the prologue

???:i am a novel author who created a novel and that novel ended up getting popular, and my name is Dakota Leal.

Dakota: and my novel is called i got reincarnated in to a magical world.

Dakota: and one day when i was writing my finale chapter for the novel someone broke in to my house and shot me.

i didn't even notice that someone shot me, and then i woke up in a random hospital and then i saw 3 people standing there a doctor a man and a woman.

the woman said "oh honey look at him he's so Beautiful".

then the man said "oh yes he is honey since he is our child".

and when i heard those words i looked at myself and realized i was a baby, and then i realized another thing, that i was reincarnated.

Dakota: shit i actually died... fuck i couldn't even finish my fucking novel, dame it and i had so many regrets too i couldn't even apologize to them.

and then something happened that shocked me, the doctor was using magic to heal my mother.

i was shocked i thought i was reborn in to earth again but it looks like i was mistaken.

haahaha i laughed " looks like i got isekaid how fucking great is that", and then my mother said "hey doctor can we leave now".

and the doctor said "yes you guys can leave now".

then my parents said ok and we left the hospital and arrived at our home.

our home was actually a mansion which surprised me, and then we entered our home and it looked amazing there was paintings on the walls and statues and a lot of other things that were fancy.

and then my mother said "Dakota as of now this is you're new home.

well would you look at that i reincarnated in to a fantasy world and i live in a mansion too this is great so far.

and then *6 years later.

Dakota: mother father i am leaving now.

mother: ok Dakota be careful.

father: yea Dakota don't get in any trouble.

Dakota: don't worry i wont get in any trouble.

Dakota: ok i am going now.

i go outside and then i run until i arrive at the academy.

oh and one thing that shocked me the most was that this world is actually my novel.

yeah i was pretty fucking shocked when i realized.

but thanks to my knowledge i was able to awaken my magic at 3 years old.

so i was called a genius because of that, but ok enough of my backstory lets get back to the present.

i arrived at the academy and by the way this is actually my first day so i hope it goes well.

i go inside the academy and arrive at my class and enter.

i was actually kind of late so everyone was staring at me and then the teacher said.

teacher: oh you must be the new student Dakota right.

Dakota: yes teacher that's me.

teacher: well Dakota we all already introduce ourselves, so come here and introduce youreself.

Dakota: ok i will, hello i am Dakota leal and i hope to get along with all of you.

teacher: ok now that you introduced youreself please go take a seat.

Dakota: ok i will, i go and look around for any open seats and then i found one, so i go and take a seat.

and it seems there is four people beside me two girls and two boys and one of the boys said.

Lucas: hello i am Lucas Evans and it is nice to meet you.

the blue haired and blue eyes boy said that to me

Dakota: yes it is nice to meet you too.

Lucas: and these three children names are Liam Hayes, ava Marly, and Mia Lopez.

Liam: it is nice to meet you.

Ava: it is nice to meet you too.

Mia: it is nice too meet you three.

Liam a white haired boy with white eyes, ava a blonde haired girl with golden eyes, and Mia a purple haired girl with purple eyes .

Dakota: yes it is nice to meet all of you.

so that's how i met my first friends and how they became my childhood friends too.

the lesson ended and we all go outside.

Liam :so guys what should we do now.

Dakota: i don't know did you guys awaken you're magic yet.

the other four shocked said "wait a minute you awakened you're magic.

Dakota: yea i did pretty cool right.

the four said "yeah that is pretty cool but don't worry we will awaken our magic soon.

Dakota: hmm yea i hope you will so we can train together.

"don't worry soon enough we all will awaken our magic".

Dakota: well that's good now lets do something before the bell rings.

the four said ok and we started playing, and then after awhile the academys first day ended.

Dakota: ok guys i have got to go, goodbye.

the four said "goodbye and then i left and arrived at my house".

Dakota :mother father i am back.

Mother: oh Dakota welcome back, how was you're first day at the academy.

Dakota: it was fun i made some friends and played a lot.

mother: ok that's good now go up to you're room and take a bath.

Dakota: ok mother i am gonna do that.

i go up to my room and enter the bathroom and start the bath.

Dakota: haaa i still cant believe i died and got reincarnated in to my own novel l, and those four kids

i don't remember creating theme that's really strange.

Dakota: but i do wonder when i will meet the characters that i created, probably at the hero's academy, i am currently in the children academy so i can't wait to meet them.

Dakota: but i do wonder what THERE doing i wonder if they found about my death, but i doubt there even gonna care since i did something bad to them.

Dakota: and speaking of theme those four kids reminded me of them, but lets make sure i don't make the same mistake with those kids.

Dakota: i am going to get strong really strong so i don't make the same mistake as i did in my past life.

Dakota: lets fucking do this