Chapter 17

As the taxi pulled away, Isa's eyes widened in awe at the grandeur of the mansion before her. Aiden, seemingly oblivious to her wonder, handed the driver a wad of cash and turned to her with a stern warning: "Stay put, I'll be right back." But Isa's curiosity got the better of her. She slipped away, her feet carrying her toward the mansion's imposing facade as if drawn by an unseen force.

Elias, who had been quietly observing the exchange, fell into step behind her, his eyes fixed on her slender form. Meanwhile, Aiden was engrossed in a heated conversation with his mother, who stood poised in the entrance hall. But as the minutes ticked by, he began to feel a growing sense of unease. Where was Isa? He scanned the room, his eyes darting about, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Allison and Jack stood in their living room, engaged in a heated discussion. "I don't understand why you're so set on naming our child Julia," Allison said, her voice firm.

Jack shrugged. "I just like the name, okay?

Allison crossed her arms. "You're only choosing it because it does remind you of... her. You know, the name that ends with 'ia'."

Jack's expression turned defensive. "That has nothing to do with it, Allison."

In the hallway, Isa paused, her hand on the doorframe. She felt a sudden wave of dizziness wash over her as she heard the name "Aria". It sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Her mind reeled as she tried to remember.

As Allison and Jack continued arguing, Isa's vision began to blur. She felt herself swaying, her grip on the doorframe tightening as she struggled to stay upright.

"I don't want to name our child after... someone who's no longer in our lives," Jack said, his voice rising.

Allison's voice was cold. "You mean someone you're trying to forget?"

Isa's ears rang as the room spun around her. She took a step forward, her hand reaching out for support, but it was too late. She stumbled, her body crashing into the doorframe as she fell.

The sound of her collapse was like a slap, silencing the argument in the room. Jack and Allison turned, shocked, as Isa lay there, her eyes fluttering open.

And then, she whispered, "Who... was Aria...

Jack and Allison stood frozen in shock, their eyes fixed on her pale face.

Allison's eyes widened in terror, her mind racing with impossible thoughts. "Ghost!" she screamed, stumbling backward as if to escape the apparition before her.

Jack's face, however, crumpled in anguish. Memories of Aria came flooding back, memories he thought were long buried. Tears streamed down his face as he stared at Isa, his mind reeling with the implications.

"Aria?" he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "Is it really you?"

He took a step forward, his eyes drinking in the sight of her. He saw the same sparkling eyes, the same mischievous smile, the same fiery spirit that had captivated him all those years ago.

But as he looked at her, he also saw the pain, the hurt, the scars that he had inflicted upon her. His heart twisted in remorse as he realized the depth of his betrayal.

Allison rushed upstairs, her eyes wide with shock as she took in the scene before her. Jack's family was gathered around the bed, their faces etched with a mix of emotions. Leah held a contract form, forgotten in her hand, while Daniel beamed with joy. The doctor examined Aria, who lay motionless, surrounded by the people she once loved.

Aiden held her hand, his brow furrowed in concern. He wondered why this family was so shocked to see his wife, and he decided to investigate further.

Isa's eyes flickered open, and she gazed around in confusion. "Who are you people?" she asked, her voice weak. "Why do you keep calling me Aria?"

Jack's mother gently placed a pillow behind her back, helping her sit up. Jack hesitated, unsure of how to approach her after his past betrayal.

As Isa looked around, her eyes filled with uncertainty. The doctor stepped forward, his expression serious. "Isa is suffering from insomnia. If she continues to stress herself, she may never regain her memories."

The room fell silent, and the doctor excused himself. Leo escorted him out, leaving the family to process the news. Jack's eyes widened in shock; Aria had lost her memories. No wonder she didn't recognize anyone, including him.

Jack's mother knew that Aria wasn't just anyone. She was famous, and her relationship with Jack had ended in heartbreak. The whole ordeal had been broadcast live, and now the truth was finally out.

Mr. Albert burst into the room, his face etched with concern, having rushed from home upon hearing the news of Isa's collapse. Isa, now standing, gazed around at the sea of familiar yet strange faces. She wondered why everyone looked at her with such intensity, as if they held secrets she couldn't remember.

Jack approached her, holding out a glass of water, but Aiden swiftly intercepted it. "I'll help my wife myself," he said, his eyes locked on Isa's. He attempted to guide the glass to her lips, but Isa insisted, "I can drink it myself."

She took the glass from Aiden and drank, her eyes never leaving his. After setting the glass down, Aiden grasped her hand firmly, his grip unyielding. Isa tried to wriggle free, but Aiden held tight. "We work here now," he said, his voice low and resolute.

With that, he pulled Isa toward the door, and they left the mansion together, bound for the cottage. Isa's struggles to free her hand continued, but Aiden's grip remained steadfast, his eyes fixed on the path ahead.

