Ego & Guild

After what occurred at the forest we returned to the city to recuperate and relax. Though, I can't relax. After hearing about the city that got ruined and then had its female population used as breeding stock for the demons and monsters really set me off.

I cooled off by working in the smithy at our home. I was making simple iron swords of varying quality and rarities. Nothing was better than rare.

Working in my smithy is really relaxing and helps me stay calm to an extent. In the process of trying to keep my anger out of control I made a very unique weapon.

It's a sword but it's not your average weapon since when I touch it the sword glows brightly changing shape and once it stops I read its information.


Rarity: Epic

Rating: S

Requirements: Level 60, Warrior Class

Physical Attack: 85

This weapon was forged while the creator was delving into his own inner turmoil. The creator was upset to the circumstances he is in without the power to retaliate to those who caused catastrophe.

Due to the situation this weapon was forged from it harbors the same resentment towards its creators enemies. It will lose effectiveness when used against humans or anyone in the Light Faction.

Besides it's regular requirements this weapon will only accept one who has been chosen by its creator to wield it.

+25 Strength

+25 Vitality

+50% Damage vs Demons

+20% Damage vs Monsters

Durability 100/100

Besides its information the weapon took on a shape much like the Katana. The blade is pure white and where the light directly shines on the blade you can see it change to red. The tsuba design shows a white dragon coiling around the weapon blowing out red flames.

The handle was wrapped in similar colors making this blade a work of art. As I pick it up I can feel it hum in happiness.

"I'm going to give you to someone who can use you properly."

It hums in response as I message my dad to come here. When he gets here I hand him the weapon with a matching sheath called a saya.

He looks at it with awe and respect. Then he reads the description and before I can say anything he runs in to give me a hug.

"I know you feel guilty for what happened despite how you literally can't do a thing. Also yes I know you connected Drake to the city of Therion but it won't do you any good."

I nod my head to his words.

"It's not just that, I can't believe he so easily just did all that and then sold what women he didn't care for as you know what to monsters and demons."

I clench my fists till I draw blood as my nails dig into my hands.

'I promise Drake, I will make sure you get what's coming!'

I calm down and I can feel Wratharis greeting angry just as I was.

"Soon buddy, you will soon help us take out the enemies who mean us harm."

My Father looks at me oddly.

"The sword, it has an ego that came about after I finished crafting it."

He nods his head in understanding and after we talk a bit more he heads out as I continue to practice crafting by making some daggers to sell.

After I finish my crafting session I put it all into my inventory and head out to a weapons shop.

Along the way I see posters for the guild and remember that I forgot to sign up to be an adventurer.

'I'll head there next.'

As I arrive I see a sleeping dwarf at the counter and I ring the bell next to him.

He wakes up in a rush all pissed off and starts ranting about his sleep and how late it is.

"Sir it's barely noon."

Then he stops and starts to size me up.

"I can see you have the heart of a smith lad. What are you here for?"

I start to lay out all my swords and daggers on the counter. He looks amazed at the sheer amount I have and starts to inspect them one by one.

"These are amazing, was it your master who crafted these?"

"No sir, it was all me."

Surprised he stops for a second before resuming his inspection. Then he finishes with the swords and starts on the daggers. After what seems like an hour he puts down the last dagger and stares at me.

"All of the weapons here are either green or blue. Not to mention that the quality is all A with a few sparse S rated weapons here and there. I can give you a total of 500 gold since these are guaranteed to sell."

"I'll take that deal!"

We shake hands and then he gives me the gold after I promised him that when I make more I'll bring them to him first.

I walk out and then with a happy step I run off to the guild. Arriving I see many people running about to the quest board and from.

I walk up to the counter and see a gruff man who looks too tired to deal with nonsense.

"Sir, I'm here to sign up to be an adventurer."

He looks at me a bit surprised and then grabs a paper ready to write.

"Summoned or local?"

"What's the difference?"

"Summoned is for those that the goddess brought here to help us. Local is for those who were born into this world instead."

'Oh, I could've figured that out… why didn't I?'

"Yeah I'm a summoned and I'm a Dragon-Kin."

He raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"No summoned have been more than human with a diluted bloodline or elf. Though I can believe it now that I'm actually paying attention, I need coffee."

I shrug my shoulders explaining that I don't know much.

"Okay, what's your class?"

"I am a Light Mage."

"That's a rare one, do you have any support or offensive spells?"

"Only attack, but apparently I can learn some very powerful support when I hit a high enough level."

He nods his head and then the rest of the questions were about my age, gender, and my level.

I answered truthfully and he seemed a bit surprised that I was so young according to him despite my level.

"Yeah I'm a bit higher than expected for my age but now it's really hard to keep leveling. The experience requirements is high."

After a bit more chatting he walks off to get my Adventurer identity filled out and make me a card. Then he walks up to me and I see a bronze colored card. Then he explains the rankings and it goes like this.


F - Iron - Rookie

E - Copper - Rookie

D - Bronze - Rookie

C - Silver - Experienced

B - Gold - Experienced

A - Mythril - Experienced

S - Adamantium - Veteran

SS - Orichalcum - Veteran

Many could still be considered veterans if they were an adventurer based on how many years as part of the guild.

For the rankings though they only take in how skilled and experienced they are for where they are placed.

"Why did I get a rank D card?"

"You have a high level and 2 classes. All you need is experience if you want to go higher so if you complete 8 D rank quests I can help you become a C rank Adventurer."

I thank him for the help and run off to my home to hopefully convince them to apply if they haven't.

As I arrive at my home I see a large carriage in the front with what seems to be a Church of Light emblem. I walk inside and see a woman dressed in robes that make her seem as if she's very high in the church. Across from her is my family enjoying the talk they are having.

Then she turns around and smiles as she see me.

"Hello Kayde, it's great to see the Goddess's favored child."

"Wait what?"

I walk to the couch to sit down and she stands, then she sits as I do.

"What are you here for ma'am?"

"The goddess has given me an oracle for your quest."

She slides over a letter towards me and keeps explaining.

"In there is the location for the next dragon you need to complete your ascendance."

I grab it and then a thought appears in my head.

"Where is Aloria?"

"She is undergoing training for when she must be a battle maiden from our church. Do not worry as she is a very skilled and determined woman."

I thank her and as she walks out she wishes for us to meet again after I'm done with my quest.

"I will head to the Main church when I've finished."

I give her a slight bow as she heads inside the carriage. After she disappears off to the horizon I go back inside.

"Hey guys!"

They turn around and wait for me to continue and so I explain about the guild and how they should go apply.

"After you guys apply we should go down together tomorrow to make ourselves a party."

They all agree and head out while I relax. Before Steph walks away she gives me a peck on the cheek.

"I love you Kayde."

"I love you too."