So, Manwë was the power they said so much, however, brother of Großer König Der dunklen Welt in the mind of Land der Vergessenen, all that, in which he was the main instrument of the second theme that Land der Vergessenen in which each of them would have created a weapon and an ancient power to counter the forge and teachings of Einvernehmen by Großer König der dunklen Welt.

Wherein The Manwë then called themselves and their ancient beings, the disembodied, in which the many spirits, who were more than superior and inferior, and they descended into the fields of Schattenwelt and aided their allies in the mystic orders, in which they would be the Manwë, preventing Großer König der dunklen Welt from forever impeding the realization of his mightiest being, in his work, and the earth from withering before it blossoms.

So even if the Manwë said the ancient strength, in which Oz Großer König der dunklen Welt.

Even with this power. - In which this kingdom you will not take as yours since many worked here even want them no less than you.

- Even more so when there was a fight between Großer König der dunklen Welt and the other Herren der Diamantenküste.

This was what happened for some time, Großer König der dunklen Welt withdrew and left for other regions, and there did what he wanted most; but it did not remove from his heart the desire for the Kingdom of Schattenwelt.

Then the lords called Herren Der Diamantenküste assumed shapes and hues; in which they were drawn to the World, in which all this was drawn by and the call of the waves of love to the Sons of Land der Vergessenen, for whom they waited, adopted forms according to the style they had contemplated in the Vision of Land der Vergessenen, still less when they were wrought in majesty and splendored.

Asida, it happens to be an ancient power, moreover, its form derives from its knowledge power of the visible World, rather than from the World itself; and they don't need it, except just like the garments, being used in ceremonies and celebrations, both, using in power, when what we wear, in which it happened, but however it happened, when we can be naked.

Even so, without suffering any loss of our being, then, therefore, being I the allies of Dos Herren Der Diamantenküste may walk, if they like, naked; and in this case, even if they were, not even the Herren des goldenen Windes can clearly perceive them, even if all of them are actually present

Perhaps this happened when the Herren Der Diamantenküste wanted to dress up, but then they tended to assume, some, masculine forms, others, feminine forms; for that whatever difference in temperament, they had from the beginning, and it only if they could even manifest itself in the choice of each.

Not being created by that choice, even if it helped, that in which no one knew exactly how among us the masculine and the feminine can be revealed, even if they wore their clothes, recognized by the costumes, but not created by them, but the forms with which the many and their strength.

They were given by the Great Ones and ornamented are not always similar to the forms of kings in which some queens of the Sons of Land der Vergessenen; for sometimes they can clothe themselves with those who have allies, either by the allies themselves, in their thoughts, with their powers, making them then, each of them, more than visible, though in forms of majesty and terror.

Even though their allies the lords and masters, those who were called Herren der Diamantenküste attracted to themselves many companions, some less than all were more than the absolute lords, in which they were greater than they, others almost as great. how much they; so, they went together when the ancients began then, as they worked on organizing Earth and controlling its turmoil.

It was when allies in a great alliance, between the lords and the gods called the Großer König Der dunklen Welt, it was then that everyone gathered there, where their guests saw them, just like what was done.

Since the Herren Der Diamantenküste walked the Earth as they were used, whose visible forces, dressed in the clothes of the World, in which all were beautiful and glorious to power with their eyes, as well as jubilant; and that the Earth was becoming a garden for all their enjoyment, as its eddies were subdued.

When the forces grew in which even with a power and an alliance in which the members grew, whose forces increased, even if much more envy, even if the forces were left more than powerful, in which he also assumed visible form, still so the forces were virtues that were expected, but because of his temper and the rancour that burned in him, that form was dark and terrible.

In which his representing beside the allies, in which they came from the great hills, towards the palace, in which the lord of the skies, descended, upon Schattenwelt with power and majesty greater than that of any other in the kingdom of Königreich der Götter des Himmels der himmlischen Tugenden.

Like a mountain that towers over the sea and has its own, in which they came from its top above the clouds, so that they could lead the forces to that kingdom of the hills, to the valley of the lords of the vineyards, what did they see that palace in which it is clad in ice and crowned with smoke and fire, yet with the power of light from the eyes of Großer König der dunklen Welt it was like a flame that withers with its

Even feeling the environment, with such heat, in which it pierces with a deadly cold, still, thus began the first battle of the Herren der Diamantenküste with Großer König Der dunklen Welt for dominance, even that of Schattenwelt; and of these tumults the Elves know very little.

Still arriving here, still, that kingdom that was declared in an alliance, in which it had its origin in the Herren der Diamantenküste themselves, with whom the Eldalië, in which all still who spoke in the land of Herren der Scharlachroten Flammen and by whom they were instructed; but the so-called lords of Herren Der Diamantenküste

Even those few who are willing to relate of the wars before the arrival of the elves, even if all their opponents and challengers opposed, among the Herren des goldenen Windes the Herren Der Diamantenküste always strived, despite the former lords of Großer König der dunklen Welt, to govern the Earth and prepare it for the arrival of the

With that, the firstborn was chosen, in which they were the ones who would command and end the origin, in addition to which they would be used to command, in which they created lands, and the Großer König Der dunklen Welt destroyed them, furrowed valleys, and

Großer König der dunklen Welt lifted them; they carved mountains, and Großer König der dunklen Welt knocked them down, then they opened, some territories, with the hollows to the seas, and Großer König der dunklen Welt made them overflow; and nothing had peace in which to develop, for as soon as the Herren Der Diamantenküste began any work, Großer König der dunklen Welt it fell apart or corrupted.