Chapter 18: The Epic Fight Scene (Not Really)

"Ow," Kyo groaned with pain as he pushed rubble off his head and propped himself up with [Naught]. Note to self: say the most important thing first when you confront angry women in the future. Pushing the thought aside, he flooded [Naught]'s scabbard with the power of Nihility before setting off with a flash of purple lightning.

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

Tohka floated above Nia and Kyo's apartment, [Halvanhelev] crackling with Reiryoku. She stared down the wide-eyed white-haired girl who had fallen to her knees, as though praying for forgiveness. "It was you," she said with a deadly calm tone. "My friend… my soulmate. You were the one who killed Shidou."

The girl's eyes widened further as she digested the declaration, guilt evident in her eyes. Tohka ignored it. "Just killing and killing and killing. You deserve to die and die and DIE!" 

Raising [Halvanhelev] over her head, she prepared to smite the insignificant creature before her. Black lightning began arcing over to various metallic knicknacks on the roof, exploding them in a shower of sparks. Then, she swung.


And was blocked by a thin katana sheath layered with an unfamiliar, sinister energy. A sheath belonging to a familiar figure. Tohka's eyes narrowed as she gnashed her teeth together. 


——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————


The airship Fraxinus's alarm blared in the background as Kotori wiped the sweat from her brow. Evacuating the nearby area isn't enough. Each one of [Princess]'s swings brings a wave of Reiryoku that could easily level five districts and then some. Thank goodness [IX] seems to have been able to restrain the damage to just one building, at least for now…

"Shidou has no pulse!" Shiizaki reported worriedly.

"A spacequake warning has been issued!" Nakatsugawa added.

"Only 4% of the city has been evacuated!" Kawagoe chided in.

Kotori nervously unwrapped another lollipop in an attempt to calm her racing heart. "We're safe for now because of [IX]'s intervention, but we don't have any idea how long he can last." She sighed. Worst case scenario, I'll have to step in...

"Excuse me, what about Shidou?" Kawagoe brought up with evident confusion.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about him. My brother won't be finished off by something like that," Kotori proclaimed confidently.

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

Where the fork is that shirtbag Shidou? Kyo thought in annoyance as he intercepted another blast of Reiryoku aimed at the still-motionless Origami. And her! I've been fighting Tohka for over ten minutes! GET AWAY FROM MY APARTMENT ALREADY!

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!!" Tohka screamed as she sent another flurry of Reiryoku-powered slashes flying at him. Kyo's eyes hardened again. Infusing more Nihility into his blade (and ignoring the chilling feeling that was beginning to pervade his fingers), he dashed forward and touched [Naught]'s sheath to each slash, dissipating each of them instantly upon contact. 

"Can you just CALM DOWN AND TALK TO ME, YOU DAMN BERSERKER?!" He bellowed with growing rage. Tohka answered him with another round of slashes. "AUGH! I'm tell, you, he ISN'T FUDGING DEAD!"

"YOU'RE LYING!!!" Tohka screamed back. In her hand, [Halvanhelev] began to glow red, and the arcing black lightning circling it increased dramatically. Kyo felt an oncoming headache. Oh, goody. She's using her Ult. Now that I think about it, both Tohka and characters from Star Rail can't opt out of using their ultimate once they've started it. Coincidence? While thinking these strange thoughts, he forced himself to access even more power from the Nihility, instantly numbing both of his hands up to the wrist. Bracing himself for-

"TOOOHKAAAAAA!!!!!!" A desperate scream rang out from above. 

"Shidou?!" Tohka immediately turned her back to Kyo, charging towards the rapidly descending blue-haired boy.

"Oh, fork me," Kyo complained with venom in his voice. "This muddlefudger sure took his sweet time reviving himself." Be grateful for my benevolence, you sons of nice ladies. I'm letting you off for today. Rubbing his hands together to try and bring back any sense of feeling, Kyo recast [White] and flew off to regroup with Nia.

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

"The critical energy aggregation in [Halvanhelev] has disappeared!" Shiizaki cheered. The rest of the Fraxinus crew followed her en suite.