"Bro, Aria is back" Daniel exclaimed, a warm smile spreading across his face as he spoke with Jack. "I thought we had lost her."

Daniel nodded, his eyes shining with happiness. "I'm just glad she's okay, Jack. And yes, I've forgiven you for what happened with Aria."

Ivy bounced into the room, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh my gosh, my friend is back I just saw Aria leave"

But despite the joyful atmosphere, Jack's expression turned somber. He couldn't shake off the worry that Aria would still hate him for his past mistakes. He had hurt her deeply, and he wasn't sure if she would ever be able to forgive him.

As he looked around at the happy faces, Jack's heart ached with a mix of emotions. He was relieved that Aria was back, but he knew that his journey to redemption was far from over. He still had to face Aria's wrath and prove himself worthy of her forgiveness.

"I don't get it," Daniel said, frustration etched on his face. "Why can't she remember us?"

His voice rose, accusation dripping from his words. "It's your fault she's in this condition, Jack! If you hadn't hurt her, used her, and thrown her away like trash, she wouldn't be suffering from memory loss!"

Jack's defenses flared, his own voice rising. "Do you think I'm not suffering too? The scar Aria gave me still hurts every time I look at it. It's a constant reminder of my mistakes, and I regret what I did every day!"

Allison stepped into the room, her presence commanding attention. "Enough, Daniel. Enough, Ivy. Leave now, both of you."

As they reluctantly departed, Allison turned to Jack, her arms enveloping him in a supportive hug. "I'm here for you, Jack. We'll get through this together."

Jack's eyes closed, his face buried in her shoulder, as he struggled to contain his emotions.

Allison held Jack close, her face buried in his shoulder. Her eyes closed, a subtle smile playing on her lips. In the silence of her mind, a sinister thought unfolded:

"I'm glad I have Jack's baby... it's a win against her. I killed Aria once, and I can kill her again."

The words echoed in her mind, a dark and private triumph. Jack, oblivious to her thoughts, wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. He felt her warmth, her comfort, but remained unaware of the malevolent intentions simmering beneath her tranquil exterior.

As they stood there, entwined in a tender embrace, Allison's inner monologue betrayed a chilling truth: her love for Jack was entangled with a ruthless determination to destroy Aria, once and for all. And Jack, lost in his own emotions, remained none the wiser.

As they walked down the hallway, Ivy gently dragged Daniel away from the tense scene, her voice low and concerned. "Daniel, let's take a walk. We need to talk."

Daniel resisted at first, his eyes fixed on Jack and Allison, but Ivy's persistence eventually won out. They strolled in silence for a few moments, the only sound being the soft echo of their footsteps.

"I don't trust Allison," Ivy said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "I think she might have a hand in Aria's condition. And have you noticed anything weird today?"

Daniel raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Like what?"

Ivy's eyes narrowed. "Liam wasn't on stage today. He was one of the judges missing. And didn't you think it was strange that Allison was so quick to defend Jack?"

Daniel's expression changed from anger to curiosity. He understood what Ivy was getting at - that something more sinister might be at play.

"You think they're working together?" Daniel asked, his voice low.

Ivy nodded. "I do. And I think we need to work together to uncover the truth.

Daniel nodded, and together they continued down the hallway.

Mrs. Hilda settled into her favorite armchair, a warm smile spreading across her face as she turned to her husband. "I've been thinking, dear. With Jack and Allison's baby on the way, we should start making plans for a grand announcement."

Mr. Edward looked up from his book, his eyes twinkling with interest. "A baby shower, you mean?"

Mrs. Hilda nodded, her hands clasped together in her lap. "Exactly. I want to share this joy with everyone we love. It's a new chapter for our family, after all."

Mr. Edward set his book aside, his expression thoughtful. "I agree, but are we sure Jack is ready for this? He's been through a lot, and his relationship with Allison... well, it's complicated."

Mrs. Hilda's smile never wavered. "I know, dear. But Jack's grown so much. He's happy, and that's all that matters. And Allison is a wonderful partner for him. She's brought stability and love into his life."

The room fell silent for a moment, the only sound the soft ticking of the clock on the mantle. Then, Mr. Edward nodded, a small smile on his face. "You're right, as always. Let's start making plans for this baby shower. It'll be a wonderful way to celebrate our new grandchild."

Mrs. Hilda's face lit up with delight. "I'll start making calls tomorrow. And I have the perfect idea for a theme... "

Mrs. Hilda's eyes sparkled as she leaned forward, her hands gesturing excitedly. "I was thinking a 'Welcome to the World' theme, with soft blues and whites, and adorable little baby blocks and balloons. And we can have a beautiful cake with a tiny baby on top..."

Edward chuckled, shaking his head good-naturedly. "You've been planning this for weeks, haven't you?"

