The Date & Revelations

(I will admit this is my first try on doing dates for a book. I'm married as well so what I write on here is what I would do on a date. Let me know what you think.)

'Todays the day!'

I honestly have no clue as to why I am so happy. Yesterday I world on my blacksmith class and made everyone new weapons. I do know though that I'm really excited and yet conflicted…

I mean she is supposed to be my (Step)Sister. Though now I know that with things playing out as they have my Father and Madeline wanted this. No clue as to why though.

I get up out of my bed and start to get ready.

I grab myself a white tank top, a white dress shirt, and a black vest. I'm wearing charcoal grey slim fit jeans and white Ground Force 2's. I decide not to wear a hat and just put my hair into a light messy bed head.

I put on my smart watch, grab my phone and put my wallet in my back pocket as I head to talk to my father.

"Dad, I need my keys to my Duca**??"

He pulls out my keys and tosses them to me with a black card.

"You won't ask me why I need them?"

"With how you're dressed? I can only assume and I'm most likely right."

I then ignore his laughter as I got get my bike.

Heading out I see Steph waiting by my garage. I stop as I admire her appearance. With her auburn hair tied into a bun and barely any makeup on all I can say is stunning.

She is wearing a camisole with a low cut jacket over it, her pants are black leggings under a skirt with red hi-top sneakers. I snap out of it after I hear her giggling.

"Hey, what are we taking?"

I show my keys and smile.

"I've been dreaming of driving this."

We head inside and I lead her to my bike.

"What is it?"

"It's a Duca** Diavel V4. I got it as a gift for getting my license but haven't test driven it yet."

I grab a helmet for the both of us and put hers on, then mine. I open the garage door as we get on and I kick up the kickstand as we ride out with the garage closing behind me.

I can feel her grip on me tighten as we drive through traffic all the way to a diner called Danny's.

"Why are we here?"

"Don't we gotta eat before we do anything else?"

She nods her head as we head inside. We wait at the reception waiting for us to be seated.

"It's busy huh?"

As I keep looking around I see waiters and waitresses rushing to take orders as other employees bus the now empty tables.

"Yeah it is, when do you think we will get helped?"

"In a bit, just be patient."

After what seems like 10 minutes we get seats and order some orange juice to start before they take our orders.

"What are you thinking Steph?"

"The usual… Eggs, sausage, hash browns, and some french toast. What about you?"

"A breakfast burger with hashbrowns."

After we decide a waitress comes over with a pitcher of OJ and takes our order. After refilling our cups Steph and I talk as she walks away.

We talked about mundane topics, progress on our sub-classes, and hell we were bored enough waiting for our food to talk about politics.

About 30 minutes later we got our food and I gotta say, I enjoyed my burger and Steph absolutely loved her french toast. She looked like a chipmunk with how stuffed her cheeks were.

After we finished our food I paid and as we walked outside I asked where she would like to go to next.

"Arrowhead Mall?"

"Alright, get on the bike."

She hops on after me and we spend a good time cruising till we get there. At the mall we enjoyed snaking at places we saw for pretzels, boba, and ice cream. Some of the other places we scouted was clothing shops, game stores, and even an anime styled shop.

This mall has everything and we loved every bit of time we are spending together. She then sees a Photo Booth and as we reach it an earthquake happens.

'Isn't this Arizona?! We never get earthquakes!'

I hold Steph close as I slowly take her to an exit while the surroundings are in chaos. As we near an exit the chaos intensifies as the earthquake gets worse. Steph falls down and while the quake keeps going a pillar falls over.

As I see it fall towards her I feel something primal in me urging I take action. I run and as it falls down I grab it and toss it to the side.

I go to Steph to help her and as I pick her up to be carried she stares at my face.

"Kayde, your eyes…"

I understand what she's trying to say but I ignore it. I carry her to my bike and I'm surprised it's still standing. I sit her atop the bike and as I sit she wraps her arms around me while I start the bike.

Riding off towards home I call head hoping they will pick up.


"Dad! Your ok, is everything fine at home?"

"Yes son, are you on the way home?"

"Despite the chaos and destruction currently going on? Yes I am and Steph is with me."

"Good, we will talk more when you get home, make haste."

He hangs up and I speed off heading into the highway ignoring all that is going on around me. Steph then taps my shoulder and points off to a car that's been stopped by a group of people.

We stop close by seeing people taking advantage of the situation to do as they please which sets me off a little bit.

"Can you help them? I see who's in the car and it's my friend and her family, please?"

She and I get off the bike and I open up the back seat to reveal a .45 caliber pistol. I do a quick check to make sure it isn't already loaded as I put standard rounds into the magazine.

