Chapter 19: Mio Already? What Chapter is This Again?

"-YOU FOOLISH CHILD!" A voice boomed from a speaker within a small toy tiger. Four such plushies were seated around a round table alongside Kotori, who held back a sigh of frustration.

"Now now, let's keep it civil," a stuffed squirrel spoke. "Going by results, Commander Itsuka has achieved everything we hoped for."

"But that was only because of the coincidental intervention of another Spirit entirely," a dog plushie argued. "Had [IX] not stepped in, the town, along with our entire base of operations, would have been compromised."

"Never mind all that. We've finally achieved the sealing of a Spirit in a stable manner!" A stuffed mouse spoke greedily. "Itsuka, have you verified the stability of the boy's condition?"

"Shidou," Kotori emphasized with a twitching eye, "is currently undergoing a check-up. However, all vitals have remained stable so far. 

"So his power truly is the real deal…" the dog muttered. Knowing him, Kotori could almost taste the bad intentions behind his words. I wish Reine were here so she could deal with these idiots, she thought tiredly as the plushies dissolved into pointless bickering.

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

Kyo and Reine stared into each other's eyes, scrutinizing each other carefully. Minutes passed in silence. 

" must be mistaken," Reine finally uttered. "My name is Reine, not Deus."

Kyo rolled his eyes. "There's no need to worry about security footage. Nia's hacking spree will have taken down your security system for at least half a day."

Reine gave him an indecipherable look. "...I didn't expect to be exposed so soon. What exactly are you, Kou?"

"Getting philosophical already? Well, I'm under no obligation to explain." And frankly, I don't know what I am either. 

"Fair enough. Then, should I assume that you won't divulge your source of knowledge, nor any information on that deep emptiness you bear?"

"You catch on quickly." Kyo gave a disarming smile. "Now then, let's get onto the main topic. I want to make a deal with you."

"A deal? What kind of deal?"

"One regarding the safety of Shidou- or rather, Takamiya Shinji."

The air shifted slightly. Reine's pale blue eyes narrowed, and a ferocity previously unseen began to burn within them. "You're threatening me?"

"Not if I can help it. Threatening people isn't something I enjoy. I consider myself a pacifist, actually," Kyo remarked without a hint of unease. "Are you willing to hear out my terms?"

"Go on." Reine stared piercingly into him. Kyo matched her gaze, but inwardly, he felt a bit of a chill. Hoo boy. Remember how your last negotiation went. State the important stuff first.

"I propose a truce. I promise to never harm Shinji, and you promise to never take any action against Honjo Nia."

"That girl's power stems from me. You're asking me to give a part of myself up?" she asked bitingly.

"You gave up that part of yourself willingly. To take it back is nothing but theft," Kyo shot back while crossing his arms. "That would go for all the other Spirits, too. Those powers no longer belong to you."

Reine went quiet again. As she pondered, Kyo waited patiently, resting his hand on the hilt of [Naught]. "I admire your dedication to him, you know," he admitted. "The will to inflict untold pain and sin for the sake of a loved one is a beautiful thing. It's just simple bad luck that I am more than willing to match you."

"You love her?" 

Kyo paused. "I suppose you could say that, but I would put it this way: the days I've spent with her have been some of the best I've had in this world, and I'm willing to fight you to preserve those days for even a few moments longer." 

Upon hearing his admission, Reine's expression softened as she seemed to relive some of her own memories. However, her eyes quickly regained their sharpness. "Rather than altering the plan, killing you now might still prove to be more safe."

"Right back at you." Kyo donned a challenging smile. "But the difference between me and you is that you're incomplete. Not only did you split your power into ten, you then split yourself even further into two. Are any of your Angels even accessible at this point? Face it, your current self is a mere shadow of your former glory." Well, technically I've been crippled too, but she doesn't need to know that.


"But I think we both know that, whatever the outcome of our match, an all-out fight in this city means dooming the fates of both our precious people. I don't think you want to risk that happening again," Kyo interrupted. "And neither do I."

Reine continued to stare at him. Kyo matched her gaze.

"...what if Shin were able to win over Nia himself?" Reine proposed after a long period of hesitation. Kyo relaxed. So she's considering the deal. Good. But still-

"In your dreams," he refused decisively. "Before anything, he'd have to win my approval first, and frankly, it'd take a miracle and a lobotomy to change my mind." Honestly, all he has is heart and plot armor. The fact that it took Tohka nearly being kidnapped just for him to accidentally summon [Sandalphon] speaks volumes about his capabilities. 

Reine nodded slowly. "Alright then. I agree to your terms."

Kyo smiled. "You've made the right decision." He stretched out his hand for a handshake. Reine took it. "Let this vow be etched into our Sephira crystals forevermore."

Reine tilted her head, her vacant expression shifting into that of curiosity. "Is that one of your Angel's powers?"

"I can certainly alter Sephira to some extent…" Kyo trailed off. Well, by "alter" I just mean "taint with Nihility and probably make an irreversible Qlipha crystal", but she also doesn't need to know that. I just said it since I thought it'd be cool.

"You truly are fascinating, Kou." Reine blinked thoughtfully. Kyo, he thought in irritation, but knowing the futility of correcting her, held his tongue. 

"Oh, and before I forget, take this." Kyo tossed over an empty wallet. Reine watched as it plummeted to the ground, making no effort to catch it. Bruh.

"What's this?"

"Shidou's wallet."

"And why do you have it?"

"I just needed to borrow all of his money. Permanently."


A door down the hallways suddenly opened to reveal a frazzled-looking Kotori. 

"Wh- REINE!" She shouted, surprise and distress evident in her voice.

"Oop. That's my cue to go, so bye now." Without further ado, Kyo activated [White] and disappeared from both Reine and Kotori's view. 

"Reine! Why was [IX] talking to you? What happened?" The worried commander asked as she ran up and hugged her tightly.

"We negotiated a deal. As long as he keeps his word, Kou will no longer be a threat." Reine said simply. "Furthermore, he has given us express permission to have Shin date him instead of Nia."

"What?!" Kotori's jaw dropped.

Still walking away under the cover of [White], Kyo tripped over his own feet as he overheard Reine. How in the blazes did she get that from our- oh. My "approval," huh. Ugh, and if I go back now, that'd be way too awkward. Fork me. Wait, no. Don't you fudging dare fork me. Shaking his head to dispel his cursed thoughts, he quickly set off again before he could hear anything else mentally damaging.