In a world shrouded in darkness and mystery, Satria is a name known only to a select few—the elite among elites, a ghost-like warrior assigned to the most secretiv and dangerous mission. At young age, Satria los his family in a tragic accident that seemed like a coincidence, but hiddend beneath it was a greater secret. Surviving the incident, he was adopted by the military and forged into a living weapon through extreme training in various martial arts. Years later, Satria not only the strongers warrior but also a symbol of hope hidden shadows.
Even though this novel has only reached five chapters, I can already feel the extraordinary potential in this story. The author succeeded in attracting attention from the start with a plot that arouses curiosity and characters that are starting to form well. Each chapter provides more depth and detail, making me even more curious about the next development of the story.
The evaluation of your novel up to chapter 12 shows good progress in story and character development. Some elements of the plot are strong, but there are areas for improvement. Clarifying some dialogue and descriptions could enhance depth and consistency. Refining these details will improve the reading experience. Continue honing your skills and focus on perfecting these aspects to maximize the potential of your story in the upcoming chapters. This achievement is an important step in your writing process.