Demilich Diana Raylock

With the mana absorbed he could see the figure in the coffin very well.

A skeleton covered in robes that seemed to be enchanted as there was a thin layer of blue mana over the body below the neck.

Waiting for the boss to get up was a pain as it did not do anything at all.

When he got impatient he tried the next plan, push the lid off the coffin.

Once he touched the lid thats when it began to move and from within he saw the skeleton figure begin to move.

He stepped away to watch as it moved the lid completely off the coffin before it began to slowly float up like some cheesy movie vampire.

Once he clearly saw the skeleton though...

Shadow Spear!

The spear struck the skeleton right in the head.

"Yeah screw you and your little cinematic!"

The skeleton did not make any noise but he saw the mana in its body begin to flow.

"Uh oh."

He jumped out of the way as a strange blade made from shadow magic slashed at his previous position.

While it was moving out of the coffin the system did something that it had not done before.

It showed a name for the creature.


Diana Raylock- Demilich lv50


"Oh.... fuck me sideways."

He had bitten off more than he could chew now.

During his time leveling up and increasing his shadow affinity he was not a slouch anymore but he was still weak compared to this thing.




Mage lv39. (Novice)

Shadowfire Devil

Affinity: 32% fire, 72% shadow

Mana Core: 0% fire, 45% shadow

Strength: 5

Vitality: 5

Agility: 91

Wisdom: 232 -> 238

Intelligence: 232 -> 238

Free stats: 152

Bloodline: child of the void.

Titles: n/a

Skills: Mana Control lv6 (E), Mana Sense lv5 (E), Mana Core lv9 (E), Spell Mastery (E)

Defenses: Fire Resistance lv1 (N)


Mana Bolt lv1 (E)

Mana Burst lv1 (A)

Fire Nova lv2 (M)

Fire Bolt lv9 (E)

Shadow Spear lv5 (M)

Shadow Cluster lv1 (E)


Gaining eleven levels in this dungeon was beyond easy and the place was so dense with shadow mana that his power had soared.

With such high affinity he had noticed that apparently his core having a shadow affinity was far more than just more damage.

Comparing shadow spear and fire nova to one another wasnt very easy before as fire nova naturally used more mana but even that was not enough to show the massive reduction in how much mana shadow spear now used.

He was not really certain about the exact amount but it was extreme.

In addition to how high his affinity now was he also had a damage bonus of over 100% which was incredible.

With this power he planned to fight this demilich and win!

Until he saw that her health had hardly been scratched by his shadow spear...

Because of this discovery he was almost ready to give up until he saw that the main source of the demilich's spellcasting was going to conjuring spell circles which wwre materializing skeletons.

When he saw this he made a quick decision.


Free stats: 152 -> 0

Vitality: 5 -> 97

Intelligence: 238 -> 298


He needed to survive these spells and in such an enclosed space the extra undead would hit him no matter how fast he dodged.

So he began his fight.


Using shadow cluster Ezekiel was able to take out the summoned undead passively with consumption but using his shadow spear on the demilich was not doing much damage anyway.

When he combined it with fire bolt it was able to do a bit more but the mana consumption of firebolt compared to the damage did not seem worth it.

His shadow spears were striking at her joints as he hoped he could make her less accurate by destroying the limbs in the same way as he destroyed the other skeletons.

He continued casting more and more to force her health down, his ability to cast silently thanks to spell mastery was amazing since it let him cast so quickly that his spears were launched with practically no delay.

He felt like he was gaining ground until he was struck by a rogue skeleton.

This was not a skeleton that had randomly shown up, oh no.

This was a skeleton that had apparently been summoned wearing a cloak and held a rusty dagger.

With his side now bleeding he killed the creature with a spear cast right in its face.

'How did it get behind me? This room is so small and open that i would have seen everything! Wait... how did she summon it without me even seeing it?!'

His thoughts scrambled for a solution and when he couldnt find one he focused on his fight once more.

The thing that worried him was that he was losing health every second due to bleed damage.

It seemed weapons had their own effect like elements had and for blades it was bleed.


"So you're saying a player went into the dungeon alone?"

"YES! They must be a noob, anyone with a brain would stay away from dungeons solo."

"How long have they been in there?"

"About thirty minutes, no timer in this game so hard to tell."

Outside of the tomb players were arguing about what they had interpreted to be a player with a death wish.

"I bet he doesnt even make it to the warrior phase, one person cant do half her health."

"He was a mage! Oh my god everyone the crazy guy was a mage!"

Apparently this revelation had brought the conversations to a screeching halt as everyone began laughing hysterically.

"Hey hey hold on! Maybe hes some rich kid that used his daddy's money to buy a ton of mana potions to waste on this dungeon? HA!"

The more people spoke the more laughter it brought as everything began to assume negative things about the player who entered the dungeon.

After some time a group of players appeared at the entrance with some people cheering them on when they caught sight of them.

On the system screen above the dungeon an update was happening that showed a new set of players at the top.

In BLO a dungeon has a ranking system much like other games, but in this game it was based on personal performance.

Kill stealing would not give anyone any advantage here as the damage dealt to the creatures in the dungeon was what mattered.

If every creature within the dungeon was slain then the result would be portioned from a complete 100.

If you dealt 20% of the damage in the dungeon then you would receive a placement based on 20%.

The next requirement for a high rank was the time taken, faster was better.

So if two teams beat every enemy within the dungeon the team that did it faster would rank higher, the player with the most contribution out of that team was also the top of said team.

For the ranking board above the dungeon it would always show the team with the fastest completion with the three top contributors from it.

Now the player at the top of the board was named "War God" with 28% contribution.

As his team consisted of five players this meant he went above his own contribution requirement for victory.

"Hey war god! Im your biggest fan!"

"War goooood can we team up?"

"Hey did you guys get any good loot?"

The team ignored the players showering the top player with praise until one of them heard something interesting.

"Hey that solo player might leave soon, if they've really got a lot of potions then they probably ran out by now."

This player was an elven rogue player who approached the leader.

"Hey war you hear that? Apparently theres a solo player."

The imposing demon turned back to the elf and then looked at the scoreboard.

'Why would someone go in solo? Poor bastard.'

They continued to leave the area until a random beastfolk woman threw herself onto War God's arm.

"Heya handsome, you know im a pretty good healer. Maybe i could join your next dungeon run?"

She seemed to be really trying to cling to the success of another player until finally the rogue pulled her away.

While trying to hide his laughter he leaned in to whisper to his teammate War God, "i envy you layla, all these cute girls throwing themselves at you and they have no clue."

"Shut up or people might hear you!"

The demon player known as war god grabbed her friend by the neck of his shirt to quickly leave all while he was laughing.


Back inside the dungeon Ezekiel was growing closer to beating this boss.

He had figured out that when she summoned her undead one of then would be summoned behind her to give it cover as it used a stealth skill.

Because of his mana sense he could see the mana hiding it from his vision so the only remaining danger was the sword summoned by the demilich.

That is until she hit 50% hp.

A wave of mana pulsed which made her body begin to glow red and she struck the ground with her bony palms.

That red energy along with her mana transferred into the stone ground to create bright red spell circles.

Steping out of these circles were skeletons in chainmail and leather armor.