Time to Mine Pt. 2

"So the story goes like this… A very long time ago this mine used to be a dungeon.

That was about the time Concord was but a small village.

A wizard who was staying there for the night on his travels noticed something peculiar in the air and decided to investigate.

He walked for a about a mile (1.6 Kilometers for everyone outside the US) and saw something strange. He saw what seemed to be a dungeon with black smoke or miasma emanating from the entrance. He thought that no one was stupid enough to make a village close to one given the inherent issue it could have.

That is a dungeon break, an event where all monsters manage to escape and rush like a stampede to living creatures writhing hundreds of miles. It only happens because no one clears it and the dungeon just keeps spawning monsters till it can't hold them in any longer.

The wizard sensing a break is about to happen runs to warn the town of his discovery. As he warns them they all fall to their knees and pray instead of packing up to escape. Upset at their inaction he yells to get their attention but stops as they start reciting some sort of prayer.

Then he sees something he never imagined would come to pass. A Dragon of lightning with a divine aura appears above the populace. It's speaks to them, wondering what's got them all so afraid.

Then the wizard speaks up and explains what he has discovered and the urgency of the situation. The dragon nods his head and explains that he felt the dark forces as he arrived.

Then he flies off towards the dungeon and the whole town follows to see what miracles he may create. Though as they arrive that don't see the dragon anywhere nor die they see any miasma emanating from the entrance.

The wizard has them step back as he enters to see what may have occurred. Instead he gets surprised as he enters seeing no monsters and lots of ore. Iron ore popping out of the walls and light emitting from the stones stuck in the ceiling.

Then they discover that as they go down to new floors there is more ore of different varieties. Gold, platinum, copper, zinc, and a few others with sparse deposits of Mythril and Adamantium.

Then they reach the bottom and see the dragon the worshipped in slumber with his magic flowing out of his body purifying what was once the dungeon. Realizing what the dragon has done for them they lay their heads down in his presence and pray one more time for his eventual return and leave.

From then on they mined the place and eventually forgot about their god. Some say he is still there awaiting one of his own kin to free him, while others say he is dead.

What's really going on is anybody's guess though."

Amazed by the story I listen on to the rumors and laugh at how outrageous they all are. By the time he is done speaking we arrive and I give him a tip thanking him for the good story.

I'm also surprised they didn't worship the Goddess Luxuria back then.

'I wonder how that came to be?'

I then start walking towards the entrance and see a line of people, mostly dwarves and humans. As they get to the entrance I see that they have to put their hand on an orb. Why I have no clue, but I see that if it's blue they go past while red gets told to leave.

Then as I get in line I hear a few of them talking.

"Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Well before we came back there were rumors circulating that the mine was having earthquakes and might even be returning to what it once was supposedly."

"What might that be?"

"A dungeon, though whether or not it's credible will be found out as we go inside."

Then after that they keep talking about mundane topics such as the coming weather or the happenings inside the capital.

'I hope what they said isn't going to happen, it seems a bit too coincidental.'

It takes a few minute but I finally arrive to the front. As I get there I feel a few odd stares.


"Yur a mage, mages don't mine."

"Well I do since I have a blacksmith sub class."

"We'll see…"

I put my hand on the orb and it takes a bit but the orb shine blue.

"An intermediate Blacksmith, I've never thought I'd see the day where a mage would be one much less an intermediate at a young age."

He shakes my hand apologizing and lets me on through as he tell me to be careful. When I'm inside I'm struck in awe, the story teller didn't do this justice.

Along the walls you see ore deposits and in random spots along the walls, ceiling, and floor you see iron ore in the shape of crystals jutting out of the surface it clings to.

'I'm going to have so much fun on the way down.'

I start making my way through excited to start mining and experience some real hands on work.

I started along the wall to my left and looked for a good iron ore vein that I could practice with to get my bearings.

I find one and pull out my mining set ready to demolish the surrounding rock to get the ore.

I ready myself and as I'm about to strike the rock a man stops me.

"Hey there young man, hold yer horses."

I see an old yet slightly aged dwarf smiling as he walks to me.

"I figured I'd give you a tip before you wear yourself out. You know this used to be a dungeon right?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Ok so understand this when I tell you that mana needs to coat your pickaxe for it to be effective here. The rock here is many times stronger than normal."

I do as he says and try to imbue my mana into the pickaxe. As I do I see a slight golden glow surround it and I get ready to strike. Then I see a glowing symbol showing where I should strike.

I land a clear hit and see much of the rock gone and get excited realizing the ore vein is ready to be taken.

"Good job lad, I've never seen anyone have that color when imbuing mana into an object."

"Oh that's cause I'm a Light Mage and a Dragon Kin currently."


"Don't worry about it. Its nothing at the moment."

He shrugs his shoulders and watches as I keep mining ore giving suggestions on how to strike the rock properly or on how to extract the ore.

Honestly it is pretty fun have someone guide you on how to do something. Reminds me of my father.

'I wonder who or where my mother is.'

I continue mining finding low-medium quality ore. I keep going hoping to find some higher quality as I want to make a new set of armor for all of my family. Mostly leather for the rest of them but metal for my dad.

'Though I am unsure as to what metal would best fit my father at the moment. Maybe iron will just do.'

I keep having fun as the old dwarf leaves smiling at my enthusiasm.

For the next few hours I mine nonstop for ore and raiding my proficiency. By the time I stop I nearly filled my inventory full of ore and proceed to back up top to see where I can sell my unneeded ore.

I seek out the gentleman from the front of the dungeon as I reach outside and ge points me out to a nearby stall. After I sold all more ore for 10 gold due to the sheer amount I had.

I notice it's getting dark out and I start to camp outside, setting up my tent, starting a fire, and eating my rations. I look up to the stars finally seeing beautiful nebulas and the new constellations.

(3rd POV)

In a bright white space full of clouds and a bright golden light illuminating the entire area you see a woman who is sitting in front of an orb.

Her appearance is blurred as if no one can comprehend her existence currently except gods. She is just sitting there staring at a certain person through the orb.

"He's having fun right now, oh I can't wait!"

Then out of nowhere a man appears.

"You are watching him again aren't you?"


"You know eventually you will get bored of him."

Then an immense pressure enveloped the man trying to crush him and you can see him strain against it. Then he is released.

"Leave me…"

He just nods his head and vanishes. She then stares back into the orb watching what's currently going on.

"Soon Kayde, soon…"