New World & New Life

Groggy I wake up wondering where I am and look around. As I stand up I see no signs of civilization and nothing but trees and grass surround me.

Then I look at myself to make sure I'm not hurt if at all.


I see my robes as a mage from Astrologia. I then freak out wondering how I got here till I remembered the black hole.

'Fuck… I need to find everyone else.'


*Quest Issued!*


As you now know you have been summoned to the world of Gaia! Though you know it as Astrologia! Now that you are here we will test the will of all those summoned. If you survive then you can be teleported to your town of choice!

You just need to make sure that you can survive for 7 days and nights. If enough of you survive then there is an extra reward!

PS. You can't respawn here, so be very careful ok?

Clear Conditions: Survive all 7 Days and Nights

Rewards: ?????

Failure: Death

'What the hell is going on?!'

As I keep thinking I hear a growl nearby and look to my left. I see a dire wolf and cast Light Spear. Once it charges at me I throw my spell and kill it in one shot.

*lvl 18 Dire Wolf killed!*

*1.5% Exp earned*

*13 Copper gained*

'I guess I am here huh? I better get moving to find some shelter.'

I then start running off through the forest to find a suitable place to rest and realize something…

'Why don't I make use of my wood working to make a treehouse?!'

I summon my forge and grab the axe I need. As I start I also summon Aurora to keep an eye out for me.

"Where are we Kayde?"

"I have no clue. You know that I'm an otherworlder right?"

"Yes I do… where are you going with this?"

I explain to her what has happened as I'm chopping down trees and making wooden planks.

"So you all thought our world was a fantasy created by a group of people?"

I finish stacking up my planks and grab some sturdy branches to use as structural support. I climb up high enough and ask Aurora to use mana control to create a big enough hole for the branch to go in.

I repeat this process and once finished I start laying out the floor. Then I realize I have no nails so I jump down to my forge to make some.

After I make those I go back up and start nailing the floor together as I extend it far enough so I can have a balcony. If I am to survive, why not find a way to relax as I do so?

Pretty soon it's dusk out so I have to do what I can before it gets too dark.

Next after I finish the floor I go make more nails before I make the frame of the hut around the tree.

As I'm back up top making the frame Aurora warns me that there are other people coming by. I dispel my forge and wait up top to see who may be coming my way.

I have Aurora go home and I keep an eye out as I hear footsteps and hushed whispers. Then I see three silhouettes coming up and I can here them.

"I swear I saw some fire over here and some sort of floating light."

"Dammnit George, what did I tell you about leading us on goose chases?"

Then one of them looks up and hushes the others. He picks up a rock and throws it. It misses my floor but lands on top of it instead.

"There is something on that tree!"

They start to look for a way up and see the rope ladder I managed to make from plant fibers.

"Look I found a ladder!"

Then they start to climb up and I then summon Aurora back as I cast Light Arrow.

Once one of them gets up top they see my spell floating right in front of their eyes and me.

"What do you think you are doing?"

He chuckles nervously and I notice the hunger in his eyes. I see blood along his nails and him constantly shivering or shaking a little bit. If it's out of fear or something else I have no clue.

"We are looking for food."

He then smiles trying to make me put my guard down but then I see blood along his teeth with some flesh in between.

"What kind of food?"

He then becomes crazed and shows a wicked smile.

"Why people of course, what else would we be looking for?"

Without missing a beat I launch my spell in between his eyes. As he falls so do the others and I get down ready to fight.

I look at the one I killed and get even more disgusted.

'A cannibalistic priest, what the fuck.'

I look to the others and summon more light arrows as they get ready to fight me. Then out of nowhere Dire wolves come in and steal the corpse and start to drag the others away. One stays behind to try and take me out but I launch my light arrows at it. After it's dies I sit down and sigh…

I create a bonfire and skin the wolves body. Then I start to remove all the organs and cut its head off. I cut off certain pieces of meat and store the rest into my inventory. I ask Aurora to purify the meat and I go and make a skillet while Aurora flys around to try and find some herbs to be used as seasoning.

As I'm making my skillet I then get a reaction from my ring.

'Why am I getting a reaction now? Why not as soon as I woke here? Or is there something interfering with it until she got close enough?'

As I'm making some utensils after the skillet Aurora comes back and drops some herbs onto a table next to me.

"Here you go, I looked for plants that closely resembled what I remember. I hope I did ok."

After I finished I got look at the herbs and even saw something I didn't expect. I smile at her and tell her she did a great job finding all this.

She found thyme, oregano, basil, and even garlic. I decide to use some garlic and the basil.

I go to the bonfire and put down the skillet. As it's cooking I see grease coming in and then I go mince some garlic with the knife I crafted and chop up a bit of basil.

Then I toss it all into the skillet as I flip the meat. The aroma coming off the skillet it's making my mouth water and I can hear a stomach rumble.

I look to my right and see it's coming from Aurora. I laugh and finish cooking to the best of my ability. Once it's finished I then cut off a piece for Aurora to try it as I eat the rest.

Satisfied that I can stomach what I made considering anything else I made in the past tasted burnt. As I eat I look to the fur I took off the Dire Wolf and decide to turn it into a rug.

Once I finished I dump the grease into a hole I dug and filled it back up. Then I go to the skin realizing I have no clue on how to do this so I let the skills take the wheel.

Once the rug is complete I put it on top of my new wood floor and pull up my ladder. I feel so comfortable on it that I want to sleep now but realized that I should go to the bathroom first. I put my ladder back down and head out to a secluded spot.

As I take care of my business I look at my ring hoping that they would make their way to me and I would see them soon.

I also dispel my forge remembering it and put all my utensils and my skillet away into my inventory. As I'm going back up to my tree house I get a notification from the system.


*World Announcement!*

-*Since many of you have survived and about 15% have perished I will now unlock a function for all of you. You can now access the map and if enough of you survive I'll open up the chat function.

Keep going strong for us! This is nothing more than a test for your will and determination to survive. You'll need it here since there are many creatures in this world that can kill you with a snap of their fingers!


Gods of Astrologia*-

I get pissed at that announcement, now I know why Luxuria visited me at the church. I thought it was all a script but now I know otherwise.

I sigh and go to bed wondering what's in store for me the next day.