Aficionado & New Hammer

At the town square I see Aloria looking for someone who is most likely me while surrounded by players with bad intentions. I walked up to her hoping for answers, but before I could get any I had to intervene and intimidate these guys.

I activate Dragon Aura as they give me nasty looks as I step in front of her.

"Aloria, I'm assuming you are looking for me? And what's going on?"

She gives me the rundown on how she was waiting for me and these hooligans kept pestering her for something "fun". As I stare at them some were already cowering and once I glare they ran off.

'Is that skill so powerful?'

What I didn't know at the time is that my Draconic features appeared and made me look more menacing as I stared them down. Once I calmed down they disappeared.

I turn towards Aloria asking why she was looking for me.

"The Goddess has decided to give you a hint for your quest. She says that this is the only one she can give. Also she left a little gift for when you manage to hit level 25."

I open my inventory and see a chest that has a level requirement to open.

'This must be what she mentioned. Honestly gear is really hard to find from monster drops. Mostly everyone still only has the starter equipment.'

Aloria gives me the details before walking off claiming she has something to take care of.

'So I have a location for a dragon now. Though I have to be level thirty to meet it.'

Remembering I have the appraisal skill I try to use it on Aloria as she's walking away. All I saw were question marks everywhere. Along her age there were three question marks.

She turns around as if she knows what I did. She gives me what seems to be the coldest and most terrifying smile I've ever seen to where it's making me sweat uncontrollably.

"It's not ok to peek at a lady's secrets ok?"

I nod my head furiously so as to not piss her off anymore. She then switch's back to her cheery and bubbly self.

"As long as you know that's great!"

Realizing I survived a potential death sentence as she walks off I slump to the ground. My family comes up finally and sees my state.

"Kayde, are you ok?"

Steph tries to comfort me.

"Women are scary."

My dad nods to this and gets a slap to the back of his head. He looks like he's about to say something till Madeline stares him down.

My Father then gives me a sympathetic look.

Steph asks me again what happened.

"I tried to appraise Aloria but only saw question marks. I even saw three along her age."

Madeline recites what Aloria said to me in a similar manner. It's still scary.

"It's ok you can look at mine!"

Steph announces that to me proudly and Madeline looks like she's having a migraine.

I use appraise on Steph and everything seems normal given what she's told me and what I know.

Then I see something a bit out of place. She has a title! How did she already get a title!?

What's even more surprising is the title itself.

'Step-Bro Aficionado, huh…. That's an odd title. Why is that a thing?'

Madeline seeing my strange look asks a question.

"What's wrong? What has you making a face like that in her status?"

I tell everyone her title and my Father along with Madeline break out laughing while Steph tried to hide her embarrassment.

After we all calm down we head back out to the forest to get them all leveled up.

3 Hours Later…

After the grinding we did we all made it to Level 21 or higher. I'm level 23 and the others have reached at least 21. I didn't expect the exp requirement to take a huge leap after crossing level 20. I've only gained 2 levels out of this.

After that session we head into town to sell our spoils as we try to see if there is any better gear to get.

Despite how I have white gear the others have Grey gear instead. As we walk into some sort of bazaar we all get excited for what we may find.

(3rd POV)

"Sir is it true?"

"Is what true?"

In an office building you can see two men talking with the doors closed and windows covered. One is older looking like he saw many battles with a few scars to match. The other one similarly saw many battles but is much younger.

"I heard that Genesis may happen even faster now. I heard that now more and more bloodlines are awakening."

The younger one gives him a classified report that he was ordered to deliver. The older one sighed as he stared at the report given to him.

"Harold, I'm too old for this. Here, take a look."

"Captain McNary, I can't look at classified documents without proper authorization."

Captain McNary gives him a look that suggests he doesn't give a crap. He pushes the papers forward and tells him to read.

As Harold is reading the papers he gains a shocked look.

"Sir, if what is here is true then it'll happen in less than a month."

