Time to Mine Pt. 1

I wake up the next day with a massive headache.

'A hangover… how much did I drink?'

As I'm moving around I grab something soft and squishy. Then I hear a moan. I pull the cover off and see my hand on Steph's butt.

I pull away fast and get her covered up before I start to dress.

'What happened last night?'

I hurry downstairs after I get dressed and eat breakfast after seeing it ready on the table. Then I see Madeline come in with a smile.

"How was last night?"

I stop in the middle of chewing bacon and look up nervously.

"I have no clue as to what you are saying."

She chuckles and I see my father walk in and sit down while rubbing his head.

"You too dad? I thought you could handle alcohol better than I."

He glares at me and returns to nursing his head as we laugh. As we all finally calm down and eat we hear footsteps and see Steph finally making her way into the dining room.

I put my head down in embarrassment as Madeline starts to tease us I then hear Steph fire back.

"Mom stop, I heard your screams from the other side of the house last night myself."

That shut her up, Madeline put her head down in embarrassment and my dad looked away while whistling.

I laugh myself as they got embarrassed in return for trying to push her buttons. She then stares at me and smiles. Sitting next to me she rests her head on my shoulders for a bit and then I see a mischievous smile.

"I'm still sore from last night, you were too rough."

I cough and spit my food out trying to understand what was said.

'I do understand but I don't remember any of it! WHY?!'

She's laughing and then I hear them cheer up laughing at my embarrassment.

'Ugh.. I will get them back.'

I finish my food and then ask what they plan to do. My dad decided he wants to practice his alchemy more as he can still go buy more herbs and other such materials.

Madeline and Steph are going together to a gem mine and you can guess why. While they are doing that Madeline is going to practice her cooking even more and use her daughter as a test subject.

It sounds a bit dark when put like that but yeah. I tell them I'm going to be mining nearby for some ore and to finish a part of a quest.

After we all finish up I go get ready as they do. Once I'm done checking all my equipment I remember about the chest. They leave before I do and I wave them off.

I pull the chest out and can't help but anticipate what I may gain. Start to open the chest and green, blue, and purple colors shine through as if a lottery is happening.

After what feels like forever the colors shining through start to dim fading into one color before going out completely. Inside I find green gear.

'Is my luck just that bad or what?!'

Even though I feel like crying I start to inspect the gear.

'Huh, they look kinda like the quidditch uniforms in Harry Potter but with armor covering the torso. That's kind of neat.'

The color resembles the dragon I saw in my mine. It's like the gryffindor set but with white instead of red. On the back instead of a lion it has a dragon blowing flames around itself.

'Honestly, I wish this was one of the houses.'

The armor is a light golden brown along the arms, hands, shins, and chest. As I look into the armor i see that there is a also a wand that is pure white with a smooth rounded yellow topaz at the bottom end.

I then check the gears information.

Archon of Lights Robes Set (Growth)

Rarity: Uncommon

Rating: S

Class Requirements: Light Mage

Level Req: Any

Magical Defense: 65

Physical Defense: 30

These robes belonged to a mighty Archon who ruled with an iron fist against his enemies but was kind to those he cared for. As the ruler of the element of light he was on his way to becoming a god but sadly perished before he could ascend.

These are his robes that he hoped would wind up in the hands of one who could be his successor. The gear comes as a set with pants, a shirt, shoes, gloves, and even a wand.

This gear will grow with the user basking in their connection to the light element and gaining power as the user does. Once it reaches a threshold it will change in appearance slightly each time its rarity upgrades.


+20 Intelligence

+15 Wisdom

+5 Strength

+5 Vitality

+5 Dexterity

+20% Mana Regen

+15% Damage with Light based Spells

Bound equipment, cannot be traded.

Full set must be equipped for the stats to take effect.

