially, according to her."

"It was supposed to be just the two of you. Whatever meeting could have waited. God! Jayla acts like a child. You don't look good, Ken."

"I'll survive." My voice breaks and Riley's brows knit in worry right before she pulls me into a hug.

"Of course, you'll survive. Remember, you're too good for anyone. Nobody deserves you."

I smile at her words as I break from her hug.

"Do you think I should go home, rest, and reenforce for tomorrow. I don't think I'm fit to do any mental work right now."

"I'll take care of everything here."

My phone rings on the ride back home. It Romain. Bad timing, boy.

"Hey," I pick up, set it on speaker and drop my phone on the seat beside me.

"Hey, how are you? It's been a while."

Of course, it has. He only calls when he needs my help. He'd be disappointed this time.

"I'm okay, holding up well."

"Uhm…that's great. I…uh…are you free for dinner today?"

"I'll be eating dinner with my sister, today. So, no."

It's really weird that he would want to have dinner with me randomly. Speaking of coincidences.

"Well…my dad, he…"

I come to a screeching halt causing me to jerk forward. Damn it! 

"Are you okay?" There's a trace of worry in his voice.

"I'm fine." I say sternly. "And to hell with your daddy, Romain. I don't care about him or you right now, so can you just get the fuck out of my space and let me breathe!"

"Wo! Chill, Ken. I don't know why you're acting out on me."

"You've probably always been the dumb one. Can't you stop licking daddy's ass and see clearly even for a minute? Get a life, Romain. One you're actually in charge of, and not daddy." 

I end the call before he has the chance to say anything. I might regret that later or maybe he'd just be thankful my rage led him into the light.

Either way, I really don't care right now. 


"You should have told me she was coming." I say immediately we step inside the penthouse.

"Not you too, please. I'm sure Ken isn't happy about it either. But I needed to try to get you two in the same space to clear my conscience."

"She wasn't happy because it was supposed to be all about the two of you."

"Now you seem to know my best friend more than me."

I stare curiously. She is so different from what I thought. I should never have crafted an expectation to look forward to because right now, I'm gravely disappointed.

"I never said I did. She's a best friend, I only expected you know her well enough to not put her in a tight spot. And that is what you just did."

I walk into the room with flashes of Kendall's teary eyes. As much as I hate to admit, I'm worried about whatever it is that is going on right now. 

"Did you two have a thing going on?" Jayla's accusing voice drags me out of my thoughts but my demeanor doesn't change. "If I remember correctly, I walked into you two alone on that day we first met." 

First met? 

She seems to notice my curiosity.

"I mean officially, Alain."

"Shantelle was there."

"I just don't get why she's so upset when it was just a crush. Crushes are not all that, right? Now, I look like a bad person for going out with you after I knew that."

Now the dots connect. Kendall. My stare turns into a glare. For a minute, I thought Kendall was the bitter person for not supporting her friend. 

This woman here keeps unraveling a side of her that irritates me more than it should. She betrayed her friend for a man. A smirk appears on my face. 

Months ago, I'd not mind. Women are never loyal to anything but their stupid feelings. But right now, it's Kendall. She doesn't deserve such betrayal, not from her best friend.

"So you're telling me, Kendall liked me first, but you took it up when I came to you." 

My voice is low and hoarse, doing to her exactly what I want it to – compel the truth.

"Yes, you're irresistible yunno. Could never do that with anyone else. Plus, I met you first."

Her hand trails a the path down my abs as she takes in her lower lips, lost staring at me.

I find it hot, admitting to jumping unto a man your best friend likes but I hated that it had to be her. 

My fantasies about my hazel eyed vixen had always revolved around Kendall from the first day I saw her. Until, it was cut off with Jayla's presence.

The coldness of her fingers sent shivers to my body. She stares at me through her lashes, and that's one hell of a sexy view. She may not be the vixen I imagined, but she's the one I really want. I owe her my life.

My lips trail kisses from her neck down to her clavicles, her head falls backward giving me more access. I suck on the tattoos as the memories of that night kept playing in my head.

Moans escape her lips but I seal it up with mine. One hand on her neck and the other on her glute.

The kiss gets more intense, she breaks off to breathe  while I pick her up and head to the bed. A smile curls on her lips as my huge frame lies over her.

I lean in for another kiss and almost immediately, her blaring ringtone comes up.

A scowl escapes me as I turn towards the direction of the phone.

"Go take it." I say dismissively, and head for the bathroom. I wasn't getting it tonight but I sure as hell, wasn't going to suffer blue balls.


I've been laying on my bed for hours since I got home. Walking into the kitchen to see Amira struggle to make popcorns is a hilarious scene.

"Move aside, toddler." 

We had decided earlier that we'd have a movie night today, popcorn is definitely on the menu.

"We should have just bought an already made one." She mumbles and almost immediately, it starts to pop. "Finally."

"Go set the living room. I'll finish everything in here."

Minutes later, there's a big bowl of popcorn with lots of milk, two packs of juice, and chicken wings I ordered earlier.

We had picked out two series, and didn't know which one to choose. I picked The Good Doctor because Dr Melendez is a hot shot. Amira picked The summer I Turned Pretty which I found completely annoying. 

The good part is, we both would not really mind watching the other party's choice as long as it was a fairly judged – rock paper scissors!

I won! So The Good Doctor, it is.

"Heard from Jay?" Amira suddenly asked, and I nod still fixated on the series.

"Are you two okay now?" 

I turn my attention to her because giving her an assuring smile.

"Jayla and I are cool. We met today, talked over lunch, so we're fine." 

That seems to get her a bit relieved, and she returned my smile.

"Is she moving back in then?"

"That might not be happening, actually. She probably lives with him right now, I don't know." 

Her smile falls but she nods before turning back to the series.

"She's always going to love you, yunno. All it would take is one emergency phone call from you and she's rushing right in. You're her baby sister, too."

Amira laughs as she looks back at me again.

"Should I make that phone call now? For some reason, I suddenly feel like it."

"She left her pranking spirit in you." I say as Amira heads towards her phone to give Jayla a jump scare.