3. I am gonna become the Hokage

(500 Powerstones For Bonus Chapter

Kakashi and Miyuki opened the report Yukio had made. They shivered as they read it. The information wasn't particularly important—just trivial stuff that anyone could deduce by simply observing Asuma—but the amount of stalker-like behaviour detailed in it was unsettling.

"Hmm, I think burning my trash is a good idea," Kakashi muttered weakly.

"I agree," Miyuki said, glancing at Kakashi, who just shook his head. Neither of them wanted to expend the effort to explain what was wrong with this, as everything was wrong with it.

"Right?" Yukio said, oblivious to the internal turmoil of the other two, as he took a bite of meat.

"Anyway, we were talking about goals, right? What's your goal, Kakashi?" Miyuki quickly changed the topic to preserve everyone's—no, her and Kakashi's—sanity.

"Well, I'll just train. Maybe try to reach A-rank before I turn 18?"

"So, less than three years. I think it should be possible. You've been a Jounin for three years already. I wouldn't be surprised if you reach it in less than a year," Yukio commented.

"I'll be trying to push my Lightning Style to the next level. Probably gonna work on surpassing my current stage of Nature Transformation or improving my Yin-Yang Enhancements," Miyuki added.

"Hmm, after crumpling the leaf, you can try to light a bulb without making it explode. Focus on conducting lightning through a rock or practice chakra control exercises with lightning chakra, but you've already done that to a great extent, right?" Kakashi asked.


"Well, my Lightning Style System is similar. After that, I focused on creating a jutsu—Chidori, as you already know. I think you should try to learn it. It's not usually usable without a Sharingan, but you're a sensor—a good one, in fact—so it should be fine," Kakashi offered.

"Yeah, I was thinking about doing that. It would also help me advance my spatial awareness. I'd easily reach the top of B-rank with just that."

"Yup, plus it would help you in future battles against A and S-ranks since you can't predict every movement. Most of them have some method to compensate for their lack of dynamic vision."

"Hmm, I guess I'll start learning it tomorrow—no, today, after this meal. Gotta start grinding."

"Yeah, if you face any problems, you can ask me. You already know the principles of Chidori. Hmm, actually, there's another exercise that can increase your control of lightning chakra to another level."

"Oh, which one?"

"Well, I haven't trained it yet, as in the last two years, I had to adapt my combat system to the Sharingan. In this exercise, you basically pass electricity through water without electrifying anything touching the water," Kakashi explained.

"Is that even possible?" Yukio asked.

"Theoretically, yes. However, the last time anybody did it was during the Warring States era."

"Hmm, that sounds challenging. I guess I'll work on this and Chidori," Miyuki decided.

"Don't waste too much time on it. I haven't seen anybody use it recently, so, be careful with that."

"Hai, hai," Miyuki said casually.

"What about you? What's your plan?" Kakashi asked Yukio, who had eaten the majority of the food while the other two were talking.

"Not much, just some goals for the next 10 years."

"Woah, that's a long time. We'll be like 25 years old by then, basically old men and women," Miyuki said. Then, she started gigging weirdly, causing the other two to look at her.

"Oh, what is your goal?" Kakashi asked ignoring the weirdness of Miyuki.

Yukio had a pondering expression. He looked around, then summoned a brush from his bracers, which had a storage seal on them and quickly created a seal.

"Hmm, that should create an optical illusion for anyone looking at this table. Are you planning to become the Hokage or something?" Miyuki joked.

"Hehe, nothing that ambitious. I'm going to reach the level of the Sage of Six Paths by the end of the next decade."

Kakashi choked on the water he was drinking, and Miyuki dropped her chopsticks.

"Woah, easy there. Is it that surprising?"

"What do you mean, 'not ambitious'? Becoming Hokage is much easier than that!"

"Are you serious?" Kakashi asked.

Yukio paused and put down his chopsticks. "I'm completely serious. It's a side goal."

"Si-Side goal?" Kakashi stammered.

"Are you planning to blow up the moon or something as your main goal?" Miyuki joked.

"Nah, my main goal is to resurrect two specific people," Yukio said.

"You're going to what?!" Miyuki yelled.

Kakashi remained silent.

"Yup. You guys probably guessed who, but I want to resurrect them, and I'm not delusional."

"You told me to move on from denial, but it seems you haven't moved on from your own denial over their deaths," Kakashi said sarcastically.

"No, I've accepted their deaths. But it doesn't mean they can't be resurrected," Yukio said.

"Yeah, are you hearing yourself? Have you really gone mad?"

"I think we're not on the same wavelength. Kakashi, how much do you know about Forbidden Jutsus?" Yukio asked instead of answering.

"Well, Forbidden Jutsus are generally S-rank or similar ones, which either have high destructive abilities, are too versatile, or are the highest extension of a concept or method, like the Flying Thunder God, which is the ultimate movement technique. There are also jutsus that are harmful to the user or are ethically not correct," Kakashi answered.

