In a world ravaged by desolation, mankind has been cursed by a vengeful God to a perpetual cycle of games. At the age of sixteen, every human is thrust into one of three perilous worlds, each a test of their will, strength, and intellect.
Aris, a young man on the brink of adulthood, faces this grim fate. On his sixteenth birthday, he is summoned to choose his path from three daunting realms:
1. **The Wasteland:** A barren expanse where survival depends on cultivating strength amidst endless ruins.
2. **The Future:** A futuristic society where intellectual prowess can unlock unimaginable power but hides its own dangers.
3. **The War World:** A never-ending battlefield where tactical brilliance and combat skills are the only means of survival.
As Aris makes his choice and steps into his designated world, he must navigate its treacherous challenges and uncover the deeper truth behind the God’s curse. His journey will test his resolve, forge his destiny, and reveal whether he can break free from the cycle or become just another player in the game of eternity.
MC description:
loyal to people who are close to him
Loves to plan before any action