Mrs. Hilda laughed, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Maybe just a little. But I want it to be perfect for Jack and Allison. They deserve it."

Edward's expression turned serious, his eyes warm with love for his family. "They do. And I know you'll make it perfect, dear. You always do."

The room fell silent again, filled with the comfortable warmth of a long, happy marriage. Then, Mrs. Hilda spoke up again, her voice practical.

"We should send out invitations next week. And I'll start looking for a venue... "

Edward nodded, standing up to refill their drinks. "I'll take care of the guest list. And I'll talk to Jack about the date..."

Mrs. Hilda's eyes sparkled as she continued planning. "And for the food, I was thinking Isa could prepare some of her delicious dishes. She's such a talented cook, and it would be lovely to have her involved."

Edward nodded, smiling. "That's a great idea, dear. Isa's cooking is always a hit. What did you have in mind for her to make?"

Mrs. Hilda thought for a moment. "Maybe some of her famous mini quiches and fruit tarts. And we can have a beautiful cake, of course."

Edward made a note on his pad. "I'll talk to Isa about it. And what about the dress code? What did you have in mind?"

Mrs. Hilda's face lit up with excitement. "I was thinking a black tie affair... but with a twist. The guests will wear black, while Jack and Allison will wear white. It will be so dramatic and beautiful!"

Edward raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I like it. It's unique and will definitely make the couple stand out."

Mrs. Hilda nodded, pleased. "Exactly! And it will fit perfectly with the 'Welcome to the World' theme. It will be like they're emerging into a new world, surrounded by love and support."

Edward smiled, putting his arm around his wife. "You're a genius, dear. I know this will be an unforgettable event."

The dining room was filled with the warm glow of candlelight, the delicious aromas of roasting vegetables and baking bread wafting from the kitchen. Mrs. Hilda and Edward sat at the head of the table, with Jack, Allison, Daniel, and Ivy seated around them.

Isa bustled around the kitchen, expertly juggling multiple dishes as she prepared the evening's meal. Ivy assisted her, chopping vegetables and stirring pots with a practiced hand.

"Isa, dear, can you come here for a moment?" Mrs. Hilda called out, her voice carrying into the kitchen.

Jack's eyes widened in surprise, wondering why Isa was being summoned. He exchanged a curious glance with Allison, who shrugged.

Isa wiped her hands on her apron and emerged from the kitchen, a questioning look on her face. "Yes, Mrs. Hilda?"

Mrs. Hilda smiled warmly. "We were just discussing the plans for Jack and Allison's baby shower. And we thought it would be lovely if you could prepare your famous chicken and mushroom crepes for the occasion."

Isa's face lit up with a smile. "Oh, what an honor! I'd be delighted to make them."

Edward nodded, his eyes twinkling. "We knew we could count on you, Isa. You're the best chef in the family."

Isa laughed, her eyes shining with pleasure. "Thank you, Mr. Edward. I'll make sure to make extra, so everyone can enjoy them."

As Isa returned to the kitchen, Jack leaned over to Allison and whispered, "I had no idea they were planning something."

As soon as Isa returned to the kitchen, Jack's grandmother spoke up, her voice laced with disapproval. "I don't think Isa should be the chef for the occasion. We should hire someone more... professional."

Jack's face darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "Grandma, come on! Isa's an amazing cook, and she's part of the family."

Allison's voice trembled with emotion. "Besides, Jack still has feelings for her, doesn't he? He's still in love with her."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Mrs. Hilda's eyes met Edward's, a knowing glance passing between them. They both knew about Jack's past relationship with Isa, and they both knew Isa's true identity - Aria.

Jack slammed his fist on the table, making everyone jump. "That's not true, Allison!"

But Allison's words had already cut deep. Jack's grandmother stood up, her face stern. "This is exactly why Isa can't be involved. She's a reminder of Jack's past, and it's not healthy."

Mrs. Hilda intervened, her voice calm but firm. "Enough. We're not going to discuss this further. Isa will be the chef for the baby shower, and that's final."

Edward stood up, his voice commanding attention. "That's enough. We're not going to fight about this. Mrs. Hilda has made her decision, and we'll respect it."

The room slowly quieted, the tension still palpable. Jack's grandmother sat back down, her face tight with disapproval. Allison looked like she was on the verge of tears.

Jack pushed back his chair and stood up. "I need some air," he muttered, before turning and walking out of the room.

Mrs. Hilda sighed, her eyes following Jack's departure. "I think we've discussed this enough for tonight. Let's focus on the baby shower planning, shall we?"

The rest of the evening was strained, the conversation stilted. But Mrs. Hilda's words hung in the air, a reminder that Isa - Aria - was still a part of their lives, and her presence would not be easily ignored.