Demons & Ogres

"Man I haven't even come close to leveling after all that… that miasma demon didn't give me any either."

Outside of the dungeon I excitedly rush back to the Capital ignoring the carriage nearby. As I'm making my way back I can't wait to get started on making the ingots for Steph to use but I ahevone stop I must make first.

Along the way I see monsters moving through the forest nearby, specifically ogres.

'Well what do we have here?'

*World announcement!*

*Drake Evermoore has completed a major faction quest for the Dark Faction! He has gained 1000 faction renown, 1 Epic Chest, and a unique skill book!*

*World announcement!*

*Drake Evermoore has completed a major faction quest for the Dark Faction! He has gained 1000 faction renown, 1 Epic Chest, and a unique skill book!*

*World announcement!*

*Drake Evermoore has completed a major faction quest for the Dark Faction! He has gained 1000 faction renown, 1 Epic Chest, and a unique skill book!*

'Again?! What was the quest for that he already completed it?'

(3rd POV)

"Hahaha! Yes!"

You see Drake Evermoore celebrating the only way he knows how, by doing unspeakable acts that would get you on a special list for doing it.

It's happening in a city of the Light faction called Therion. It's a city of thriving crafters, where many would have gone to further their skills in their craft. That all went to hell when Drake Evermoore and the demon forces came to tear it all down.

Along the way they terrorized the people, pilllaged, took advantage of them by either turning them into Halflings or doing unspeakable acts to them regardless of gender as they burned down the city.

Which takes us to where Drake is now as his borrowed forces are moving through the city.

He's seen forcing himself upon women of various ages that are either old, youthful, or too young while being surrounded by demons and half demons doing the same to either men or women.

The village they are surrounded by is burning to the ground with the bodies of women and children burning nearby.

If you look at his appearance it's changes since he was last seen, he now sports a large black horn with cracks along it showing a purple energy pulsing through it above his left eye.

His skin color has become ashen and his eyes changing to red.

You see that every time one of the demons or he is finished they toss the people into the fire not caring if they are alive or dead.

Then as Drake is about to go again with a new unwilling victim he gets stopped by a woman with light purple skin and an outfit that leaves little to the imagination.

"Drake Evermoore, stop this now. We are being called to the kings castle."

"Succubus Queen Lilith, if I stop here then I'll need one of your little maids to satisfy me later."

"Fine, just don't leave her broken beyond repair like the last twenty."

"No promises… So, what does the king want?"

He lets the girl go and dresses back up. As the girl tries to escape two ther demons grab her and force themselves upon her.

Drake laughs at her plight not caring in the slightest for humanity.

"He wants us now that he senses a new piece on the board. One that could threaten our people and kingdom."

"What pray tell scares the king himself this much?"

Lilith ignores him and then starts to drag him away as the girls screams start to die down.

Drake looks up as he's walking and smiles.

"Steph, one day you'll be mine begging me to leave Kayde alone."

As they leave you can see the fires dying out as the buildings are now ash and all the inhabitants murdered after being toyed with.

(POV End)

"Where did they go…"

I'm looking through the forest following the Ogres and at one point I lost track as they managed to somehow lose me.

I summon Aurora sensing that she's awake.

"You called me?"

"Yes I need you to help me look for the ogres that I was tracking, they were moving too well for their known intelligence. Almost as if someone is commanding them."

She flies off for a bit as I get a message from Steph.

Steph: Where are you? The church of Luxuria and Amphitrite are going crazy! Apparently an attack by demons was done to one of the Light Factions capital cities!

I start to type out a message and then I remember the world announcement.

-Did it have anything to do with Drake Evermoore?

There was a pause before she messaged me again.

Steph: Yes… he's apparently taking the side of the Dark Faction. It seems like it was a blood bath if the reports are true from the church paladins.

'Drake! You really have stepped too far over the line, I was content with eventually just killing you for revenge. Now you aren't just my problem anymore.'

-I'll be there soon, I saw some unusual movements from the Ogres in the forest. It seems there is someone leading them.

Steph: Send me your location! I can get some of the church forces to help!

-Ok just don't take too long. I have no idea what we could be dealing with.

I send her my coordinates and keep updating them as I move through following Aurora since it seems she's found them.

"Aurora, how much further?"

She hushes me and directs my attention through the bushes and I'm stunned.

I see a whole Ogre community living as if they have the same level of intelligence as us. Off to the left of the community I see cages full of Human, Elven, Dwarven, and Beastmen women and children.

A bit further off I see what seems to an area full of tents and I see pregnant women being dragged into them with Ogre babies coming out with racial traits of both parents no matter their race.

Half-Ogre, Half-Elf and so one depending on the mother.

'This is bad!'

-Steph! Hurry up! I see them impregnating women of various races to force them to give birth to hybrids!

Steph: Ok, we are on the way!

I turn off the chat and make my way to the cages. Along the way I noticed how alert and on guard they were. Then I heard something I thought I'd never hear.

"How far along for the others?"

"Sir, they are nearly full term. Pretty soon we will have more children for our growing army."

"Good, go guard them and make haste. I feel that we aren't alone out here."

They soon leave and I'm freaking out due to what I've just heard.

'They speak the same tongue as humans?'

I start to slowly make my way towards the cages again while dodging every ogre I see and somehow even the hound like creatures they use.

As I finally reach the cages I see all these women who are broken. Many are pregnant, others have various fluids coming out of their body, and there are others who aren't responsive.

'All of these women are lost, I can't see the light of life in their eyes. There is only evil here and the women didn't deserve this.'

Then out of nowhere I hear horns going off and men yelling charge. I get up to peek and see many paladins striking down the Ogres with swift and powerful strikes.

Some of the battle nuns come here to check on the women and start to cry.

I pat the shoulders of a few and they start to burn the women alive and dead. You can tell how they gave up when you don't even hear screams.

"They wanted this, didn't they?"

A nun looks to me and nods.

"They did, no woman should have to go through this."

"Why do Ogres do this though?"

"It's because on their own females are born 1 in 500. Even then with the males fighting for who gets one or not tends to kill them. Due to that they began to outsource their women."

I thanked her for the explanation and then at a nearby ridge I see my family looking at the battlefield from a safe distance.

'One bad thing after another, what's next?'

I start making my way up to the ridge as the fighting starts to die down with the Paladins winning.

As I get up there I hug and kiss Steph while giving the others a hug. I start feeling a surge of anger at how cruel this world could be and then let it go.

'Nothing good has ever come out of holding onto my anger. I will avenge their deaths.'

After fight ended we all go down and start to look around for clues as to why they were trying to build an army.

We reach the largest tent and I go inside surprised to see stacks of papers, books, maps, and detailed battle plans laid out along the floor.

We get to work and I start to go through the books or diary's as I've come to find while I read.

As I keep reading I'm getting more upset and vow to not miss another chance.

"I got something guys. It turns out these Ogres were acting on command from one person. The king of Demons to the advice of a lieutenant named Drake Evermoore."

They all start to ask me questions on what's going on.

"It turns out all the women here were those not killed at the ruins of Therion were brought here. Drake thought if they could create an army under our noses it would provide a great distraction as they march to another city. It doesn't say where though."

'It turned from a new world to a literal survival story. If we don't stop him there will not be anything left to claim as home.'

Then we all leave and inform the churches of our discovery before heading back home.

'I sure have a lot of work to do.'