Chapter Six

"My sister?" Alicia snorted angrily. "She isn't my sister. She is just—"

Knowing this was gradually provoking Mr. Sawyer, Martins spoke up, "Alicia, what is wrong with you? Don't you have manners anymore? Now apologize to your sister."

Atticus smiled faintly as he watched Mr. Kieran admit that Sabrina was his daughter, Alicia's elder sister.

"Won't you do that?" Mrs. Kieran spoke up, prompting Alicia to apologize immediately.

If Alicia missed the opportunity of being chosen as Atticus's fiancée by Mr. Sawyer, they would make sure she regrets being their daughter.

They had always spoiled her, but not this time. Not when their life and everything they worked hard to build are on the line.

"I am sorry, sister," Alicia forced out those words, trying her best to avoid eye contact as she felt defeated.

"It's alright," Sabrina said with a bright smile on her face before sitting down.

Since she didn't arrive early, Mr. Sawyer inquired, "What would you like to eat? I am sorry there isn't a serving for you. Your parents didn't tell me you were coming."

"No need for that, grandpa. I came here late not because I wanted to, but because Atticus persuaded me to come," she replied politely, sparking suspicion in her family's hearts.

It can't be what they are thinking. There was no way the daughter they raised as theirs would backstab them.

"You are such a polite lady. I wonder why I don't usually see you around," Mr. Sawyer said sweetly, provoking Atticus's half-siblings who felt unrecognized. "By the way, you are such a great wife material. I bet your husband-to-be must be lucky."

Mr. Sawyer's words sent chills down Mrs. Kieran's spine as she listened to him, knowing where he was heading.

Slowly, she brought out her phone from her purse before texting her husband, who was also burning in rage and trying to stay calm at the same time.

'Make up an excuse. Make up something that would make her excuse herself, or else, Chairman Sawyer is going to choose her as his granddaughter-in-law.'

Martin brought out his phone, read the message, and then sneaked it back into his pocket.

"Sabrina, are you on break? Your boss called me before coming. She said a client in the club needed your service," Alicia muttered before her father could act. She can't lose her fiancé to her sister. Not Sabrina of all people!

Before Sabrina could save herself from the mess her family dragged her into, Mr. Sawyer asked curiously, "What service are you offering, Miss Sabrina?"

"Grandpa, my sister is a stripper. She works exclusively for Grey Hotel as a stripper. She always offers her service when needed," Alicia replied hastily, making Sabrina's heart shatter into pieces.

She couldn't believe the family she aided behind shadows could want her downfall. Seeing the turns of events lately, she realized no one was on her side. She was just too foolish to realize that, making her try hard to impress the Kieran family.

"A stripper? Why would a girl from a reputable family like Kieran work as a stripper, and Martin, why aren't you doing anything about her job? Or weren't you aware she works as a stripper?" Mr. Sawyer asked, curiosity laced in his voice.

Mirabel, Alexander, and their mother remained silent, patiently waiting for how the impending drama would unfold.

"I was, but what could I do? I tried to stop her, but she said her mind was already made up. She wants to flaunt riches like her sister, Alicia, who actually works for it," Martin seized the opportunity to badmouth Sabrina.

This was the chance to cast Sabrina away, or their life would turn into a total mess, a joke in the city.

"Oh... Anyway, we aren't here to talk about your reluctant adopted daughter, but our family marriage," Mr. Sawyer began, finally saying exactly what Martin and his family wanted to hear. "It's been three years since I promised that my grandson, Atticus, would get married to your daughter. I think it is finally time to fulfill that promise as they have both reached marriageable age."

"Grandpa, no need to ask which of their daughters I was going to get married to because I already decided," Atticus's voice resonated the moment Mr. Sawyer was done talking. "I want to get married to Sabrina Kieran, the eldest daughter of Mr. Martins Kieran."

His words made everyone gasp, including Sabrina. She thought she had screwed everything up. She didn't expect Atticus to bring up their marriage discussion right before his grandfather, a respectable and feared man in the city.

"Are you crazy? What do you think would become of this family's reputation if word gets out that Kieran's eldest daughter, who is Sawyer family daughter-in-law, is a stripper?" His stepmom finally butted in, seizing the opportunity to gaslight Mr. Sawyer.

Rather than getting provoked at Atticus's demand, Mr. Sawyer only chuckled, showing interest in Atticus's words.

Not when he is alive, he wouldn't let the same mistake he made twenty-six years ago repeat itself.

"Why do you choose a stripper rather than Kieran's heiress?" Mr. Sawyer's voice was cold and sincerely curious.

"I love Sabrina. I love her to the extent that I don't care what she does. Whether she is a stripper, a prostitute, or even worse, I chose her for who she was," Atticus replied calmly, melting Sabrina's cold heart.

This was the first time someone genuinely loved her without caring about her background and reputation. Of course, it was all a facade to make Mr. Sawyer accept her, but she wants to believe this was real, even if it was just for a moment.

"You love her? What do you mean by loving her?" Mr. Sawyer continued.

This time, everyone knew it would require only sheer luck for Sabrina not to be chosen as Sawyer's daughter-in-law.

"She is a lady I love and tried not to touch until last night. I am her first. She is someone I want to be there for during her happy days, sad days, and when she needs someone to cuddle her," Atticus said, making every word believable.

There was no way the stranger Sabrina had a one-night stand with could be someone who has a crush on her. She hadn't heard of him or seen him. The only thing she knew was that Sawyer's family's first son had been away from the city for the past three years after her family saved him.

"Is that why you choose to marry her? Because you love her?"

Mr. Sawyer's questions made everyone gasp. With the way he sounded, it became obvious that he was going to give Atticus his blessing.