The Captain nods his head.

"This means it'll be a busy month for us won't it?"

"You mean?"

"Yes I do, now hurry up and do what you need to."

Harold runs out of the office and Captain McNary opens up the windows as he pulls out a cigar. He lights it, puffs it, and after blowing out the smoke sighs for the 50th time today.

"What is going to become of us."

(POV End)

As we're looking around the bazaar I notice a hammer, one that no one can lift. I inspect it to see what the fuss is about.


Rarity: Epic

A hammer forged with the intent of being able to create the most sought after artifacts, Divine items. Due to the wishes of the creator the hammer was named after an otherworldly weapon thought to be a myth.

Due to the unique circumstances of its creation it gained a will of its own and some properties undeserving of its rarity. It will refuse anyone it doesn't recognize with potential.

Boosted Crafting Chances:

25% Green (Uncommon)

15% Blue (Rare)

8% Purple (Epic)

5% Yellow (Legendary)

2.5% Orange (Exotic)

1% Gold (Divine)

Upgrade Requirements:

- 0/10 Legendary Items Created


- 0/1 Divine Items Created

After reading the item's description I had to try and get it. I walked up to the stall and saw a sign for it that said "free if you can pick it up or pay 1500 gold". I wondered if it would even accept me.

I walk up to the stall owner asking if what the sign said is true or a gimmick. He nods his head and tells me to go ahead and try it. I walk up to it and hear a subtle hum coming from the hammer.

I move closer and wrap my hand around the handle. As I try to lift it I feel a bit of resistance and something trying to tap my mind. Wind starts to pick up in my surroundings and lightning starts to surround me as I start to lift the hammer.

Struggling I keep pulling it up out of the stone and I hear a voice.

'You are worthy…'

Then at that moment the wind and lightning clear as I spin the hammer effortlessly in my hand. Smiling I then laugh as I realize a certain god would be angry if this was the real Mjolnir.

'I wonder if its name is why it can conjure the wind and lightning.'

I feel a slight hum in affirmation from my question. I walk up to my parents and the stall owner keeps pestering me for payment even though the sign said free.

We all walk off and keep looking around. Along our exploration we find rare sets of gear for everyone's life skills. My father seems especially stoked.

'I wonder what he plans on making?'

Madeline was also happy to find a herself a nice cooking set that came with every possible pot, pan, and utensils.

Steph looked the happiest. When we found her a jeweler set she just kept jumping around. It came with everything to cut and process gems as well as stuff necessary to create all kinds of accessories.

'Though I may have to help her make anything with metal, I think it'll be fine.'

Before I went completely broke I also found some blueprints to make them some rare grade weapons. I got them for a steal since it'll take a bit to even make.

1. I'm just not skilled enough to make it yet.

2. I still need to gather all the materials for their weapons, including my stuff too.

After we finish shopping we make plans to go out as a family before exploring our new life skills or in my case a sub-class.

'It would be neat if they also got a subclass.'

*World Announcement! Player Drake Evermoore has awakened the Legendary Class Necroking. He has been awarded 1000 Gold and 1000 Dark Faction Renown.*

*World Announcement! Player Drake Evermoore has awakened the Legendary Class Necroking. He has been awarded 1000 Gold and 1000 Dark Faction Renown.*

*World Announcement! Player Drake Evermoore has awakened the Legendary Class Necroking. He has been awarded 1000 Gold and 1000 Dark Faction Renown.*

I look at my family with a frown. My father pats my shoulder to calm me.

"Don't worry son, they will get what's coming to them."

I smile at him as he's cheering me up.

"On that note how come I didn't see announcements for any of you?"

They tell me they declined to have an announcement made. It keeps a target off their backs. I couldn't tell if there was one for me since I was knocked out.

'You can do that?'

After we finished talking we go to an inn to safely logout of the game to go to one of my family's favorite diners. The Black B*** Diner, it really has some great food.