Logan massaged his throbbing temples as he looked at the several boxes in the basement storage room.

It's been a day since he listened to Alice's side of the story.

From what she said, he could see why Alice's reaction had always been strong whenever Briar was concerned. But her accusations didn't make sense.

He loved his wife so much that was not a lie. However, he couldn't say that Briar had any part in killing her. Since when did secret crushes cause death to a person?

If she was stressed due to that matter, he believed that there must be more to the story that Alice didn't know.

Ever since learning about Briar's past and how she met with Selena, he had always had this inkling that he didn't know Selena as much as he thought he did.

That was why on the same day Briar was admitted and Alice confessed what truly happened, he sent his secretary Chris Jenkins to look into what Selena had been up to even before Briar joined the family.