Working on My Sub-Class!

The next day after we have a blast eating out I get up and shower. I hear a knock on my bathroom door and Steph pops in.

'Thankfully she can't see with all this steam.'

"What is it Steph?'

She clears her throat.

"Can you take me out tomorrow?"

"Like an errand?"

"No, a date… I want to show how serious I am and how ok with the situation I am."

A lot of thoughts run through my head but I ultimately agree. Happy she runs out yelling.


Laughing I finish my shower, dry off, get dressed, and head to the dining room for breakfast.

As a family we are chatting but Steph Kees sneaking glances at me and Madeline is loving it. My dad looks defeated though and mouths 'run while you can' to me.

Madeline notices and gives him a death glare daring him to continue. She then clears her throat.

"So what are we going to do in Astrologia?"

I raise my head to speak after I start eating and she looks towards me.

"I'm thinking we should work on our new Life skills, wait I forgot to ask. Did you guys get new sub-classes for the life skills?"

They all say yes recounting how it happened and agree to work on their new classes. Especially since they aren't a level based class but of proficiency.

It starts at Beginner to Intermediate, Expert, Master, and then finally Grandmaster. Just to even get it to the next proficiency you need to get all the skills associated with it to Rank V every time.

As we eat we keep discussing on what we want to try to accomplish. My father wants to see if he can learn to create potions that can resurrect someone or even try his hand at the philosophers stone.

Madeline talks about how she wants to try and see if cooking food can effect stats, give bonuses, or even cure status conditions. That'll be amazing if she can do that in the first place. It's even better knowing that buffs from any source can stack.

Steph wants to create accessories that can either boost one's stats by percentage, regeneration effects, and also wants to try and create something that can take the place of the user in case of a fatal attack.

Honestly they all are aiming high, Madeline seems to be the most realistic with her goals because right now Jewlers can't make items that do as she wishes. Alchemists can't yet make anything more than intermediate potions as of now and that includes NPCs since there are church's that do what the potions can.

'I hope they all can get there one day, it would be nice to dominate the game as a family.'

We all finish eating and clean up before making our way to the VR Pods. We all make promises to at least eat breakfast together before we play and get out by dinner time everyday we play.

I set an alarm in the pod to get me out by the time dinner is supposed to be ready. Then I smile as I say my favorite words.

"Link Start!"

After I load in to the game I run out to an open field where no one is near me and I perform my Summon Spirit spell.

Light Spirits, hear my call,

From the realms beyond the wall.

With your brilliance, let me see,

Bring your wisdom, set me free.

Morning sun and skies so clear,

Guide my path and calm my fear.

In your glow, my spirit soars,

Open wide the vibrant doors.

By the warmth of daylight's grace,

Fill my heart, uplift this space.

Join me now, O spirits bright,

As I summon you in light!

A large golden magic circle appears surrounding me. I close my eyes and then I hear voices.

"Someone is here!"

"One who can converse with us!"

"Interesting, a dragon in the making."

"A strong affinity to the light, even better."

"Who will he choose among us?"

"I hope it's me…"

"No it'll be me!"

"No me!"

As I keep listening I hear them fighting over who can be summoned by me. I think it's cute.

Then out of nowhere a voice shushes them all as it speaks with regal authority.

"Hush now children, he will choose soon."

As I keep hearing her talk to the others I feel a connection growing between us and a collective sigh of disappointment sweeps the area.

"I'm sorry little ones, maybe next time. This is also my first contract ever after all."

As the commotion dies down I open my eyes and see a small yellow floating orb with wings on its back.

"Oh dear, it looks like you aren't strong enough to summon my true form yet. That's ok, we'll get there eventually."

I go up to it and rub what I think is its cheek. It laughs and tells me to stop.

"My name is Aurora, I am your new Contracted Spirit."

"My name is Kayde Willard."

I walk a bit further into the forest as we talk. Once we stop I smile and summon the forge.

Looking at it as I see it materialize from mana I'm awed. Seeing the different colors melting into place for my forge is amazing.

When it finished I walk up and see a few ingots of iron and steel while of to the left I see a small pile of leather next to some sturdy looking wood waiting for me. Off to the right of the leather I see a drawer that contains some cloth.

"Time to get crafting, I know there should be some basic blueprints."

I grab all the blue prints I found and start trying to craft some gear based on the blueprints.

I start with Steph's wand and grab a piece of wood. As I'm carving out a foot long rod with one and a half inch in diameter I get an idea. I will my Draconic features to appear and brace myself.

"What are you doing?"

I smile at Aurora and rip some of my scales off, a total of six. Panting I look at my arm seeing the scales grow back and the blood trickle down. I then notice something odd, my blood has a golden hue.

I ignore my thoughts an somehow melt two scales and turn half of it into a thread and the rest in two small rectangular plates. I split open the wand im making and lay inside my scale thread. I apply my light magic to seal the openings I made on the wood.

Next I grab the two small plates and wrap them around each end of the wand. I then ask Aurora to somehow weld the pieces so they don't fall off. Then I go to the grinder to get rid of possible imperfections.

Lastly I polished the metal and apply some varnish on the wood. Once finished I hear a ding.

*You are the first player to create an Epic weapon! You have been awarded 500 gold and proficiency for all blacksmith skills. Would you like it to be announced?*

I hit no and inspect my first crafted weapon.


Rarity: Epic

Rating: A+

A wand created by a prodigious young Dragon-kin blacksmith. Despite the average quality of the wood, the user applied some unique ways to make this wand better. It has a core made from dragon scales to amplify spells and reduces cast time.

A weapon created by a budding blacksmith incorporating his own dragon scales to ensure that the one who gains this weapon has the strength to keep themselves safe.

Magic Attack: +45

Physical Attack: +20

+10 intelligence

+10 Wisdom

-Cast time reduced by 1.5 seconds

-Elemental AOE damage increased by 15%

Requirement: level 20

- User needs to be acknowledged by the blacksmith to use this.

Realizing I haven't made a name for it yet I start to contemplate.

"I got it! You'll be called Heartstring!"

I feel the weapon hum in appreciation and I smile even more.

'She's going to be so happy about her new wand.'

From there I continue to make weapons for everyone. On the flip side I managed to get all my skills up to Rank V so now my Subclass is Adept.

After I finish I got up and I can see Aurora humming a happy tune.

"Why are you so happy?"

"It's due to how the dragons may be coming back cause of you. Currently they are nearly extinct. Also you looked great while concentrating on your craft, I was mesmerized."

I thank her for the compliment and dispel forge summon while making my way back to the capital.

(3rd POV)

Captain McNary is sitting inside the Oval Office waiting for the president.

'How much longer do I have to wait?!'

As he's getting impatient the President walks in with his secret service, Captain McNary stands to salute and sits down with the President.

"Captain, what's the situation with Genesis?"

Captain McNary pulls out a folder and hands it to the President.

"Mr. President it is dire, we didn't expect the timetable to change so much. It seems there is some unknown factors causing it but at the moment we are all trying to prepare our families."

The President sighs as he reads the report.

"If this is true then it won't be less than a month anymore… it'll be in a few days or less."

The Captain agrees and informs him of what he may need to do.

"Are you crazy?! If I do that the populace will think I'm a nut and won't even listen!"

"Sir we need to figure something out before it's too late."

(POV End)