Chapter 14

Jack came home and was happy he brought pizza for everyone, and called everyone out, saying he had an announcement to make.

Allison's eyes widened in surprise as Jack handed her a slice of pizza. She took a bite, savoring the flavors, and couldn't help but smile at Jack's antics.

As they gathered around the dining table, Jack's parents exchanged relieved glances. They hadn't seen their son this happy in a long time.

Jack held Allison's hand, his grip warm and gentle. "I've been thinking," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "I want us to have a baby."

Allison's eyes went wide, her heart skipping a beat. "You want us to have a baby?" she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jack nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, I do. I want to start a family with you."

Allison's face lit up with joy, her dreams finally within reach.

Meanwhile, Daniel slipped away, handing Ivy a stack of files. "Take care of these," he whispered, before disappearing into the background.

As the room filled with laughter and chatter, Jack's parents beamed with happiness. They had never seen their son this happy, and with that so committed to the one he loves.

And as Jack and Allison sat together, hands entwined, they both knew that their future was bright. They made plans to visit the doctor the next morning, eager to start their new journey together.

3 days before Isa was discharged.

Aiden sat in the hospital waiting room, his eyes fixed on the floor as he spoke with his parents in hushed tones. "I'll take Isa to our home, Mother will welcome her, and then I'll visit the doctor," he said, his voice laced with determination.

His father, Mr. Albert, raised an eyebrow. "And what's your plan for Elias, your son?"

Aiden smiled, his eyes glinting with intent. "I want another child. Elias needs a sibling, someone to play with. And I don't want him to find it suspicious, with his new mother."

Mr. Albert's face darkened, his fists clenched in anger. "You're betraying your wife's memory, Aiden. She loved you, and now you're using another woman for your own motives."

Aiden's smile never wavered. "Don't worry, Father. I know what I'm doing."

His mother, seated beside him, stood up, a warm smile on her face. "I'll decorate your room today, dear. You can spend the night together."

Aiden rolled his eyes, his smile tightening. "Not yet, Mother. Isa hasn't fully recovered. I'll come up with something, convince her, and then we'll go to the hospital together, next week."

Present day

Aiden smiled as he gazed at Isa sleeping peacefully. He then retreated to the next room to get some rest. The next morning, he hid behind the door, observing Isa as she washed clothes. Suddenly, Elias burst into the room, excitedly calling out to Isa, saying that he wanted a baby sister.

Isa quickly hushed him, warning that someone might overhear. Aiden held his breath, remaining concealed as he listened in. Elias began to cry, struggling to free himself from Isa's grasp. She eventually relented, saying, "Fine, I will do as you wish." As she hugged Elias tightly, Aiden could sense her reluctance to see Elias cry.

Aiden's smile grew wider, knowing his plan was unfolding perfectly, he decided to approach Isa, and Isa sighted him coming towards her.

Aiden's eyes locked onto Isa's, his voice filled with conviction. "We need a child, Isa. Elias needs a sibling, and I need...I need to feel whole again."

Isa's expression softened, her gaze drifting to Elias, who was playing quietly in the corner. She smiled, her voice barely above a whisper. "Okay, Aiden. For Elias' sake, I agree. We'll go to the hospital together, soon."

Aiden's face lit up, and he enveloped Isa in a tight hug. But as he held her, Isa's eyes glazed over, her mind slipping away...

In the memory, Isa found herself standing in a foggy landscape, the sound of whispers echoing around her. A voice called out, "Aria...Aria..." The name sent shivers down her spine, a name she'd heard countless times in her dreams.

Isa's eyes snapped back into focus, Aiden's concerned face inches from hers. "Isa, what's wrong? You spaced out on me."

Isa forced a weak smile, trying to shake off the lingering fogginess. "I...I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all."

Aiden's gaze lingered, but he eventually released her from the hug. "We'll go to the hospital soon, I promise. Together."

As Aiden stepped back, Isa's mind whispered a haunting question: Who is Aria?

Isa's thoughts swirled with the mysterious name, her mind racing to connect the dots. She felt an eerie sense of familiarity, as if Aria was a part of her own identity. But how?

Aiden's notice that Aria was lost on thought , his words laced with excitement. "I'll schedule the appointment for tomorrow. We'll take the first step towards our new family."

Isa nodded, her smile masking the turmoil within. She couldn't shake off the feeling that her memories were hiding secrets, secrets that could shatter the fragile reality she'd built with Aiden and Elias.

As the day went on, Isa's dreams began to resurface, fragments of memories she couldn't quite grasp. The name Aria echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of the unknown.

That night, as she lay beside Aiden, Isa's eyes remained open, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic name. Who was Aria? And what did she have to do with her own identity?

Allison stretched, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her as she gazed at Jack beside her. The music concert was just around the corner, and she was thrilled to have him as her partner.

As she got out of bed, she immediately went to the rest room. Jack's mom approached him, a curious expression on her face. "Jack, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Mom. What's up?"

"I was just wondering, why the sudden desire to start a family? You're still not ready, and I thought you'd want to focus on your career first."

Jack hesitated, collecting his thoughts before responding. "To be honest, Mom, I just need something to take my mind off things. Being in a relationship and starting a family feels like the right distraction."

His mom raised an eyebrow. "Distraction from what, sweetie?"

Jack's thoughts drifted to Aria, but he quickly pushed them away. "Just life in general, Mom. I need something positive to focus on."

His mom nodded, though her expression hinted she wasn't entirely convinced. "Okay, dear. Just make sure you're ready for this responsibility."

As his mom walked away, Jack's thoughts whispered the truth he couldn't voice aloud: he wanted to forget Aria, and starting a family felt like the only way to erase the memories haunting him.

he left feeling relieved from the questions his Mom asked him, he entered his car and drove off