Kotori sighed with relief. So the first time wasn't a fluke; Shidou's kiss really can seal Spirits. "Good job, everyone. Our first mission is a success."

"Yeah, great job, 'Commander'."

"Thank yo- who?!" Kotori whirled around in her seat to find a very angry gray-haired woman staring back. [Sister]?! How did she get past security?

"'Who'?" The intruding Spirit sneered, placing a hand on her hip. "What a strange question, considering you've already bugged my entire home with enough devices to surveil an entire town!"

"Commander!" Kannazuki shouted, shoving himself in front of Kotori. "Don't you dare touch a lock on her head. Of course, you're welcome to touch me as hard as you wan-"

"Stop." [Sister] shot him a look filled with derision, causing Kannazuki's cheeks to heat up. "Get away, damn pervert." 

"Hello there, [Sister]. Or would you prefer Ms. Honjo Nia?" Reine pushed Kannazuki aside and greeted Nia politely, if not awkwardly.

"Drop the pretenses, Murasame Reine. You've all already gone much too far already," Nia snorted. "I'm very much in 'angry mode' right now."

"And yet you haven't attacked yet," Kotori challenged. "You don't have any intention of doing so, do you?"

Nia laughed menacingly. "Oh, no. If anyone's getting their hands dirty today, it's my backup." 

Kotori's eyes widened. "[IX]." 

"Bingo~ but there's no reward," Nia cheered with evident mockery. Kotori grit her teeth, crushing the lollipop stick in her mouth. If he attacks with as much energy as he released in the Pacific, even I'm not confident in stopping him. "Now, I'm only gonna say this once. Get all of your cameras, your microphones, all of your fancy little toys out of my apartment. And don't even try to deny the existence of these things."

Or else. Kotori winced at the implication behind her demands. "Of course. We apologize for any inconveniences. But I feel like we've gotten off on the wrong foot. Say, why don't you join Ratatosk-"

"Seriously?" Nia laughed in amazement. "You'd admit to spying on me then ask me to join your team in the same breath? I know what Ratatoskr is, [Efreet]." Alarm bells rang in Kotori's head. How does she know my identity? Did we have a data breach? A mole? Is [Sister]'s Angel an omnipotent hacker?

"Th-then surely you understand the good we're trying to do for Spirits, right?" Kotori pressed on despite her internal panic. "Shidou is the only one in the world who has means to save them!"

"That boy? Save the Spirits? Sure, as long as he doesn't die first!" Nia ranted furiously. "Honestly, between you lot with your terrible date planning and the boy's susceptibility, never mind me and Kyo, Ratatoskr might be the biggest threat to humankind!"

We came up with that plan only a few hours ago… we need to do a full system and personnel scan, Kotori thought grimly. But what she said wasn't wrong. The higher-ups are gonna chew me to bits after this. Also, is Kyo what she calls [IX]? 

"I would ask that you give Shin another chance," Reine butted in. "He's a good kid, and didn't everything work out this time anyway?"

"Because of Kyo," Nia snorted. Reine's eyes became unfocused as she seemed to fall into a daze.

"Yes, because of Kou…" she murmured to herself.

"I said Kyo- ugh, we're off topic. Are you gonna take your stuff back or not?" Nia demanded, crossing her arms.

"Yes, of course," Kotori nodded. "We apologize again for our actions. Also, if you ever change your mind about Ratatoskr, we're willing to welcome you at any time."

"Humph. Living with Kyo is a hundred times better than joining you!" Nia turned around and began to walk off.

Upon hearing her response, Kotori suddenly remembered an important question. "Er, do you mind me asking what your relationship with [IX]- Kyo is?" 

Nia stopped walking, and a mischievous smile crept onto her face as she turned back.

"Well, we're a man and woman living together. Do I need to say any more?"

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

A few minutes after Nia left, Kyo, who had been leaning on a nearby wall, dispelled [White]. Tch. I waited all that time to make a cool entrance, but they just kept on talking and talking and a good moment never came up. Oh, whatever. After all-

He glanced over at the tired-looking woman who had walked up to him.

"Now is as good of a time as any to talk, right, [Deus]?"