"Yes, but I'm talking about the specific jutsus you know that are classified as Forbidden Jutsus," Yukio clarified. Miyuki could tell where this conversation was heading.

Even Kakashi could guess what he was about to say.

"Hmm, Flying Thunder God, Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu, Eight Gates Release, and... Reaper Death Seal," Kakashi slowly replied.

"In the Forbidden Scroll, there's another jutsu called Edo Tensei, or Impure World Reincarnation. It was created by the Second Hokage," Yukio revealed.

"WHAT?" Kakashi had expected Yukio to say something like this, but he still couldn't believe such a jutsu existed.

"Wait, what are we waiting for, then? Let's just ask for the jutsu. No, that probably won't work. Let's just steal the scroll," Kakashi suggested, straight up mentioning treason.

"Now, now, calm down, Kakashi. It's not that simple," Miyuki said, making him sit back down.

"My bad. If such a jutsu exists, what are its side effects? The Third Hokage would have used it already," Kakashi pointed out.

"Well, from what I know, after sacrificing a living person—on the condition that we have the DNA of the dead person we want to revive and perform a ritual—we can call the dead person's soul from the Pure Land and link it to the living vessel. The body will also get encased in death and ash, transforming into the appearance of how that person died. We could either control the revived person or let them have free will. The strength of the revived person will depend on the strength of the living sacrifice and their combat power when they died," Yukio explained.

"Okay, what's the catch?"

"Well, the revived person won't be truly revived, plus we need a sacrifice," Yukio replied.

"So your plan is to improve this jutsu, right?" Kakashi asked.


"How do you two know about this?"

"Hehe, we were part of the Fourth Hokage's Guard Platoon. We did some snooping around."

"Hey, you're not supposed to say that," Miyuki said.

"He was just kidding. We just saw its name in a scroll and asked Minato-sensei about it." Miyuki's poor cover-up made Kakashi's deadpan expression even more pronounced.

"Anyway, how are you going to get Edo Tensei?" Kakashi asked.

"I'll probably first try to improve my combat ability, maybe ask for it from the Hokage when I reach A-rank—hopefully soon. If that takes too long, then I'll create a stealth plan to steal the jutsu. If that doesn't work, then I'll have no choice but to..."

"But to?" Kakashi prompted.

"But to become the Hokage," Yukio said dramatically.

The deadpan expressions of the other two didn't faze Yukio. After all, he was shameless.

"Well, I guess the best way is to either become the Hokage or steal it. I don't think Old Man Third is going to give it up," Miyuki said.

"Yeah," Kakashi said absentmindedly.

"Kakashi, we're counting on you." Miyuki put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder.

"Yes, Kakashi, you can become the Hokage," Yukio added.

"Wait, what?"

With that, the other two left, leaving a contemplative Kakashi behind.

"Fine, I'll become the Hokage if that's what it takes to resurrect them," Kakashi thought, a hint of determination in his eyes. If Might Guy saw Kakashi like this, he would definitely be excited, as his rival hadn't been serious in the last three years.

"Wait, who's going to pay the bill?" Kakashi realized he had been tricked.


to pay the bill, Kakashi sighed, reached into his pocket, and placed the required amount on the table. He cast one last glance at the door through which Yukio and Miyuki had exited, shaking his head in mild exasperation.

As he stepped out of the restaurant, the afternoon sun bathed the village in a warm glow. Kakashi's mind was still churning, trying to process the gravity of Yukio's goals. The thought of resurrecting the dead seemed utterly impossible, yet Yukio spoke with such conviction that it was hard not to believe him.

"Reaching the level of the Sage of Six Paths... resurrecting the dead..." Kakashi muttered to himself as he walked. "He really doesn't do things halfway."

The village was bustling with activity, as usual. Children ran through the streets, ninjas of various ranks moved purposefully on their tasks, and shopkeepers hawked their goods. But Kakashi barely noticed any of it. His mind was far away, contemplating the path he might have to take if he were to help Yukio achieve his goal.

"Becoming Hokage..." he murmured, the idea taking root in his mind. It wasn't something he had ever seriously considered before. His focus had always been on his personal growth, on becoming stronger, and on protecting those he cared about. But now, with Yukio's plans in play, the stakes had changed.

Kakashi stopped by the edge of a training ground, watching as a group of younger ninja practised their taijutsu. They were fierce and determined, just as he had been at their age. He remembered the relentless drive he'd once had—the drive to become the strongest, to surpass everyone else. That drive had waned somewhat over the years, but now, it was being rekindled by something different. Something bigger.

"If becoming Hokage is what it takes..." Kakashi thought, his mind made up. "Then I'll do it. For them... and for myself."

With that resolution in mind, Kakashi headed towards the training ground where he knew Yukio and Miyuki would be waiting. It was time to start working on the next step of their plan. Whatever it took, he was ready.


Back in the shop, the shopkeeper saw the table where the trio had just recently resided.

"Who will now remove this seal?" The shopkeeper had to later hire a seal master to remove this seal, which may or may not had a green hair.