Chapter 15

Jack was driving his car, when he mistakenly knock someone over.

Jack's heart racing, he rushed out of the car, expecting to see that the woman was lying on the ground, injured. But to his shock, there was no one there. The sidewalk was empty, with no sign of Isa or anyone else.

"Hey, you! Come out here and apologize!" a tall, muscular man shouted, his face red with anger.

"Yeah, you hit that woman and just drove off!" a petite woman with a shrill voice added, her eyes blazing with indignation.

A crowd began to gather, their faces filled with accusation and outrage.

"Shame on you!" an elderly man spat, shaking his head.

"How could you be so reckless?" a young mother with a stroller chimed in, her voice trembling with emotion.

Confused, Jack looked around, wondering if he had imagined the whole thing. But then, he saw Isa emerging from the crowd, unharmed and looking at him with an unreadable expression.

"I'm fine," she said, her voice calm. "No need to apologize."

The crowd began to murmur, their anger slowly dissipating.

"Well, okay...but still, you should be more careful," the muscular man said, his tone softening.

"Yeah, it could have been serious," the petite woman added, her expression still disapproving.

As the crowd dispersed, Jack stood there, trying to make sense of the bizarre encounter. Isa was wearing a veil so he didn't see her face, and doesn't know that the woman either. He was shocked to see that she seems unaffected and harmed?

Even Isa couldn't make senses of what was happening, it was like she saw that car coming, a familiar memory came flashing to her but, it went blank, and she immediately screamed and moved away from the road.

6 hours back in the hospital

Aiden and Isla arrived at the hospital, eager to see Doctor Max, the specialist who would help them conceive. As they entered the consultation room, Aiden's eyes widened in shock. He was shocked to see that it was the same doctor who he threatened back at the hospital, about Isa's identify. The doctor decided to act like, he's just meeting the couple's for the first time, he remembered, Aiden's threat about harming his family if he reviews Isa's identify to anyone.

"Doctor Max?'re our doctor!" Aiden exclaimed.

doctor smiled warmly. "Yes, I am And I'll be guiding you both through this IVF journey."

Isa looked curious. "IVF? What does that mean?"

Doctor Max leaned forward. "In Vitro Fertilization. We'll be using assisted reproductive technology to help you conceive."

Aiden's eyes narrowed. "How does it work?"

Doctor Max explained, "We'll stimulate Isa's ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which we'll then retrieve and fertilize with your sperm, Aiden. The resulting embryos will be cultured and transferred into Aria's uterus."

Isa asked, "What are the risks?"

Doctor Max replied, "As with any medical procedure, there are risks. Ovarian hyperstimulation, egg retrieval complications, and multiple pregnancies. But we'll monitor you closely to minimize these risks."

Aiden asked, "What tests do we need to do?"

Doctor Max listed, "We'll need semen analysis, ovarian reserve testing, and infectious disease screening. We'll also discuss genetic testing options."

Isa asked, "What should we do after the tests?"

Doctor Max advised, "Once we have the results, we'll create a personalized IVF plan. You'll need to follow medication schedules, attend regular check-ups, and maintain a healthy lifestyle."

Aiden nodded, determination in his eyes. "We're ready" she smiled looking at Aiden

Aiden held her hands smiling to.

Doctor Max smiled, his eyes warm. "Excellent! Let's get started then"

Doctor Max pulled out a folder filled with paperwork and began explaining the next steps. "Now, let's go over the consent forms and treatment protocols. Please take your time to read and understand everything before signing."

Aiden and Aria nodded, taking the papers from Doctor Max. As they read through the documents, Aiden's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, what's this? 'Egg donor' and 'sperm donor' options?"

Doctor Max nodded. "Yes, in case we need to use donor eggs or sperm, we need your consent. But don't worry, we'll discuss all options and choose the best course for you both."

Aria looked concerned. "But what if we don't want to use donors?"

Doctor Max reassured her, "We'll explore all possibilities before considering donors. Your biological child is our top priority."

Aiden asked, "What's the success rate for IVF?"

Doctor Max replied, "Success rates vary, but with our advanced technology and personalized approach, we achieve high success rates. I'll share our clinic's statistics with you."

As they finished signing the papers, Doctor Max smiled. " Congratulations, You're one step closer to parenthood Our team will schedule the first appointments and guide you through each step."

Doctor Max realized that he has another appointment and introduced them to the nurse who will be helping them.

Doctor Max smiled warmly, "Now, I'd like to introduce you to Nurse Thompson, who will be guiding you through the testing process."

Nurse Thompson, a friendly-looking woman with a kind smile, extended her hand. "Hello, Aiden and Isa. I'll be taking care of you both throughout this journey."