"Why do you have a gun?!"

"It was in here for when Dad and I go to the range, I don't see that happening now, besides it has a use considering what you stopped me for."

I then load the magazine into the mag well and cock it. I walk up and shoot a round into the dirt to alert the would be murderers and rapists I'm here.

"Do you all want to get shot or live another day?"

They all look at each other and second guess themselves as one man leaves the group to charge me. I land 2 shots to his chest.

"Anyone else want to test me?!"

The rest run off leaving their buddy to bleed out. Steph runs up to the car and I follow her. As she waves to them a blonde haired girl runs out to give her a hug. A man steps out the drivers seat looking at her daughter and then to me.

"Thank you young man, I honestly couldn't fathom as to what would've happened if you weren't there."

"Thank Steph, she was the one to recognize the car and asked me to stop. I doubt it's any safer in the city so follow us to our home."

He nods and calls for his daughter to get inside the vehicle. Steph and I get on my bike and lead them to safety.

Along the highway we see a lot of the road with ruins or littered with sacked and destroyed vehicles emulating what would've happened to Steph's friend if not for her.

It's quite sickening seeing how humanity can become ugly and lawless in the face of disaster. Of in the distance I see my family home and a crowd of people trying to break the gated entrance down. I stop at a distance and have Steph go to her friends car.

I pull out my pistol again and get ready for trouble as I speak up.

"What the hell do you guys think you are doing at my house?!"

Ignoring me they keep trying to get in so I again shoot a round into the ground, closer to them this time. That stopped them as they back off from the gate and start at me. I see nothing but men and teenage boys here.

"I'm waiting for an answer!"

One of the boys steps up smiling nervously.

"Well you see, we just wanted to find some safe shelter and we needed some supplies till help arrives."

"I doubt that, I mean why is it that a group consisting of only men essentially are here at my home? It's not because they though my fathers wife and stepdaughter were here no?"

I see a couple of them avert their eyes as I look at each and every one of them.

"So as soon as a disaster happens you all become horny monkeys. What the hell made you think you could come here and do 'that'?!"

Some of them stare at me as if they didn't care and then smiled as they saw 3 other girls. They start to move forward an I hear weapon fire. Then a man falls over with a hole through his temple.


I raise my pistol and then the group runs off back to the city. The gate opens and I grab my bike as the Steph and her friends family comes in.

As we all get comfortable inside the house my dad comes in with Madeline. Steph runs up to her crying as she hugs her. My Father pats me on the shoulder.

"You did good son, no one will think otherwise. I'm proud of how you handled the situation."

Then as I calm down from the adrenaline high nausea kicks in as I realize I took a life. I run to the bathroom holding back tears.

'Even though I was in the right it still feels like shit!'

After I finished throwing up Steph comes to comfort me as I realize the waterworks are coming out anyway.

(3rd POV)

Captain McNary is standing next to the President as he gets ready to speak on what's occurring to the public.

"Mr President, do you think they will believe you?"

"Probably not, but we'll never know if we don't try."

Captain McNary contemplates the status of the world wondering how much longer we have till 'it' happens.

"Captain McNary, I would like you to come up on stage with me once the broadcast starts."

The Captain nods his head and then the President smiles as they are live.

(POV End)

I get up out of Steph's arms after I calmed down. My father comes over and gives me a hug.

"It's never easy son. I still have nightmares from when i was in the military. We are here for you."

As I'm about to thank him our tv turns on. There we see President Hayes with an Army Captain.

"My fellow Americans, it is a sad time when earthquakes happen and deaths happen. This was no ordinary earthquake though as it had occurred throughout the entire planet."

We let those words sink in at the possible implications.

"It is due to something we call Genesis. If any of you have played a game called Astrologia then you know what it is. It seems that our world has a connection to another. We used that connection to create the game you now play."

I look to my father and he nods his head.

"The game created an avatar made from mana there for humanity to get used to using mana one other forms of energy."

"If things went as expected we weren't supposed to be going through this for another three decades. Due to some unknown unique circumstance the time table was moved up."

'It's because of me.. I did this…'

"All of humanity is about to be transferred from our planet to another world. If you played the game then you'll merge with your avatars. If you didn't then you will start from scratch with your current bodies."

President Hayes moves to the side and the Captain move to the podium.

"My name is Captain McNary. Now for the nest event we won't have another earthquake, we will all start to be transferred over. If you want to be moved with someone then hold their hands and you will be transported together. All other information will be transferred to your phones via your carriers."

He salutes with the president and the broadcast cuts off.
