
After what happened yesterday we all decided to get some rest not knowing when it may happen again. My father gives me a key to his armory in case what happened yesterday occurs again.

Steph and her mother slept together while her friends family took the living room. As I'm getting comfortable in my room I hear a knock.

"Who is it?"


I open the door and see her standing there with a blush.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

She pushes me inside and starts to kiss me very aggressively. I try to talk but she shuts me up and keeps kissing me. She then leads me to my bed and straddles me.

You can guess what happened from here because we had a long night.

The next day…

I sit up groaning in pain due to how stiff my body feels. I guess I used muscles I don't use very often last night.

I chuckle to myself as I realize what happened last night and my thoughts are confirmed as I lift my blanket seeing a naked Steph just lying there with a red stain on my sheets.

"Oh fuck…"

I pump my fist into the air smiling like an idiot.

'Fuck yeah! I'm so happy I could die now!'

I hear giggling next to me and Steph is looking at my antics with a smile.


"Nothing, you just look silly."

She winces in pain as she moves.

"I'm going to rest a bit longer, I don't think I can walk yet."

I laugh a bit and kiss her forehead as I get dressed. Then I leave the room while she naps a bit longer.

As I leave my room I see my father who gives me a thumbs up and Madeline trailing behind winking at me. We all head to the dining room as Madeline makes breakfast.

Not too long after I see Steph limping into the dining room and her friend with her family comes to sit as well.

'I forgot they were here..'

Steph sits next to me and the others across from us. Not too long after we are all seated Madeline comes in with trays of food she cooked. I see French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and some chorizo with tortillas.

I immediately grab the chorizo and tortillas. I pack some hash browns in it and some cheese as I roll it into a burrito. Everyone else goes for everything else. As I see Steph grab a sausage I wink at her and she hides her face in embarrassment.

My father laughs at this embarrassment of hers. Then he looks at me and Steph with a look that say we need to talk.

As breakfast continues Steph's friend calls out to her.

"Steph, do you believe what the president said?"

Steph looks at me and then to her friend.

"Yeah, I've already seen a couple things that make sense now since the president's speech."

Her friend looks like she starts to think on what's occurring.

"What about you Alexis? Do you believe in the president?"

Alexis sighs as she realizes that what the president's speech implied and for how long they have known.

"I can't believe that we have a connection to another world, one that was turned into a game for us."

I laugh at that statement because of how true it is considering this didn't happen in my last life.

We all keep talking and have a few laughs to keep the mood from dampening. Then as we finish breakfast Steph and I help Madeline clean up before we head to my fathers office.

After we finished cleaning we head up and as we arrive my father has us sit.

"What do you think we need to do?"

I look at the others and they have no clue what to say.

"Do you mean about the game or what's going on around the country."

"The game, we may need to get stronger if we want to survive. We don't even know if we can respawn once we are over there permanently."

We realize what my dad was worried about to the implication of one life. I've read novels and watched anime about how stuff like this happened but people could still respawn at least.

For us though I wouldn't hold my breath.

"Dad, I think we should try to get stronger for now if we can but isnt the internet out right now along with some other things?"

He nods his head yes and we all continue talking for a bit discussing about our next steps as sons as the internet comes on. Hopefully before something happens.

We all leave his office and I go do some maintenance on my bike, Steph goes to hang with her friend, and Madeline stays with my father.

Everything seems to be calming down until it's not. As I'm working on my bike another earthquake occurs. This time it's worse than the last one. Our home somehow stays standing as it's happening.

I hear plates, cups, and cookware falling out of the cabinets and off the racks. Off to the distance I can hear explosions going off in the direction of the city.

Cracks start to form in the structure of the house and then some debris falls on top of me almost knocking me out. A bit dizzy I try to get up with no luck. I realized, I may be trapped for awhile.

(3rd POV)

In the White House as it's falling apart you see the secret service take President Hayes to safety as soldier help out staff get free of the rubble.

There is no room for talking as they manage to find his bunker and take him inside to ensure he lives. Two soldiers remain outside in case there are those who would take advantage of this chaos.

Off into the distance you can see Captain McNary running around a military base with explosions from planes, helicopters, and numbers being blown to bits.

He's looking for the underground bunker he had installed in case of invasion for civilians.

He opens it up and lets soldiers and families inside as he stays outside. He shuts the door ensuring the are safe and goes out further to look for survivors.

"God dammit mister president I warned you that this could happen earlier!"

(POV End)

I get up and finally managed to free my self. The earthquake has finally subsided and I start to look for my family. I slowly move through the wreckage of my family home keeping an eye out for movement hoping I'll be them.

I get up and through what remains of the hallway expecting to see some one in the living room. As I inch closer I see Alexis' family trapped under a beam and I also notice a pool of blood growing ever so slowly.

I walk up to them and use all I could muster to lift the beam. I hear footsteps and I brace myself for trouble but all I see is my father coming through.

He helps me lift up the beam and we see the damage her family is in. All we see is that they busted open their skin along the back of their head.

"Thankfully their damage can be fixed with some pills and stitches."

My father goes to look for the first aid kit and then I hear Steph and Alexis talking as they come in. Alexis runs to help her family and Steph gives me a hug.

She grips tightly and my dad arrives in time to help them while Madeline follows from behind with some alcohol to dull the pain. After they help them we all sigh in relief knowing that we can now finally rest. I go back through the hallway and exit the home to see what damage has been done to the city.

The rest follow from behind as I sit down wondering if there is any coming back from this. Steph and Madeline hold each other as my father gives them a hug. I just stare of to the sunset hoping this is all a dream.

Then I see a black dot in the sky above us as Steph screams and cries. I look to the side and see Alexis crying as her family starts turning to ash.

Steph hold her back as she wails like a banshee while the ashes fly off to the distance and we hear the words 'We love you'.

Then I notice the black dot getting bigger as Madeline, my father, Steph, and Alexis stay close to each other as she cries. I go up to them to give a hug hoping that this is all over now, but boy I was wrong.

We begin to float to the black hole and as we lift up I get ripped from them by some unknown force and fly through first.

The last thing I hear before passing out as I'm pulled in is Steph screaming out my name.