Aiden and Isa exchanged a glance, and Aiden shook Nurse Thompson's hand. "Nice to meet you."

Isa followed suit, her eyes fixed on the nurse's badge. "Nice to meet you too"

Nurse Thompson nodded. "Please, call me Sarah. We'll be spending a lot of time together, so I want you to feel comfortable."

Doctor Max handed Sarah a file. "Sarah will walk you through the testing schedule, answer any questions, and ensure everything runs smoothly."

Sarah nodded, reviewing the file. "Let's get started, shall we? Our first test is the semen analysis, Aiden. And Isa, we'll begin your ovarian reserve testing."

Aiden nodded, and Isa took a deep breath, feeling a sense of determination. They were one step closer to starting their family.

Sarah led them to a nearby room, filled with various medical equipment. "Okay, Aiden, if you could provide a semen sample, please. And Isa, I'll need to take some blood for your ovarian reserve testing."

Aiden nodded and headed to a private room to provide the sample. Isa rolled up her sleeve, and Sarah expertly drew her blood.

As they finished, Sarah smiled reassuringly. "That's it for today. We'll schedule your next appointments and discuss the results soon."

Isa left the hospital, feeling hopeful, and remembered that she's doing all these for the sake of Elias.

Aiden walked out of the hospital, a satisfied smile on his face. "It's finally working," he thought to himself. "Aria thinks she's Isa, my plan worked"

As he disappeared into the darkness, Jack and Allison arrived at the hospital, hand in hand. "We're finally taking the first step towards starting our family," Jack said, beaming with excitement.

Doctor Max greeted them warmly. "Welcome, Jack and Allison. We're going to do everything we can to help you conceive."

Sarah led them to the examination room, where she began the IVF procedure. Just like she did for the previous patient. she thought, unaware of the mix-up that had occurred earlier.

As Sarah worked, Doctor Max couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. "Sarah, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked, pulling her aside.

"What's up, Doctor Max?" Sarah asked, concerned.

"I've been thinking...what if the samples got mixed up? What if Isa...I mean, actually carrying someone else's child?"

Sarah's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no, that's impossible. I thought the protocol here is strong."

But Doctor Max's words planted a seed of doubt in her mind. Had they made a terrible mistake?

Doctor Max and Sarah exchanged worried glances. "We need to double-check the samples," Doctor Max said, his voice low.

Sarah nodded and rushed to the lab, her mind racing. Meanwhile, Jack and Allison were finished with the procedure,

As they left the hospital, Sarah's eyes scanned the lab, searching for answers. And then, it hit her - a flash of memory from earlier that day.

She remembered Aiden's sample being taken, and then...she saw herself accidentally switching the samples. Her heart sank.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," she whispered, feeling like she was going to collapse.


Sarah recalled the moment Aiden handed her his sample. She had labeled it, but then, in a moment of distraction, she had grabbed the wrong sample and handed it to Doctor Max for the procedure with Isa.

And now, Jack and Allison's was Aiden's sample that had been used.

Sarah's mind reeled as she pieced together the mistake. She had to tell Doctor Max, and they had to inform the patients.

The scene cuts back to the present, where Doctor Max and Sarah are having a hushed conversation.

"We have to tell them," Sarah said, her voice shaking. "Aiden's sample was used for Allison's procedure."

Doctor Max's was in total shock and reveals the outcome, he couldn't process the thought then he broke the silent. "And Isa....she's carrying Jack's child."

Their eyes met, and they knew they had to act fast to rectify the situation.

Doctor Max's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the test results. "It can't be," he whispered to himself. "Isa is actually Aria" (doctor Max knew if the identity of Aiden's wife, and Aria has the same look, but he didn't know that Aiden had manipulated Aria in thinking she's Isa, because she looks just like his late wife)

He felt a wave of panic wash over him as he thought about the implications. The sample mix-up, the procedure...everything had been a mistake.

Sarah noticed the look on his face and approached him. "Doctor Max, what's wrong?"

He hesitated, unsure of how to reveal the truth. "It's Isa...she's not who we thought she was. She's Aria, the famous singer. She is all over news, she was part of the music competition that ended tragically"

Sarah's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh no, what are we going to do?"

Doctor Max rubbed his forehead, trying to think of a solution. "We can't tell them, not yet. Aiden is just using Aria making her thinks she is Isa is his wife, and ...Aria...she has no memory of her past"

Sarah nodded in agreement. "I won't say anything, but what about the baby? We can't keep this a secret forever."

Doctor Max sighed. "I know, but for now, let's keep it quiet. I need time to think of a plan."

Sarah promised to keep the secret, but as she left the room, she couldn't shake off the feeling that they were making a mistake.