Elanor, an introverted astrophysics student with a passion for the stars, lives a life of quiet solitude, content in his world of computers and constellations. That is until he meets Raya, a vibrant and free-spirited photography enthusiast, at a college tech fest. Despite their stark differences—Elanor's reserved nature and Raya's outgoing personality—the two are inexplicably drawn to each other, their connection as unlikely as it is profound.
As their brief encounter turns into a deeper bond, Elanor and Raya navigate the complexities of their contrasting worlds, trying to bridge the gap between them. However, life has a way of pulling them in different directions, and despite their best efforts, they find themselves separated by time and circumstances.
Years later, haunted by the memory of their fleeting love, Elanor gazes at the stars, wondering if their paths might cross again. As the universe unfolds its mysteries, he is faced with the question: Can love written in the skies ever truly fade, or will the stars bring them together once more?