Chapter 3 Tang Corporation

When the door was pulled open, Shu Jie was utterly shocked, wondering how the actual target had shown up.

She didn't know where she had gone wrong—had her disguise been insufficient? Had her identity been exposed earlier, and that shameless man had deliberately set her up to lure her in?

At that moment, Shu Jie was extremely flustered, yet she didn't slow down. Almost subconsciously, she pressed the support alarm, and her hand also reached into her bag. Holding the handle of her gun brought her a sense of security as she quietly observed the situation.

"Screw you, MP, thinking about dying are you?"

Suddenly, Su Sheng burst out, bellowing loudly.

He was only wearing a pair of faded jeans and the same slippers he'd worn when he left the house, yet his presence was incredibly commanding as he yelled at the newcomers like they were dogs.

The three with blonde hair were a bit confused. By the time they realized what was happening, they all thought this guy was really crazy—after all, who was looking to die?

"Everyone get in here and kneel down; this isn't over," he roared.

Su Sheng pushed the door open with one shove and stared fiercely at the three men. But there was a mocking gleam in his eyes—once they were in, there was no leaving.

Shu Jie stood there, dumbfounded as well.

What exactly was going on? Were they on the same side or not?

"Big brother," Blonde Hair's hand had already reached for the dagger at his waist, and he was losing control.

"Get inside first!"

At a critical moment, Scarface suppressed his immediate urge to kill. They were wanted criminals, and pulling out a knife in a busy corridor could cause complications.

Right then, Scarface and his men obediently walked into the private room, only to watch helplessly as Su Sheng swiftly closed the door and yelled at them, "Don't you hurry up and kneel down? You're all here to die, right?"

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Blonde Hair suddenly drew the dagger tucked at his waist and yelled, "You're crazy, if you want to die, I'll grant your wish!"


Suddenly, a shout rang out, and in a flash, Shu Jie, who was standing there, reacted by drawing her gun almost simultaneously.

By this point, she was nearly certain that Su Sheng wasn't an accomplice to the criminals but just a shameless, sick jerk.

"Hey, pretty lady, you have a gun, so why are you asking me for one?"

Su Sheng even had time to shake his messy hair. He was unkempt but not dirty, having just taken a bath the night before and changed into clean clothes.

But now, without seeming to make any move, he stretched out his hands, and the dagger that Blonde Hair had just raised ended up in his possession.

The next moment, the sharp blade was already pressed against Blonde Hair's neck, completely reversing the situation.

"Bi—Big brother, we've screwed up big time."

Blonde Hair, who had been acting tough just moments ago, turned coward instantly, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

Being pointed at with a gun while someone else's dagger pressed against your neck wasn't a pleasant feeling.

Su Sheng wore a smile on his face, never tense from start to finish, and winked at the policewoman, saying, "Pretty lady, you're the boss—you speak."

"Stop, don't just say anything!"

Shu Jie held her gun in both hands, aiming back and forth at Scarface and the other burly man. She figured that although Blonde Hair's dagger was taken, the other two could still be armed, possibly with guns.

"Pretty lady, don't be nervous, he still has a dagger on him. But they don't have guns; only I have another blade," Su Sheng said, pointing at the heavy man. He had a special set of eyes that had already seen clearly ahead of time: three men, only two daggers—they dared to receive such riff-raff in the underworld.

As he spoke, Su Sheng moved forward and pressed the blade directly against the burly man's forehead, then swiftly took his dagger. Standing with a dagger in each hand, everything was under control.

Shu Jie was stunned, but then it dawned on her: "Su Sheng, so you're an undercover too—why didn't you say so sooner!"

Su Sheng was astonished, "Uh, I'm not undercover!"

"You're not?" Shu Jie, holding her gun, was momentarily frozen. The situation was more complex than she had imagined.

At that moment, Scarface spoke up to Su Sheng, "Brother, which path are you on? Just speak up, whether you want money or guns, it's all negotiable."

"Su Sheng, don't listen to them. My colleagues are on their way," Shu Jie, unable to guess Su Sheng's identity, could only try to stabilize the situation and wait for backup. Meanwhile, her gun indirectly covered Su Sheng as well.

But Su Sheng, facing the gun, simply smiled and said, "I don't want money, nor do I want guns. I have my own gun. But if it's convenient for you, tell me, what did you do to catch the attention of such a beautiful policewoman?"

Scarface was indeed a character. Even now, he hadn't lost his composure and said in a deep voice, "Brother, you've heard of Tang Corporation, I suppose."

"Of course!" Su Sheng nodded. How could he not know? The corporation of his wife, the CEO who was as cold as an iceberg, how could this not be related?

Shu Jie interjected, "Su Sheng, I suspect it was these three who just robbed a shipment from Tang Corporation and killed two security guards."

"Right, it was us,"

Scarface boldly admitted and continued, "Brother, that shipment was worth fifty million, we'll split it with you, half for you. From then on, you're one of us. Next, we plan to kidnap the beautiful CEO of Tang Corporation, Zijun Tang. That woman can fetch five billion easily, and you will see the cash the same day.

How about it, partner with us, and you can have half, and this policewoman is yours to do as you please!"

Shu Jie panicked, "Su Sheng, don't listen to their nonsense, there's no way they would share any money with you."

That said, she truly feared that Su Sheng could not resist the temptation, as she still did not know Su Sheng's real identity.

"Heh, I don't want money, I have a gun."

Su Sheng shook his head, "Time's almost up, I should go. Miss, next time we meet, you should try a real gun with me!"

As he spoke, he spread his hands and walked over, ultimately tossing a pair of Daggers to the ground in a situation where the woman was extremely tense.


Shu Jie, holding her gun, dared not move, with three men still standing there. Luckily, Su Sheng was not a bad person, certainly not an accomplice.

It seemed this man was not without merits, at least his intentions passed muster.

Just then, Shu Jie suddenly felt a sharp pain in her buttocks, someone had smacked her hard, and she knew without guessing that it was Su Sheng's doing.

"What are you doing, I am a police officer." Shu Jie maintained her posture, not moving unless absolutely necessary.

Like before outside, Su Sheng leaned close to the policewoman's ear, blew a breath, and said, "I'll tell you a secret, I've got a great gun."

"Okay, okay, I got it."

Shu Jie was genuinely scared; Su Sheng was the only unpredictable factor on the scene. She truly couldn't afford to move casually, because from what she had gathered earlier, any slight relaxation could allow the three criminals to escape, and recapturing them would be exceedingly difficult.

Though she had a gun, she could only fire once, and the thought of even one escaping was unacceptable to her.

Luckily, Su Sheng did not make any further outrageous moves. But daring to smack her buttocks, he seemed to be playing her from start to finish, utterly unforgivable.

"Miss, I am leaving, until next time. Before I go, let me help you out a bit!"

He turned around, and his demeanor changed instantly.

As he walked past the three men, 'bang, bang, bang', three muffled sounds rang out, and before Shu Jie could see how he did it, the three criminals were already down.

By the time she realized it, Su Sheng had already opened and closed the door behind him. She immediately regretted wishing for Su Sheng to leave, it was to eliminate uncertainties. But now that the three were down, and she had a gun, how could she let Su Sheng escape?

Soon after, there came a loud noise.

The private room door was blasted open from the outside, and five or six armed detectives entered in single file, immediately dumbfounded by the scene they encountered.

What happened, the renowned policewoman of the station had single-handedly captured three suspects?

"Shu Jie, what's going on here?"

"Inspector Shi, I'll explain later, but right now, I need your help to track down someone."

Right now, all Shu Jie could think about was finding Su Sheng and determining his real identity.