Chapter 18

As Jack watched Isa hang the clothes outside, he couldn't help but smile at her joyful song and carefree dance. The music playing in her earpiece seemed to transport her to a world of her own, and Jack's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. He remembered the warmth of her smile, the brightness of her laughter, and the weight of his past betrayal.

Just then, Isa turned to hit a stray clothespin, and her foot slipped on the grass. Time seemed to slow as Jack watched her fall, her arms flailing wildly in an attempt to regain balance. He shouted her name, but the music in her earpiece drowned out his words. Without hesitation, Jack sprinted towards her, his heart racing with concern. He caught her by the waist, pulling her close as they both tumbled to the ground.

As they landed, Isa's eyes closed in fear, her heart racing with uncertainty. Jack's arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. For a moment, they lay there, the only sound the beating of their hearts. Jack's gaze locked onto Isa's face, his emotions raw and exposed. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, entwined in a moment of truth.

As they lay there, Jack's thoughts raced back to his past mistakes, the pain he had caused Aria, and the love he still harbored for her. He knew he didn't deserve her forgiveness, but he couldn't help the way he felt. Isa's eyes fluttered open, and she gazed up at him, her expression a mix of fear and confusion.

"Jack?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"I've got you, Isa," he replied, his voice low and gentle. "I won't let you go."

For a moment, they just stared at each other, the tension between them palpable. Then, Isa's eyes dropped to his chest, and she whispered, "Let me go, Jack."

Jack's arms tightened around her, his heart aching at the thought of releasing her. But he knew he had to respect her boundaries. Slowly, he loosened his grip, and Isa sat up, her eyes avoiding his.

"I'm sorry, Isa," Jack said, his voice cracking with emotion. "I was so wrong to hurt you."

Isa's gaze finally met his, her eyes searching for answers. But she didn't know that she is Aria, because she lost her memory. She didn't know what Jack was saying.

"I'm sorry, Isa," Jack said, his voice cracking with emotion. "I was so wrong to hurt you."

Isa's gaze faltered, her eyes clouding with confusion. "What...what are you talking about?" she stammered, her brow furrowed.

Jack's heart sank, realizing too late that Aria's memory loss was more extensive than he had thought. He faced Isa calling her by her true identity "Aria , don't you remember?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Isa shook her head, her eyes wide with fear. "Remember what? Who are you? Why are you calling me Aria?"

Jack's world crumbled around him. He had been so sure that Aria's memories would return, that she would remember their love, their laughter, their tears. But now, faced with her blank expression, he realized that he might have lost her forever.

"Aria, please," Jack begged, taking her hand in his. "Try to remember. We were in love, we were happy. I hurt you, and I'm so sorry."

Isa's gaze drifted away, her eyes unfocused. "I...I don't know what you're talking about," she repeated, her voice barely audible.

Jack's heart shattered into a million pieces. He had lost her, and he didn't know how to get her back.

Aria's eyes narrowed, her voice firm. "I'm Isa, not Aria. And I want you to leave me alone."

Jack's heart ached at her words, but he understood. "I know you're Isa now," he said gently. "But I remember you as Aria. We were in love, Aria. We were happy."

Isa's gaze faltered, confusion etched on her face. "I don't remember," she whispered. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Jack's shoulders slumped in defeat, but he refused to give up. "I'll help you remember," he promised. "We'll get through this together, Isa...Aria."

Isa's eyes flashed with anger. "Stop calling me that! I'm Isa, and I don't know you."

Jack nodded, his eyes locked on hers. "Okay, Isa. But know this: I'll always be here for you.

Allison, saw them but she decided to control her anger. Isa pushed Jack, away, Jack Isa looked at her one more time and left. Alison angrily followed Jack from behind.

After Jack left, Isa stood alone, her mind reeling with thoughts of her past and how she's connected to Jack. But before she could process anything, Aiden appeared beside her, his grip on her hands tightening.

"Stay away from Jack," Aiden warned, his eyes blazing with anger.

Isa tried to pull her hands free, but Aiden's grip only tightened. "Let me go, Aiden," she said, her voice firm.

"You're my wife, Isa," Aiden growled. "You'll do as I say."

But Isa stood her ground, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I won't be treated like this, Aiden. You're always so controlling, so possessive. Maybe I should stay away from you instead of Jack."

Aiden's face twisted in rage, but Isa stood tall, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had to break free.

Here's the continuation:

Isa stormed off, leaving Aiden seething with anger and frustration. He watched her go, his mind racing with his next move.

"How is she connected to them?" Aiden wondered, his eyes narrowing as he thought about Jack and the others. "What do they know about her past?"

Aiden's grip on his phone tightened as he dialed a number. "I need to know more about Isa's past," he said, his voice low and urgent. "Find out everything you can."

As he waited for his contact to respond, Aiden's eyes scanned the room, his mind working overtime to piece together the puzzle. He knew Isa was hiding something, and he was determined to find out what.

Meanwhile, Isa walked away, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had to be careful, that Aiden was not a man to be trifled with. But she also knew she couldn't keep living in the dark, that she had to uncover the truth about her past and her connection to Jack.