Legends and tales of first worlds among the various ages of magic, among the forgotten realms, of dimensions even though they may say they are realms of Faerie dimensions, among magical worlds, in which they are far superior to men, and their deeds are well epics with their tales of mystical beings.
Being that they are legends and tales of ancient kingdoms, where there are fairies, elves, beasts, demons and dragons and balrogs in which you remember one of them, going to mystical kingdoms, creatures of chaos and order, although I can mention cases like that of mystical portals, in which they came by mystical forces.
Discovering about ancient mysteries of various kingdoms even though they were those who once were the fallen, others who were the destination, many worlds still exist, in which several different worlds, with their rulers, between magic, pain and saldade, in which all lords have powers that have been forgotten for ages.
Since they all came from the ancient world, that they came out of time, in which they went to music, battles, ancient kingdoms, duels, everything so that the worlds have their image destroyed, in which we make the elves.
So, there in the midst of the adventures, the courts of mystical creatures, came with the ancient beings, the wise men who are in control of things: here, they do one stupid thing after another, let themselves be deceived by the forces of evil, kill each other others, but they never stop there, neither love nor hate, fame, life and death.