- Since Manwë and Herrder Lüfte und Herr der Lüfte were allied from the beginning, they were therefore in all respects served with the utmost fidelity to the aims of Land der Vergessenen.

However, at the moment when Herrder Lüfte und Herr der Lüfte spoke, and while the Wesen der dunklen Länder were still.

When they contemplated life, with the vision, it was withdrawn and remained hidden.

Even if it all seemed that at that moment they perceived a new reality, the Darkness, which they, could even so, still didn't know except in thought.

As everyone there was seeing that their allies, even if they were forbidden, using the alliance for their relationship, an excuse because they were in love with the beauty of the vision and fascinated by the evolution of the World that.

Even so, with this each of us with his peace, his love, with this, they gained more than Vorhandensein, and their minds were fully turned to.

In what this, yes, for the history was incomplete, and the circles of time, yet none of them were fully worked out when the vision was withdrawn.

Wherein some said in agreement, that showing their love, in front of everyone, was the most beautiful sight, that they used it to bring an end, when war, evil and chaos ceased before the realization of the Dominion of Humans and the gradual disappearance of the Firstborn, reason why, although the

The power of the magic of music, in which it was used to create harmony and calm, wherever and whenever everyone was, being a power over everyone, the Herren der Diamantenküste did not see with the gift of sight the

Then, they would know, that in Later Ages or the end of the World, or at least of a parallel world or who knows in a dimension or reality, it could be another decadent world of a magical reality.

Even during the meeting to talk about this mystical alliance, in which there are eons, when there was the same attention, in which then with everyone there, unrest arose between the members of the alliance and the other races.

In addition to being around them, all the lords of their worlds, monarchies, among kings, in which they could help each other, only bring misfortunes to other decadent worlds doomed to their ends, in which beyond the Wesen Der dunklen Länder; but Land der Vergessenen summoned them, and

That's when an ally of theirs said. – I know the desire in your minds that what you have seen will prove to be more of a truth to be, not just in thought, but as you are, and in what however different.

- So, I soon, say - Herren der ewigen Sommer der Twilight Gods!

That race was more than mystical.

- Even if these things exist, since I will send the Imperishable Flame to the middle of Ausdruckslos; and she will be in

They were gathered in the highest mountains, in the so-called Heart of the World, in which would be where the World will exist, in which those of you who want, when they will be able to descend and enter it.

- Yes, that's what I know that suddenly, in which The Wesen Der dunklen Länder saw in the distance a powerful force being the light, as if it were a cloud with a living heart of flames, then, when they knew that it was not only a vision, but that Land der Vergessenen had created something even something new:

Called Herren der ewigen Sommer der Twilight Gods, the World that is like that, that way. - Where everything happens.

So, when there was, then, when it happened, it was like this, that indeed among the races and the allies, then, The Wesen Der dunklen Länder some continued to reside with their allies, the lords of Land der Vergessenen outside the limits of the World; but others, and among them many becoming one of the strongest and most beautiful.

Then, among all the allies, when the negotiations were concluded, when they said goodbye to Land der Vergessenen and went down to enter his portal back to his kingdom.

Even so, however, with that condition a simple condition, which the Land der Vergessenen imposed, or perhaps it was a consequence being that they would do whatever was necessary, even beyond changing, or using the strength of the alliance and the of his love, that their power thenceforth be contained in his and in other worlds, in which was unto him the world of covenant in which it was restricted to negotiations, in which it would remain forever, until he

When then, they completed that they might be the life of the world; and the world, theirs, and for that reason they were called the Herren der Diamantenküste, the Powers of the World, even so, that's what happened, but when the Herren der Diamantenküste entered the Herren der ewigen Sommer der Twilight Gods, at first were scared and

When everyone was bewildered, when this happened, because it was as if nothing had yet been done of what everyone would have contemplated in the Vision, when everything was about to begin, even without it being that way, and the darkness was total.

Even though the Great Music had been nothing but the expansion and flowering of thought in the Festungen der Ewigen Herrenhäuser von Dawnspringss, being the great vision of the twilight territories, in which only a foreshadowing, even so, in which they had now entered the beginning of the Times of eternal dawn, in which they perceived that the World had only been foreshadowed and foreshadowed, even though they were to bring it about.

Therefore, when he began his enormous toil in which spaces immense and unexplored, and in ages uncountable and forgotten, until they were proceeding to the Depths of Time and amidst the vast mansions of Herren der ewigen Sommer der Twilight Gods, thus came to light the time and place where the dwelling of the Sons of Land der Vergessenen was created.

This is how it happened in this work, the main part fell to Manwë, Aulë and Herrder Lüfte und Herr der Lüfte, so, this did not happen in the midst of this, the lords of Großer König der dunklen Welt, where he was also there since the beginning and interfered with everything that was done, when the spell that made them immortal.

Then, transforming it, if he could, so that it satisfied his own desires and goals were used in the bargains and methods of creating the so-called forges of the gods, in which he lit huge fires.

Even so, it happened, when Earth among the ancient worlds, even though they were created, when all beings and the mystical worlds, were still young, even though they were full of energy, Großer König der dunklen Welt coveted her and told the other kings and the monarchical families of the kingdoms, among their lords, the emperors of each kingdom, the so-called Herren der Diamantenküste.

So that's what they said. — This shall be my kingdom; and I designate it as mine! - He said.