
CHAPTER 14 - "You're jealous he's with me."


I stare at Amira for a while before turning back to concentrate on the series. Whatever she cooks up to tell Jayla will totally be on her.

She falls in beside me minutes later with a teasing smile on her face. For some reason, I mentally prepare myself for whatever chaos is about to unfold if Jayla does get here.

I get lost in the series, laughing and being baffled by their competency then there's a knock on the door which Amira rushes to answer. Without being told, I know it's Jayla. It's been over thirty minutes since Amy called her.

Jayla rushes into the living room, earning a confused stare from me which she reciprocates. Her confused look switches quickly to a raging one as she turns to face a giggly Amira who is trying to hold back her laughter.

"Really, Amy?"

The laughter came bursting out of her shield.

"I'm so sorry, Jay. I just wanted to get you over here as fast as possible."

"Did you know about this?" She turns to me as though waiting for a reason to justify her next action.

"She said she wanted to call you. Prank you. I have no idea what followed." I stare at her blankly before resuming the series.

"I thought someone was dying for God's sake! Why are you both so nonchalant about it right now? I had to rush down here. What if something happened on the way? What if I got into an accident?"

"Chill, Jayla. None of that happened. Bedsides, I'm wondering who exactly taught her how to come up with heart dropping pranks. Definitely not me, so..."

For whatever reason, her focus has been on me since she stepped in. Whatever anger she's feeling is being directed at me. It's like she's avoiding saying anything that would hurt Amira.

"We were watching this series and I thought it would be great if you were around. I'm sorry I made you panic like that."

I turn to stare at Amira then Jayla who has her eyes cool focused on Amira. She takes in a deep breath them walks over to sit on the couch.

"It's fine, Amy. And this series better be worth risking my life for."

Amira laughs as she takes the spot next to her. "I hope so too. I didn't choose it."

And with that, both party turn to stare at me.

"What? It's a great series. I know it."

Jayla digs into the bowl of popcorn as she moans in delight with a mouthful.

"You know I'd still be making this sounds if that call didn't come in."


I've never been so confused all day.

She gives me a naughty look, and the puzzle gets solved in seconds.

"Jesus. Jayla, please."

"What? You guys should have left me alone."

'oh, I'm glad we didn't ' I thought as I stare at her.

"It's not something that you guys haven't already done. One day won't kill you, Jay. " I say staring back at the screen.

I know the expression on my face would sell me off if she sees it.

"Well, that's it!" She slams her hand on the couch space right next to me, so I jerk as I turn to her.


"We haven't. He had never made advances until tonight." She palms her face while my eyes dart to Amira who looks like she was finally getting her head around what was being said.

"Get me my MacBook, Amy. It's somewhere in my room. I don't where exactly but I'm sure you'll find it."

I hold the sweetest smile I could form in place as she turns to me with an almost daring look.


I sigh in relief as she walks out. She's almost twenty but the little motherly spirit in me would never allow me have these conversations in from of her.

"What do you mean by he never made advances? You've been together for how long again?"

"He's just the one step at a time kind of guy, Ken. He's not very expressive."

"He didn't come off to me as the type but if it's okay with you, that's fine."

She gives me a weird look. "What did you mean by that?"

"Alain is quite flirty, I guess I just judged by that."

"Flirty? He's far from being flirty. He barely has anything to say..." She trails off as she stares at me, a smirk forms on my lips but disappears almost immediately.

I take in my lower lips as I stare back at her.

"Do you think he's not sexually attracted to me?"

"I doubt. You just said you two were almost there tonight. Plus, he's the one who came for you, so..."

"He only came for me because he assumed I helped him, Ken. I didn't."

This time there's an iota of guilt in her voice and face as she stares at me.

"You should let him know then."

"He'd leave!" She gets up almost immediately and my eyes follow her. "It's something very crucial, Ken. But I have stronger grounds 'cause he'd never know. He completely believes it's me."

"So he doesn't love you." I say before I could stop myself.

"He will learn to, with time.*

"I still don't get this."

"I love him, Ken."

"But he doesn't love you. He's only acting out a supposed responsibility because he thinks you helped him. You'll get hurt."

"You're making it look like you really care about my feelings."

"I do."

"Oh, please. You don't. You're jealous he's with me, and you don't want that to be. Can't you just get over whatever you're feeling and let me have him?"

"Look, Jay. I'm completely putting aside whatever thing I feel for him. I'm talking to you as my best friend."

"If that's the case then you'd support me. Best friends always have each other's back."

I'm about to say something else but Amira walks back in with my MacBook in hand.

"Thank you, baby." I get it from her.

"Fine. Do whatever you want."

Jayla seems to have a relieved look on her face as we all turn back to focus on the series.