Chapter 13

Few minutes before Aria's Accident.

Aria trudged down Nil Street, her body wracked with pain and her mind consumed by thoughts of Jack's betrayal and her parents' tragic death. She had vowed revenge, but her determination was momentarily derailed by a call from Liam. "Where are you?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. Aria smiled weakly, despite her agony. "I'm in pain, Liam. Please, I need you."

Liam's voice was laced with worry. "Where are you? Stay there, I'm coming." But Aria's phone slipped from her grasp, and she stumbled forward, unable to respond.

As she walked, a speeding truck hurtled towards her, its driver oblivious to her presence. Aria screamed as the vehicle struck her, sending her crashing to the ground. She lay there, her vision blurring, as blood seeped from her head wound.

Allison emerged from the truck, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. "I defeated you, Aria," she gloated, standing over Aria's broken form. "Jack isn't innocent, but he still loves me. And I loved him sincerely... until he used you."

Aria's hands twitched feebly, but she couldn't muster the strength to speak. Allison grasped her hand, dragging her towards the riverbank. "Die?" she whispered, before pushing Aria into the water.

As Aria's body sank beneath the surface, Allison turned to face Liam's approaching car. He leapt out, screaming Aria's name, and rushed towards the river. But Allison was ready. She shot him in the stomach, then again in the chest. "If you dare ruin my plan, I'll kill you,"

Despite his injuries, Liam plunged into the river, determined to save Aria. Allison fired wildly into the water, but Liam persisted, his eyes fixed on Aria's struggling form. Just as he reached her, Allison fled, leaving the sound of police sirens in her wake.

As Liam rushed up the hill, Aria's gaze lingered on his face, her eyes brimming with tears. " also survive," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she realized too late the depth of Liam's love for her. She had been blind to it, consumed by her own pain and betrayal. Now, as she lay wounded in his arms, she saw the truth in his eyes.

Aria's heart ached with regret, apologizing silently for not recognizing his devotion sooner. She had taken him for granted, assuming his kindness was merely friendship. But now, as her vision blurred, she understood the sacrifice he had made for her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I didn't know...until now."

Liam's expression softened, his eyes filling with compassion. He didn't speak, but his arms tightened around her, holding her close as he rushed to safety.

As Aria's consciousness faded, she felt Liam's warmth, his love, and his forgiveness. She knew she had found her true ally, her protector, and her soulmate – but it might be too late.

Liam burst through the hospital doors, shouting for help as he carried Aria's limp form in his arms. Her face was masked in blood, and her body was eerily still. The medical team sprang into action, rushing to their side with a stretcher.

Dr. Max, a seasoned physician, took charge, directing them to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Liam's vision began to blur, his strength waning as he stumbled alongside the stretcher. He collapsed onto the cold floor, his body exhausted from the ordeal.

The medical team rushed to Liam's side, swiftly transferring him to the operating room. Dr. Max fought to save his life, but Liam had lost too much blood. Despite the doctor's valiant efforts, Liam's injuries proved too severe.

In the ICU, tension hung in the air as the medical team battled to save Aria's life. The oxygen machines beeped erratically, and then stopped working altogether. The room fell silent, except for the soft beeping of the heart monitor.

Liam's heart flatlined, his body still. Dr. Max's face fell, his eyes filled with sorrow. "We lost him," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The hospital room was bathed in an eerie silence, the only sound the soft weeping of the medical team. Liam, who had saved Aria's life, had sacrificed his own in the process. His love for her had been pure and selfless, and now he was gone.

Present day

Aiden paid the taxi driver and gently helped Isa out of the car. As they stepped onto the sidewalk, a familiar face passed by in a flash of metal and glass. Isa's heart skipped a beat as she felt an inexplicable sense of recognition.

"Wait, who was that?" Isa asked, her eyes scanning the receding car.

Aiden followed her gaze, his expression unreadable. "Just someone driving by," he said, his voice neutral.

But Isa's intuition told her otherwise. She felt an unsettling sense of connection to the person in the car, like a whispered secret only she could hear.

Aiden broke the silence, his voice gentle. "Come on, let's go inside." He offered his arm, and Isa took it, her mind still reeling from the encounter.

Elias, Aiden's son, followed closely behind, his curious eyes fixed on Isa.

As they entered the house, Mrs. Amelia welcomed them with a warm smile. "Ah, Isa, dear, it's so lovely to see you again."

Isa smiled back, feeling a sense of comfort in the warm atmosphere. But her mind lingered on the mysterious car and its occupant, wondering if their paths would cross again.

Aiden's instincts screamed at him to investigate further. He turned to his mother and said, "Mom, please look after Isa. I'll be right back." His mother nodded, concern etched on her face.

Isa smiled, unaware of the turmoil brewing inside Aiden. She held Elias' hand, and they both headed inside, oblivious to the storm about to unfold.

As soon as they entered, Aiden's mother closed the door behind them, her eyes locked on her son's retreating back.

Aiden hailed a taxi and sped towards the hospital, his mind racing with questions.Why did she look identical to his late wife Isa?

Upon arriving at the hospital, Aiden marched straight to the ICU, determined to confront Dr. Max. "What do you know about the woman who was brought in earlier?" Aiden demanded, his voice firm.

Dr. Max looked up, startled. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Aiden's eyes narrowed. "Don't play dumb, Doctor. I saw her. The woman you treated looks exactly like Isa I was shocked when I saw her in the patient room. What's going on?"

The doctor didn't say a word and told him to leave.

Aiden's hand trembled with rage as he held the knife close to Dr. Max's throat. "Talk," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

Dr. Max's eyes widened in fear, but he nodded hastily. "Fine, fine. Let's talk in private." He gestured to his office, and Aiden followed, the knife still pressed against the doctor's skin.

Once inside, Dr. Max sat down, his hands shaking. Aiden removed the knife, but not before a small scratch appeared on the doctor's neck.

"Now, talk," Aiden demanded, his eyes blazing with intensity.

Dr. Max took a deep breath. "Liam brought a girl to the hospital. Her name is Aria. She was badly injured, and...and she has amnesia."

Aiden's grip on the knife tightened. "What do you mean?"

Dr. Max hesitated. "She doesn't remember her past. And...and you, Aiden, you made her believe she's someone else.

Aiden's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

Dr. Max's voice was laced with guilt. "You've been telling her she's Isa, that she has a new life. But it's not true, Aiden. She's Aria, and she deserves to know the truth."

Aiden's face twisted in a mix of emotions - shock, anger, and fear. He felt like his world was crumbling around him.

"Why?" he whispered, the knife slipping from his grasp. "Why would I do that?"

Dr. Max's expression was somber. "I don't know, Aiden. But you need to tell her the truth. She deserves to know who she really is."

Aiden's smile grew wider, a cold, calculated grin. Dr. Max didn't know the truth, didn't know that Aiden had been manipulating Aria, using her amnesia to his advantage. He had been grooming her to take Isa's place, his deceased wife.

With a sense of relief, Aiden realized he didn't need to silence the doctor permanently. Not yet, at least.

"Listen, Doctor," Aiden said, his voice dripping with malice. "If you say a word about Isa's true identity, I'll make sure you suffer. I'll kill you, and everyone you love."

Dr. Max cowered, his eyes wide with fear.

Aiden tossed the knife into the dustbin, the metal clattering against the trash. He turned to leave, his smile still plastered on his face.

"Don't forget, Doctor," Aiden said, his voice dripping with venom. "I'm always watching."

And with that, Aiden walked out of the office, leaving Dr. Max shaken and terrified.