Revelation & Clan

I wake up in bed the next day after my family registered as adventurers in the city's guild. I slowly take Steph off my body as I get up trying not to wake her early.

I get dressed and go to the dining room after smelling pancakes.

'Oh how I've missed pancakes.'

I enter the dining room and see my father sitting already. I go and sit close to him so we could chat.

"Dad, I think we should register our family as a clan or a party at least."

"What's a clan?"

"It's essentially a large or small group of people with commons interests that bring them together."

"Maybe, let's ask the others first given the fact that we may need more people to even start one."

I nod my head to his words and then Madeline brings in all the food using some sort of plant golem. As she sets the table Steph comes in yawning looking like she hasn't slept one bit.

"What's wrong Steph?"

She shakes her head to try and wake herself a bit more.

"I've been having these dreams that feel too real, almost like a vision. If they are true then that terrifies me."

As I try to get her to explain Madeline grabs my shoulder and shakes my head before sitting next to her daughter.

Then she breaks out crying and Madeline is listening to her explain.

"What's going on?"

Madeline looks at me with a frown.

"She says she received a vision from her Goddess, apparently she will be taken by Drake very soon. What she was shown wasn't specific."

'Well shit, I have to assume it's very soon so now I need to hurry and finish gathering all the dragons blood.'

I finish eating and as I'm runnning out I tell everyone to meet at the guild so they can start working on their levels.

"I'm going to be finishing my quest as you work on your levels!"

I hurry and put on my equipment, leave the house, and head on to the church of Luxuria.

Along the way I feel a sense of unease permeating through the city, almost as if they are expecting catastrophe.

As I look at some of their faces I see the despair that I saw in my old face. Then I fall to my knees clutching my head while some of my past life's memories are playing as if I'm reliving those moments.

When the pain and memories subside I wipe my face that's full of tears and snot clean.

'I need some questions asked and there is possibly only one who can answer.'

I get up and continue towards the church hoping my questions can be answered and my fears dispelled.

Arriving at the church I see a few people praying and begging for the goddess to intervene and save their city. I see Aloria trying to calm them and I call her out.

She see's me and shows a bright smile.

"How do I contact the Goddess?"

She guides me inside without a single question and when I try to talk she hushes me. We reach the statue where I first met the goddess and then Aloria speaks.

"You need to just kneel, and pray for the Goddess here. Given your unique connection to her she may answer you."

I thank her and start to pray as she leaves.

'Please Luxuria, answer me I have so many questions and so little time.'

For a few minutes I'm praying and hopi g to get some sort of reaction. All of a sudden my surroundings change to the familiar cloudy landscape.

"You needed to talk?"

I turn around and see Luxuria sitting in a simple chair next to a table that has a tea set.

"Yes, I have a few questions and I hope you can answer them."

She waves her hand telling me to continue.

"You are aware of my past life?"

"Yes I am, if you must know we gods are outside the constraints of time so when things happen that roll it back or reset it we do not get affected."

"So then what about the contract that bound my soul in the game."

"Silly boy, you know this isn't a game but a real world. So tell me, what does a contract that binds one soul do?"

"So you mean to say the contract in the game affected me in my world as well?"

She nods her head and Im now reliving every moment of my life trying to make sense of it.

"This world you now reside in was never a game, you just used a helmet that created a version of you from mana. That's what allowed you to revive all the time. You still can but now it's at a cost."

'So what drake said wasn't random. He was telling the truth. I mean who would believe that demons were real till recently.'

I start walking in circles going over everything I can remember in my head.

Then I stop curious as to why we now live in this world and not in my past life.

"Then why are we now here but not in my past life?"

"That's a good question, I'm assuming you know of something you mortals call the butterfly effect?"

I nod my head agreeing with her.

"Good, now when you went back in time and started to do things differently it caused a ripple that became a huge wave. It should've taken nearly half a century for your people to come here. Instead it took a week, you want to know why?"

"Yes I do."

"It's because you managed to break a curse that you were never meant to. At least that's how others view it. Doing that and awakening your true potential even partially caused others to be able to do the same. Don't you see?? Enough of human kind managed to show they had the potential to evolve and grow powerful."

"What's that mean?"

"This world also has a soul of its own and when it sensed those that could help and save its inhabitants it made a direct connection to your world to bring you here.

At first it was a probe to test your people creating the game you know as Astrologia and the pods with the help of a company. After you went back things changed."

She stands up and makes me follow her as she walks.

"The world then saw the potential of humanity through you. She made it easier for you to break your shackles and did the same for many others. As you and they gained new races and unique classes it caused the connection to grow stronger a lot quicker than expected. You know the rest from there."

I stop walking trying to understand what she said.

"Then I have to ask, am I the only one who came back?"

"No, you are not. There was another but the goddess or god that brought you two back eluded my senses. I can't even tell you who the other soul was. I only know about you cause I saw your soul fly back in time and I broke the contract as it did so there wouldn't be any issues."

She turns to look at me and tells me one last thing.

"Take this chance to make sure whatever happened never comes to pass. I can see the sorrow, anger, and your sense of loss. Make sure that whatever you do you will not regret it."

I thank her and nod my head as she sends me back to my body.

'I know I still have some questions unanswered but I will find them out soon.'

I stand up and see Aloria coming back in.

"This way Kayde, you have a quest to complete no?"

I follow her out and see the crowd growing bigger and some of them are even muttering on the collar of gold light that shone above the temple.

"People of Concord, the Goddesse's favorite child Kayde has arrived!"

*Title Gained*

Puzzled I ignore it for now and hurry up to her while taking people's hands off of me.

"Why did you do that?"

"You are though, the goddess decreed that it would be announced in front of a bigger crowd but I'm working with what I have since you are leaving."

I put out my hand waiting for the next clue not wanting to continue this talk. She gives me a smirk and puts a folded paper in my hand.

I run off afterwards to get away from the crowd that seems to revere me due to a title I never asked for.

They start to chase after me, chanting my new title as if I'm some messiah to them and some are even catching up.

'Why can't they just leave me be! I didn't ask for this!'

As a last ditch effort to escape them I cast flash and climb on top of a nearby shop to keep out of sight. As I hear them regain their senses from my spell and leaving while panicking cause they can't find me I calm down and open the paper note.

Dear Kayde,

The Goddess Luxuria has given me a new oracle. Due to the current situation of the world and the fact that a lot of you players (as you are called) have joined forces with demons, you were given the last 4 locations of the Dragons.

She hopes that you complete your quest soon and has told me to let you know to use that ticket wisely. Though she's pretty sure you know what to do with it by now. She also wants you to make haste and finish as fast as possible.

P.S. – Make sure you survive whatever ordeal you come across, you could be quite literally the only one who can save us.

Your Devout Friend,


On the back of the letter is all the notes for the other dragons and where they are.

'Ok so one is at the volcano called Mt. Aodh. The second at the Lusan Forest. A third at the nearby Loch lake. Then the other one is at a mountain peak where there is a constant blizzard? The mountain is called Mt. Reòth.'

Sighing at how diverse the locations for the dragons can be. I message my family to meet up at the guild to try and make ourselves a clan.

I get up and jump down from the roof of the building. Then I start making my way to the Adventurer Guild excited for establishing our clan or at least a party.

Once I arrive I see my family waiting for me by the front counter. Seeing me spooked they try to ask what happened but I brush it off as nothing.

"Let's go make our clan shall we?"

We all walk up to the counter for clans and clan activities. As we get there I see a girl who looks like she's a poster girl. Always smiling, bright and bubbly, and with a pretty face.

"Ma'am we are here to create a clan."

'I've got to hurry and prepare for the long journey ahead.'