Archon of Lights Wand (Growth)

Rarity: Uncommon

Rating: S

Class Requirements: Light Mage

Level Req: Any

Magical Attack: 28

Physical Attack: 10

+20% Damage with Spells

This wand was the very weapon the Archon chose for himself. Every war, battle, or conflict you wouldn't see him without. After a time the weapon gained an ego and unless chosen as the successor it wouldn't obey any command given or help in spell casting.

After the archon passed this weapon sealed away its own ego as it mourned the loss of its master. There it lay dormant, awaiting for the next person to lay claim to it by right.

'Damn, that's nice. It's not too much better than what I have on stats but the fact that it is a growth type means it can become one of the more powerful sets of equipment.'

After I'm done checking out my new gear I put it on and check myself in a mirror as I hold the wand.

'I really wish this I was in Harry Potter now.'

The gear completely matches my new look after I changed races despite how I'll eventually be a dragon. I then start checking the state of my mining gear and set out after confirming it's perfect.

I then set out to get some more potions, some food, and a camping set with monster repellent if necessary. As I'm grabbing everything I need I'm also looking for a carriage that goes that way.

After I finish grabbing my necessities I continue looking for any carriage. As I'm looking I feel someone or something is following me.

I go turn at random corners, enter random shops pretending to shop, and even shady places to try and throw them off. As I turn around one final corner I hide and wait to see who is following me.

"You can come out Kayde."

I get up and see Aloria. She's smiling at me and I can't help but wonder why she was following me.

"Why were you following me, you could've called out to me."

"I wasn't at first. Then I saw some shady characters shadowing you mumbling about how Dragon-kin are extremely rare nowadays."

She then proceeds to tell me exactly what she did and their plans were not hiding any details.

"They wanted to sell me to an old hag?!"

"A rich and noble old hag, but yes."

She laughs at me as I act like I'm throwing up.

'I gotta hurry and get to the mine…'

"Thank you Aloria, I don't know what would've happed if you weren't here."

"Yeah, it's not like I was following someone who ignored me and the church for the last few days."

She waves good bye as I stand there stunned.

'She's mad I haven't visited…'

Shrugging my shoulders I turn around and use the map as a guide to find a carriage while wondering why I didn't do this at the start.

I actually end up at the south gate and see carriages calling out their destinations for potential customers. I then hear a rather old man call out riders for the mine I'm looking for. I run up to him and ask a question.

"This is for the mines to the south?"

"You mean the Dragon Vein mines?"

"Yes sir I do."

I then ask him why it's called that but he tells me to get in the carriage by the riders seat so he could tell me on the way there. He then keep calling out for possible customers as I check my inventory to be sure that I have all I need and then I check my status.


Name: Kayde Willard

Level: 32

Exp: 12%/100%

Class: Light Mage (Growth Class)

Sub-Class: Blacksmith (Intermediate)

Bloodline: Dragon-Kin (20% Purity)

Health: 640/640

Mana: 1,120/1,120

Magic Defense: 435

Physical Defense: 320

Magical Attack: 302

Physical Attack: 142

Strength: 44

Vitality: 64

Intelligence: 88

Wisdom: 87

Dexterity: 52

Luck: 10

Stat Points: 55

Skills: Appraisal

Spells: Mana Arrow I, Spinning Light 

Arrow I,Spear of Light I, Summon Spirit,

Flash I

Passive Skills: Dragon Heart I, Dragon Scales I, Draconic Aura I, Mana Regeneration, Leather Working III, Smithing III, Wood Working III, Sewing III, Mining III

'Wow, killing that werewolf gave me a lot of experience. I jumped a total of nine levels! What's the progress on my blacksmith class?'

I guess after working on my sub class a bit I managed to get my skills to level 3 as an intermediate blacksmith. My stats are looking pretty good but I decide to hold off on using my stat points till later.

'I got to find some more spells.'

After what seems like forever some more people climb in to the carriage and the rider starts to take off. Along the way I listen as he tells me the story of the mine.

"So the story goes like this…"

Then after I finish going over my stats